[外絮] 前五星高中生 Emoni Bates 因持槍被捕

看板NBA標題[外絮] 前五星高中生 Emoni Bates 因持槍被捕作者
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Emoni Bates, a former high school star who transferred from Memphis to
Eastern Michigan this summer, was arrested Sunday night about two miles from
campus in Superior Township, Michigan, after sheriff's deputies discovered a
firearm in a vehicle he was driving.

Derrick Jackson, the public information officer for the Superior Township,
Washtenaw County sheriff's office, told ESPN that officers "initiated a
traffic stop of a vehicle which failed to stop" at an intersection.

Bates was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and "altering ID marks" ona firearm. He was arraigned Monday, and his attorney, Steve Haney, asked thata plea of not guilty be entered on Bates' behalf.

According to Haney, the judge agreed to a nonmonetary personal recognizance
bond for Bates to be immediately released from jail. Bates' next court date
is scheduled for Oct. 6.

Haney told ESPN that the arrest Sunday night came after a routine traffic
stop when Bates was driving a borrowed car that had a gun in it. "Reserve
judgment on this," Haney said via a statement. "There's way more to the
story. He borrowed someone's car, was pulled over and a gun was located in
the car."

Per the Michigan penal code, a person charged with carrying a concealed
weapon can face imprisonment "for not more than 5 years" and a fine up to
$2,500. The charge of altering an ID on a weapon carries a penalty of up to
two years in prison and a fine up to $1,000.

Eastern Michigan issued a statement referring to Bates' arrest.

"We are aware of a situation involving one of our student athletes. Eastern
Michigan University takes all allegations very seriously," the school said.
"We are working to gather more details and will have further comment when
more information is available."

Bates, a 6-foot-9 small forward, was considered one of the elite basketball
prospects in the country throughout his high school career, ranking No. 1 in
the 2022 class until he reclassified last summer and ended up at No. 3 in

He originally committed to Michigan State in the summer of 2020 and then
reopened his recruitment in April 2021, before reclassifying from 2022 to
2021 and committing to Memphis.

His lone season under coach Penny Hardaway was uneven. He missed 15 of 33
games because of a back injury that required him to return home to see a
specialist, and he struggled when on the floor.

Bates averaged 9.7 points and 3.3 rebounds with the Tigers.

WXYZ in Detroit initially reported Bates' arrest.

Emoni Bates 是一名前五星高中,今年夏天從孟菲斯大學轉學到東密歇根大學,週日晚上,在距離校園兩英里的地方被捕,警察在他駕駛的車輛中發現槍支。

Washtenaw 郡的公共信息官告訴 ESPN,警察在十字路口對一輛未能停車的車輛進行了
交通攔截。Bates 被指控攜帶隱藏武器並在槍支上“更改身份標記”。他週一被傳訊,
他的律師 Steve Haney 代表 Bates 提出無罪的抗爭。

根據 Haney 的說法,法官同意以非金錢擔保方式讓 Bates 立即出獄。而 Bates 的下一次開庭日期定於 10 月 6 日。Haney 在一份聲明中說。 “這個故事還有很多細節。他借了別人的車,被攔了下來,車裡還藏著一把槍。”

根據密歇根州刑法,被控攜帶隱蔽武器的人可能面臨“不超過 5 年”的監禁和最高
2,500 美元的罰款。更改武器身份證的指控最高可判處兩年監禁和最高 1,000 美元的罰款。

東密歇根大學表示 “我們知道涉及我們一名學生運動員的情況。我們非常重視所有指控

Emoni Bates ,身高 6 尺 9 寸的小前鋒,在他的整個高中生涯中一直被認為是美國最菁英的籃球新秀之一,曾在 2022 屆中排名第一,上個賽季 Emoni Bates 在總教練
Penny Hardaway 手下打球。由於背部受傷,他缺席了 33 場比賽中的 15 場,導致他在場上的表現很掙扎。上賽季能得到9.7分和3.3個籃板。


而最新一期 ESPN 把他排在二輪前段班 (需付費)


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rex9999 09/20 03:18Penny帶人從不帶心,折損美國籃壇新星

StressND 09/20 03:22又一個小KD拜了

tomoti 09/20 03:48嗯,沒錯,帶槍都是因為教練沒教好,我家的孩子很乖的

Albertch021709/20 03:55密西根還好啦 芝加哥每天都有人被查攜帶槍枝

EZ78 09/20 03:59他跟Duren兩個真的是走在岔路上欸

chen2021 09/20 04:03大家好 我是Terry

CircusWorld 09/20 04:17

dzflash 09/20 06:01想詢問一下Penny執教的問題?請問有掛嗎?

VL1003 09/20 06:09要靠今年轉學打回身價,結果現在這齣…

L1ON 09/20 06:10

pp3435 09/20 06:40看來是隕落了

ODFans 09/20 06:43還沒起飛就殞落了

gsc0478 09/20 06:44廢了

Miyanishi25 09/20 06:46這隻2K好用

fong0728 09/20 07:00干帶不帶心屁事喔?球員心態如何取決自己啦

Aaronko 09/20 07:03黑人日常

gg8n8nd34ss 09/20 07:06這小事啦 律師講這個理由有點機會

leo755269 09/20 07:07沒什麼掛啦 就雷哥定期發病= =

edwardcwd 09/20 07:12這隻GTA好用 五星

wahaha303 09/20 07:27那個ID不用太認真看

rainbowcrash09/20 07:28學學TD讀好書磨練心智吧,越來越多高中屁孩

jeff800125 09/20 07:32掉到二輪囉…

satheni 09/20 07:59三井壽嗎.....

hauwie 09/20 08:16他臂展很短 比例有點怪

ARCHER2234 09/20 08:24推給借他車的人就好啊?

ppo7741 09/20 08:25痾....

karmel 09/20 08:34這隻後來好像預測到二輪

autechre 09/20 08:37感覺要變Eddie Griffin第二了

orlando71 09/20 08:40不帶心是九月的笑話

liefuchen 09/20 08:44說真的如果是天賦非常高的就算了

liefuchen 09/20 08:44已經吃鱉一年了還搞東搞西 很難讓人看好他的發展

vanson37 09/20 08:44之前被捧很高

VL1003 09/20 08:54Bates 去年在曼菲斯成績很慘烈阿,他不在球隊還打出

VL1003 09/20 08:55一波佳績,更尷尬。

EZ78 09/20 08:56他就上大學後被發現臂展跟摸高悲劇打不太了小前只

EZ78 09/20 08:56好往下轉高控衛 結果不但轉型失敗還受傷 Penny還真

EZ78 09/20 08:56的有點害到他

EZ78 09/20 08:57只是不是在品格方面 是去年Penny對Bates與Duren的

EZ78 09/20 08:58培養計畫就是徹徹底底的大失敗 Duren比較像後來憑

EZ78 09/20 08:58自己的能力適應了

VL1003 09/20 08:58自身硬體問題外,組織、決策能力甚至投籃選擇都不好

VL1003 09/20 08:58,講白了就是球商不太高,這要轉高控衛難度一下太高

VL1003 09/20 08:59,而且因為硬體問題防守也蠻慘的,以前高中比較像是

VL1003 09/20 09:00平均硬體條件不高才完全碾壓,況且他也沒打高四賽季

VL1003 09/20 09:00,同屆體能怪嶄露頭角前就跳級了,大學撞牆撞到死。

Nistelrooy 09/20 09:10Bates資訊都是看Terry介紹的,Bates手很短

c27932589 09/20 09:22Duren跟ivey感覺都很認真 身為活塞粉很期待他們

ptt821105 09/20 09:39這隻沒了

limitlesscit09/20 09:41高中即巔峰

dwiee 09/20 09:44手短怎會稱為小KD阿 好奇怪喔

Pixis 09/20 09:54推樓上兩位講解

VL1003 09/20 10:00投籃手感好、運球協調性很好,人又瘦長的關係吧。

VL1003 09/20 10:03臂展測了發現超短,身高 6 呎 9,臂展僅 6 呎 7.25

ted010233 09/20 10:05不看好能再打回來

jerry1030 09/20 10:10這隻2k隨便養都99

DirkMavs 09/20 10:17GTA好用 笑了

yeustream 09/20 10:33也許只是倒楣借錯車

kazake 09/20 11:08It’s all good, man

aktwophg795009/20 11:56還沒起飛起落架就斷了

johnsonliang09/20 12:07這隻的心態註定不會成功

s880303 09/20 12:32五星高中生(GTA)

eddie0630 09/20 12:54這臂展也太悲劇…..

bruce114187 09/20 14:19

whhw 09/20 14:49...

Kazmier 09/20 15:45Terry有的資訊都亂講啊 亂吹亂貶

Kazmier 09/20 15:47他被稱做小KD是高一的時候吧 後來發現臂展太短

Kazmier 09/20 15:48高三又撞牆 去曼菲斯後整個身價暴跌

eddiefunnyyy09/20 16:09上場就會傷害球隊

EmoniBates 09/20 17:28悲情...

en161 09/20 20:55Penny 執教風格到底如何呢? 好奇

jerry931017 09/21 12:56GTA好用太靠北了

supahotfire 09/22 11:20低能尼哥