[外絮] Doncic申請拿回媽媽手中的商標使用權

看板NBA標題[外絮] Doncic申請拿回媽媽手中的商標使用權作者
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Doncic petitions for trademark control

Dallas Mavericks star Luka Doncic on Tuesday filed a petition with the UnitedStates Patent and Trademark Office seeking to cancel the registration of the
trademark “LUKA DONCIC 7” that is currently owned by his mother, according tothe legal firm Brown Rudnick representing Doncic.

LUKA DONCIC 7的商標使用權。

While playing abroad in the EuroBasket championships and leading Slovenia to
a win over hosts Germany, Doncic faced a Tuesday deadline with the USPTO’s
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to file the petition. It is the latest step in the All-Star's months-long quest to regain full control of trademarks that
bear his name — several of which are in the hands of his mother
Mirjam Poterbin.


"I have a lot to look forward to as I continue to grow as a player and a
person and it’s important to me to control my own brand and focus on giving
back to my communities," Doncic said in a statement to The Stein Line.


In November of his rookie season with the Mavericks in 2018-19, at age 19,
Doncic gave Poterbin consent for the registration of his full name as a
trademark. After numerous attempts to negotiate a transfer of control for thatregistration, according to his lawyers,Doncic provided written notice in July 2021 that he wished to revoke that consent.Doncic operating company
Luka99 Inc., with whom all his brand partnerships hold agreements, functioned as the formal petitioner in Tuesday's filing.


Shortly before the start of the 2021-22 season,Doncic unveiled a new logo to
appear on all of his Jordan Brand shoes and clothing and which incorporates his initials (LD), his uniform number (77) and an S representing his home country. The logo also features in the center circle of both courts that Doncic in
conjunction with the philanthropic arm of the NBA 2K video game franchise,
refurbished in his hometown of Ljubljana, Slovenia, last September.


But his initial attempts to register “LUKA DONCIC” as a trademark under his
control were preliminarily refused by the USPTO because of the existing “
LUKA DONCIC 7” trademark, which Poterbin has refused to relinquish and makes
use of Doncic's previous logo.

但當他想註冊LUKA DONCIC這個商標時卻因為已經有了LUKA DONCIC 7而被拒絕,而且

Doncic no longer has any affiliation with the companies that own and market the LD77 brand and operate the website Those companies, accordingto Slovenian public records, are currently co-managed by Doncic's mother and
director Boris Pozeg.

Doncic本人和LD77這個品牌已沒有任何關係,根據紀錄,這間公司是由Doncic的媽媽和另外一個叫Boris Pozeg的人在經營。

The Dallas-based charitable Luka Doncic Foundation, also established in 2021,likewise has no affiliation with the Slovenia-based foundation that recently
began using the same name.


Sources briefed on the situation said Doncic and his legal representatives havetried for some time to prevent the pursuit of his trademarks from going publicleading up to Tuesday's filing.Doncic said he regards challenging the trademark as a last resort in a bid to gain full control over his name, brand,
charitable foundation and business affairs, since conflicting trademarks
prevent Doncic from holding clear rights to use his own name.


The filing asserts that Doncic is not affiliated with “LUKA DONCIC 7” and
does not approve of its goods and services or suggestions that it is associated with him.

該份文件表示Doncic本人與LUKA DONCIC 7所提供的產品與服務沒有任何關係。

Tuesday's deadline, however, fell at an undeniably inopportune time, with
Slovenia in the midst of a challenging EuroBasket title defense and Doncic
already hampered somewhat by a right wrist injury. Then 18, Doncic combined
with former NBA All-Star Goran Dragic to lead the Slovenians — with an
estimated population of just over 2 million — on a Cinderella ride to the
European title in 2017.


"I’ve known Luka and his family for a very long time," said former NBA
center Rasho Nesterovic, now the highest-ranking official in the Slovenian
Basketball Federation as secretary general. "As Luka continues to grow into asmart young businessman, he is simply making sure he has full control of his
brand. But his focus here is 100 percent on this EuroBasket. He is a true
competitor and his top priority is leading his national team.”



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VL1003 09/07 18:02記得 77 跟母親不是不錯嗎? 果然談錢傷感情...

tyrone0923 09/07 18:03感情不錯不代表會願意讓老媽用自己名字賺錢

earldunn 09/07 18:0377...

CashCow 09/07 18:04事業自己做主很好,不然要被說成媽寶嗎

VL1003 09/07 18:04拿回來合理阿,但文中有些母親那邊拒絕讓步。

roger262390009/07 18:04現在問題是媽媽不還商標欸

VL1003 09/07 18:05如果感情好,這本應是可以私下處理好的才對,所以..

Gilbertsky 09/07 18:05Boris Pozeg 是誰啊? 這樣寫感覺像是陌生人占用品牌

tyrone0923 09/07 18:06就老媽發現他兒子的名字很好賺,不想放手阿

qmaning 09/07 18:06媽寶?孝順?

leo755269 09/07 18:06會需要律師出面 不能說感情好了吧…

KomeijiYuki 09/07 18:07X japan主唱媽媽也是把主唱當搖錢樹最後家庭破裂

kawazakiz2 09/07 18:07為什麼球員家人個個感覺好像都經營之神

Puye 09/07 18:07本來私下能處理好的事要拿到檯面上 肯定有些摩擦

Gilbertsky 09/07 18:07他老木直接伸手跟兒子要錢不就好了 搞這做啥

CashCow 09/07 18:08「一個叫Boris Pozeg的人在經營」

CashCow 09/07 18:08說不定導火線是媽媽合夥人

Puye 09/07 18:08不知他媽媽是不是本身有在經營什麼事業

Puye 09/07 18:09有看到了 合夥人可能也有影響

hsiung9 09/07 18:12換背號阿

e8e88 09/07 18:15談到錢,家人真的都變的像陌生人

tyrone0923 09/07 18:15查了一下他媽媽的生平,好像也是一個女強人企業家

bada 09/07 18:16他老母未必出全資 八成還有不少股東

CashCow 09/07 18:18用人唯親本來就不是好事吧,決策有衝突更是

lafeelbarth 09/07 18:22不拿回來媽寶拿回來不孝順是吧

candbilly15309/07 18:33看起來就這個Boris Pozeg很可疑

Lhmstu 09/07 18:37拿回來比較好,看起來媽媽是想要跟另一個人合夥用

Lhmstu 09/07 18:37這個名義賺錢

roger262390009/07 18:40媽媽想自己賺阿 不然幹嘛不還

DPP48 09/07 18:40舅舅還是叔叔呢

jasonJASONle09/07 18:45以防外戚干政

LukaDoncic7709/07 18:45不准嘴我媽寶

icou 09/07 18:50我覺得八成又有外戚干政在裏頭

wylscott 09/07 18:51還政於7好嗎

juniorpenny 09/07 18:51以後退休需要媽媽同意嗎?XD

DoncicInPTT 09/07 18:52^ ^

tomoti 09/07 18:53認真打起來,老媽應該會輸,但077會買回來才對

losage 09/07 18:55媽媽:77學壞了,一定是在美國交到壞朋友

william7497 09/07 18:58搞不好是媽媽男友?

EQUP 09/07 18:58就算以前感情好現在也肯定有嫌隙了,不過這是人家家

EQUP 09/07 18:58務事

qo40330 09/07 19:06其他合夥人才不會放 又不是傻了

grimnir158 09/07 19:06會出動律師搬上檯面就表示私下的談判破裂

flicker36 09/07 19:07翅膀硬惹

jyekid 09/07 19:07講到利益連母子關係都得靠邊

GenesisXD 09/07 19:15曼巴精神!!!告媽媽某人也做過

riddickwu 09/07 19:17還是台灣比較有人情味,媽寶一堆

pokiman 09/07 19:17世界上能傷你最深的莫若家人

ebabyebaby 09/07 19:19合夥人?客爸?這也要致敬偶像嗎?

SwissMiniGun09/07 19:24內文敘述看起來中間談了一年以上才進行到這

Kai877 09/07 19:41不孝子

Kai877 09/07 19:45最孝順的反而是賺最多的姆斯 77學著點

MidoriG 09/07 20:05曼巴精神的傳承,跟親身父母對簿公堂是第一步

craymond 09/07 20:20小心不要叫俠客爸爸就好

oddtong5566 09/07 20:27^U^

deadair 09/07 20:37不知道當初給媽媽使用有沒有簽什麼約 不然應該是可

deadair 09/07 20:37以拿回來

cool34 09/07 20:40曼巴精神我笑了 XD

google60411 09/07 20:55亞洲人又要開始情勒套路可悲

G0512 09/07 21:04其實老木什麼都不用做就躺著給兒子養伸手要錢就好了

G0512 09/07 21:04,怎麼花進棺材都花不完了,除非兒子小氣不給不養,

G0512 09/07 21:05不然根本躺著爽

ricky1111w 09/07 21:27媽媽態度比較奇怪吧 兒子的東西幹嘛不還

peter331 09/07 21:31因為掌權者不習慣放手,總覺得自己最強

ccas 09/07 21:53看起來私下談了很久,應該有什麼內情沒有爆出來

xkiller1900 09/07 22:23老大XDDDDDDDD

Anutmiao 09/07 22:32家庭破裂其中一個原因一定跟錢有關

hcder4126 09/07 22:39媽媽不還商標?

mmk 09/07 22:48老大精神!!!

sezna 09/07 22:56這也是老大傳承

jakewu1217 09/07 23:19曼巴精神

Niro 09/07 23:31這算是曼巴拼圖裡 正常人很難蒐集到的一塊

lin512 09/07 23:39^U^

t67109 09/07 23:54還有空啊77

randy2903 09/08 00:05把77當搖錢樹

JoshSmith 09/08 00:08Nesterovic!

shipinRD 09/08 00:14職業運動員最常遇到的扯後腿就是婚姻跟家人,去看楊

shipinRD 09/08 00:14岱剛也是爆賺後就一堆家務事一堆親友來要錢,不給就

shipinRD 09/08 00:14各種親情勒索

whhw 09/08 00:27看戲

f77928 09/08 00:29母子之外的人才是關鍵 不過猜測下去就變成八卦雜誌

King5566 09/08 00:57肥曼巴(蓋章

alex0973 09/08 01:35會不會媽媽願意讓出 但是媽媽的合夥人不肯?

alex0973 09/08 01:35持續觀察後續資訊

vladmir 09/08 01:48當初如果有完整授權給媽媽的話應該是很難拿回來了

vladmir 09/08 01:49不過換個背號想個新商標也是簡單的反制法

SCLPAL 09/08 02:23斯洛維尼亞的基金會就是他媽用舊商標弄得嗎?

kai08130623 09/08 07:49當初Kobe被酸多慘,那些人敢酸金童?

giunrz 09/08 07:50學老大欸 和媽媽鬧翻

idolman 09/08 10:37因小失大這媽媽有點霸道阿

j585568143 09/08 11:03反正他媽最後一定會被迫妥協

VenceYen 09/08 12:15會鬧到找律師肯定就是感情破裂啊?不然私下講好就好

abyssa1 09/08 12:36聽媽媽的話 別讓他心傷

abyssa1 09/08 12:37母子還算單純 有外人進來就複雜了…

kkkk0923 09/08 14:21看翻譯應該是她媽媽跟別人做生意用D77做商標,他本

kkkk0923 09/08 14:21人不想被其他人用來營利

thejackys 09/08 14:35大概是另外那個合夥人不爽

Krishna 09/08 16:47對簿公堂?

afunlife 09/08 20:11這個跟長大後向媽媽討以前保管的紅包錢是一樣意思吧

larry890122 09/09 00:15曼巴精神, 父母

kattte 09/11 13:3477有跟cuban請教一下嗎XD