[情報] 籃網隊本季季票銷售為全聯盟墊底

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時間推噓47 推:50 噓:3 →:42

The Brooklyn Nets are dead last in the NBA when it comes to season ticket sales— with demand off more than 30% from last year as the new season tips off, sources told The Post.



For the 2022-23 campaign, billionaire Joe Tsai’s money-losing franchise had sold roughly 5,500 season tickets at the 17,732-seat Barclays Center, according toan NBA owner and an insider who both saw a recent confidential league report.


That’s well below last year’s total — which insiders estimated between 8,000
and 9,000 — and lands the Nets in last place among the NBA’s 30 teams, according to league insiders.



The Nets’ revenue from the 2022-23 season ticket sales ranks in the middle of the pack because Brooklyn charges more than smaller-market teams, an NBA team owner told The Post.



By 某位NBA老闆

Last season, single-game sales buttressed the season ticket total to help the Nets finish 10th in average paid attendance, according to NBA confidential financials obtained by The Post — not far behind crosstown rival Knicks. The Nets drew 14,919 per game, a 26.3% spike from the previous non-pandemic year, generating$2.15 million in average net gate receipts, a 108.5% increase year-over-year, according to the data.



Despite last season’s soaring attendance, the Nets and Barclays Center lost between $50 million and $100 million, The Post reported exclusively, among the worst in the league.


A season ticket holder who gave up two prime courtside seats told The Post the $3,500 per ticket he had been paying i his three-year expiring contract skyrocketed to $5,400, a 54% jump. Over the course of 41 home games, the new plan wouldhave cost $221,400 per ticket.




“I couldn’t justify the price they wanted,” he said, adding that he has been
a season ticket holder since the 1990s. “We know three or four other season ticket holders who did not renew. One said he would rather give money to Ukraine than give the Nets extra money.”




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Chanlin01 10/25 10:45KI負責阿

MK47 10/25 10:45季票六百多萬台幣 太硬了= =

xbit 10/25 10:45寧願把這些錢拿去捐給烏克蘭 XD

airbase 10/25 10:46好貴喔

oooellis 10/25 10:46買不起

lwamp 10/25 10:47美國有錢人真多

BrahmaBull3610/25 10:47看板球星不知道什麼時候會烙跑 球迷幹嘛買季票

Kazmier 10/25 10:47KI的確要負大部分責任

Zacoe 10/25 10:47推最後一句

cor1os 10/25 10:47季前風風雨雨 鬼才買票

msarthur 10/25 10:47就票價漲太兇,季票乾爹也買不下去

chatnoir 10/25 10:48為什麼KI要負責?

highwayshih 10/25 10:48季前看板球星吹密 開季西門奈瓜廢到笑 誰買?

e8e88 10/25 10:49西門投三分這麼有噱頭,居然沒人買帳

robert2010 10/25 10:50一個常受傷,一個有心病,一個在修仙隨時都會消失

Bakushinchi 10/25 10:50寧願捐烏克蘭笑死XDDDD

Puye 10/25 10:51= = 賣不了票? 至少有KD不是嗎

ThreeNG 10/25 10:51有什麼底氣漲54%啊?

alex0973 10/25 10:5222萬美元的季票不曉得是那一個位置?

simon5030 10/25 10:5220多萬美金有點誇張

highwayshih 10/25 10:53你是不是忘記KD季前還在吹密?

freshbox7 10/25 10:53連有錢人都不想買,就知道漲太誇張

ghostxx 10/25 10:54三巨嬰季前在那搞,開季又沒宰制力,意外嗎

highwayshih 10/25 10:54如果這季KI又搞事 西門軟爛依舊 他季中有沒有可能吹

babyalley 10/25 10:54推最後一句 笑了

ginopun1047710/25 10:55我是籃網迷也不想買 自己隊的球星毛一堆還嗆說要走

ginopun1047710/25 10:55人 把球迷當塑膠

babyalley 10/25 10:56三個明星球員都有點怪怪 隨時都有可能跑路 要大家

alex0973 10/25 10:56三個惹人厭的球員聚在一起 算了 錢要用在其他地方

babyalley 10/25 10:56怎麼肯花錢買季票斗內阿

snobbish 10/25 10:56這樣主場看一場要多少啊?還是客場也去現場看?

MLbaseball 10/25 10:57尼克即使墊底沒球星的那幾年也都滿場,怎麼同城的籃

MLbaseball 10/25 10:57網沒辦法賣票?

roger262390010/25 10:57欸不是 不要無視價格漲54%欸 這很明顯是大漲價導致

roger262390010/25 10:58銷售降30%啊

Alex663322 10/25 10:59一個愛打不打 一個喊吹密 一個不敢投籃

lsps40803 10/25 10:5922萬鎂是三小...

chen5575 10/25 11:00一場3500鎂的季票是場邊的好位置才有那價格

對啊 prime courtside seats

mhkt 10/25 11:0022萬鎂…… 這筆錢可以做很多事

holyhelm 10/25 11:01死忠不下去吧 看球星在那邊一堆毛

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/25/2022 11:02:26

smik 10/25 11:03開季前雙星都要跑,誰敢買

Whocare587 10/25 11:043500是坐哪


louispencer 10/25 11:04漲太多了吧 其他隊有漲這麼多嗎?

ICE4153 10/25 11:05一個在修仙 哈哈哈哈 這梗可以

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 10/25/2022 11:05:41

kingianlin 10/25 11:12也漲太多了吧好貴

Mei5566 10/25 11:13慘唷…不如擺爛

BrahmaBull3610/25 11:23Reddit的籃網迷就直接說休賽季搞這齣他們買不下去啊

ads56 10/25 11:25好難想像 到底誰會花22萬鎂買季票

ads56 10/25 11:26就算有錢好了 真的能這麼常去看比賽嗎

jazz1617821 10/25 11:26KI:烏克蘭不是黑人 你是歧視黑人

BrahmaBull3610/25 11:27內文說的票價是2個位子的吧

BrahmaBull3610/25 11:27two prime Courtside seats

BrahmaBull3610/25 11:30沒事 我看到per ticket了 沒翻錯

KingChang71110/25 11:34因為是「紐約」尼克隊

Strasburg 10/25 11:35漲54%比棒協還狠

chichung 10/25 11:37還好啦!阿里巴巴暴跌比較痛

gowaa 10/25 11:39好貴= =

Brucetk 10/25 11:40買了票結果kd受傷,ki 、西門不打,你是球迷受的了

Brucetk 10/25 11:40

bravery1117 10/25 11:50要打不打的,傻子才買

ji394tb 10/25 11:51紐約當然看尼克啊

Satomisan 10/25 12:01打到一半有人氣氛吹密去76人怎麼辦 傻了才買

EZ78 10/25 12:01賣不出去加價賣 合理

noonitta 10/25 12:15美國棒邪

dwiee 10/25 12:18季票22萬 這中產階級都負荷不了吧==

donkilu 10/25 12:22漲這麼多 用搶的比較快= =

l88 10/25 12:24場邊位置怎可能是給中產階級坐的 一堆人不看內文...

l88 10/25 12:25坐場邊的向來非富即貴 不然就是為了把妹硬拚一次

asdfzx 10/25 12:27蔡崇信被背骨仔雙K害慘了

HsiangFly 10/25 12:30三個巨嬰一次滿足 不漲200%都算便宜

olin7745 10/25 12:32KI還是會堅持他幫蔡賺很多錢

paul51134 10/25 12:33去年一輪,兩個主力愛打不打,要看再買就好,又不

paul51134 10/25 12:33是尼克看信仰的

bio5978 10/25 12:35我原本也是想挑戰場邊席的勇者但放棄了XD

nk10803 10/25 12:42我知道你還有錢

xo1100 10/25 12:47誰知道打幾場陣容會不會就拆了==

Js1233 10/25 12:47賣不掉加價賣

gyaoqwas 10/25 12:57買票的錢付給西門當三然不爽

wtpto556 10/25 13:01跟防守一樣爛

charlie4588 10/25 13:02大家都去買紐約洋基的票啦,紐約人要回來看籃球惹了

kixer2005 10/25 13:06KD KI 西門 竟然賣不動

Aequanimitas10/25 13:22拿最貴最頂的票價來講根本沒意義

Anyotw 10/25 13:23我記得大城市大部分是3000鎂,5500真D貴

Anyotw 10/25 13:26一般都是比第一排跟一樓啊。因為除了這個比其他地方

Anyotw 10/25 13:26,各球場裝潢完全不一樣。完全不能比

HSKAO 10/25 14:13沒辦法 有2個可能隨時不上場的球星XD

weather12 10/25 14:34尼克:你看看你

cviescvies 10/25 14:36哈登真的是跑的快,這隊不知所云

vasia 10/25 16:48不是三巨頭+紐約???

zx037691658 10/25 17:44KI的鍋 ㄎㄎ

xgMd1trtw 10/25 18:00買了球星又不一定會上場 誰要當盤子?

Thanatos 10/25 20:30還不簽豪哥

wayne654852 10/25 23:22場邊的位置,啥時給上班族坐了... 惦惦自己斤兩吧=

wayne654852 10/25 23:23=

ooplus 10/26 06:20買票球星還可能缺席 又漲價誰要當盤子