[情報] 湖人助教Quinton Crawford加入獨行俠

看板NBA標題[情報] 湖人助教Quinton Crawford加入獨行俠作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:8

Quinton Crawford is leaving the Lakers as an assistant coach to join Dallas coach Jason Kidd's staff, sources said. Crawford is viewed as an up-coming/ bright coach in the NBA. He was an assistant under Frank Vogel with the Lakers the past 3 seasons; was on staff for 2020 title.

Quinton Crawford離開湖人加入Kidd的助教團,他在Vogel底下待了三季,被視為未來有機會成為總教練的助教

The expectation in Dallas is that Greg St. Jean will move to the front of the bench next season, filling the spot opened by Igor Kokoskov’s move to Brooklyn, while Crawford joins the Mavericks’ coaching staff as @BA_Turner reports below.

獨行俠預計會讓Greg St. Jean(必勝球探Draft combine的那個教練)接替Koko的位置,Crawford接替Greg
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md3q6e 06/18 08:46湖人被小犢抽板凳了

dream128520106/18 08:47老基狂挖人呀

Jerrylin121206/18 08:49能證明自己了

ken720331 06/18 08:50助教團很重要

tn00037166 06/18 08:51挖好挖滿

jaywang4 06/18 08:52就Vogel下台啦!下面的人當然要各尋出路,新的總教

jaywang4 06/18 08:53練應該會想用他自己的人

LBJKO 06/18 08:53Q其實是Ham慰留下來的其中一個助教 另一個是Handy

LBJKO 06/18 08:54只是可能小獨開的條件跟機會太好 所以他改變心意加

LBJKO 06/18 08:54Kidd團隊 裡面也有自己同事過的

LBJKO 06/18 08:55Greg St. Jean 這些誘因可能都造成這情況 祝福他

Dino14124 06/18 09:05當你設計的戰術或是策略都沒人鳥你的時候,當然走

crusoe 06/18 09:17勇士兩個助教要走,之後要補人大概從相同體系馬刺挖?

boy80421 06/18 11:08看到有人要接總教知道自己短期沒機會 很合理的決擇

SlamKai 06/18 11:11又被基德挖走了

rick5872236 06/18 12:34怪盜基德

SCLPAL 06/18 12:34當初新總教的人選有它嗎?