[外絮] 太陽對老鷹John Collins有興趣

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Hawks talk John Collins deals, Suns show interest as trade market begins to
take shape: Shams’ Inside Pass

隨著交易市場開始 太陽隊有意追求John Collins (The Athletic 需付費)

NBA teams are just about one month from a marquee date on the trade market
calendar, Dec. 15, and front-office executives are monitoring the buyers,
sellers and available players. As The Athletic’s Sam Amick and John
Hollinger have recently written, the early season’s strong play by the Utah
Jazz and other surprising starts by rebuilding franchises like the Indiana
Pacers and San Antonio Spurs are a far cry from the tanking many clamored
about during training camp. As always, the buyers and sellers will reveal
themselves as the season goes on.

距離交易市場重要日期 12 月 15 日只有大約一個月的時間,各隊高層正在監控著買家、賣家和市面上可用球員。 正如 The Athletic 的 Sam Amick 和 John Hollinger 最近所寫的那樣,猶他爵士隊在賽季初的強勢表現以及其他重建球隊如:印第安納溜馬隊和聖安東尼奧馬刺隊。他們令人驚訝的開季,與許多人預測會開坦的情況相去甚遠。而隨著賽季進行,這些買家和賣家將持續展示球員價值。

Across the league, multiple teams are tracking the Phoenix Suns in the trade
market as they work to find a home for disgruntled forward Jae Crowder. The
Milwaukee Bucks and Atlanta Hawks have been engaged with the Suns on a
potential Crowder deal in recent weeks and months, but recently there’s been
a new wrinkle across the trade landscape.

在交易市場上,有不少球隊都在關注著鳳凰城太陽隊,因為太陽正在努力為前鋒 Jae
Crowder 尋找下家。 而在最近幾周和幾個月裡,密爾沃基公鹿隊和亞特蘭大老鷹隊持續在和太陽隊進行接觸,但最近交易格局出現了新的變化。

The Hawks have opened up preliminary trade discussions around forward John
Collins, as interested teams inquire, league sources tell The Athletic. The
Suns are a team showing desire in Collins, those sources have added, but theyappear uninclined to take on the long-term money of Collins, who is in the
second season of a five-year, $125 million contract. The Hawks don’t have an
imminent deal in place involving Collins, those sources say, and executives
around the league believe a potential deal will be weeks and potentially
months in the making ahead of the Feb. 9 trade deadline.

根據消息人士告訴 The Athletic,以老鷹隊 John Collins 為主軸的交易展開了初步的討論。 據消息人士表示,太陽隊渴望獲得 Collins,但他們似乎不願意接受 Collins 五年1.25 億美元的合約。 消息人士稱,老鷹隊沒有需要立即交易 Collins,聯盟的高層們認為,在 2 月 9 日的交易截止日期之前,還需要數週甚至數個月的時間才能達成這筆潛在的交易。

The Suns have a handful of first-rounders to move, but given the team’s
impending ownership change, it’s also uncertain how many future assets the
current regime can move. In addition, the Suns expressed interest in forwardssuch as Sacramento’s Harrison Barnes, Washington’s Kyle Kuzma and Houston’
s KJ Martin, league sources have said.

太陽隊手上有一堆首輪球員可以交易,但考慮到球隊即將發生的經營權變動,目前還不確定目前高層可以交易多少未來資產。 此外,消息人士稱,太陽隊對國王隊Harrison
Barnes、巫師隊Kyle Kuzma和火箭隊的KJ Martin等前鋒展現出濃厚興趣。

The Suns engaged in rookie extension negotiations with Cam Johnson prior to
the regular season, with a final offer of four years in the range of $66
million, sources say. Phoenix refused to move higher toward the figure
Johnson had desired. He is currently sidelined after undergoing surgery to
remove part of his right meniscus.

太陽隊在例行賽前與Cam Johnson進行了新秀續約談判,最終報價為四年 6600 萬美元。太陽拒絕向 Johnson 提出更高的價碼。 Johnson 在接受手術切除部分右半月板後,目前為缺陣狀態。

“Negotiations are interesting, especially when ownership is unclear,”
Johnson said when the extension deadline expired without a deal. The Suns’
valuable starting forward will now enter restricted free agency in July as
one of the most versatile and sought after players in the open market.

最終Johnson和太陽未能在延長合約截止日期前達成協議。Johnson表示: “談判很有趣,尤其是在球隊經營權不明確的情況下,” 太陽隊重要的先發前鋒將在 7 月時,進入受限制自由球員市場,成為自由市場上最受矚目的球員之一。

The inclusion of Collins in the trade talks is not uncommon. For several
years now, the Hawks have had a bevy of suitors for Collins, who has
established himself as a highflying impact talent in the frontcourt. Collins
battled through multiple hand and foot injuries last season, and after an
offseason of trade chatter, returned to the organization with a new All-Star
backcourt of Trae Young and Dejounte Murray.

Collins 出現在交易談判並不意外。 幾年來,一直有不少球隊追尋著 Collins,
Collins 也證明過在球場上的天賦。 上個賽季,Collins 一直被傷病所困,在經過休賽季的各種交易傳聞後,他留在了球隊,將與全明星後場Trae Young 和 Dejounte Murray一同奮鬥。

Off to a 9-6 start, Atlanta has the ability to be judicious in its approach
to discussions from interested parties. So far this season, Collins is
averaging 12.6 points (the lowest since his rookie season in 2017-18) and a
career-low 22.7 percent 3-point range to go along with 7.7 rebounds per game.

老鷹隊目前戰績為 9 勝 6 敗,讓老鷹隊有本錢去靜觀其變有關各種交易討論。 本賽季到目前為止,Collins場均得到 12.6 分(自 2017-18 賽季新秀賽季以來最低)和職業生涯最低的 22.7% 的三分球命中率以及場均 7.7 個籃板。

Knicks willing to move guards
The Knicks have shown a willingness to discuss Derrick Rose and Immanuel
Quickley in trade talks, league sources say, as a way to sort out the team’s
glut at the guard position over the course of the season.

76ers discuss Tobias Harris with teams
76ers officials have begun their usual check-ins with teams across the leagueahead of the Dec. 15 date for players who signed contracts in the offseason
to be traded, when trade talks begin to intensify. Philadelphia’s Tobias
Harris has come up in the 76ers’ conversations with clubs so far, league
sources said.

In his 12th NBA season, Harris has adapted to a new role and has been
regarded as a model teammate and leader for the 76ers. He’s averaged 14.7
points and 6.2 rebounds while attempting 12.1 field goals per game — the
lowest since his 2015-16 season in Orlando.

消息人士稱,尼克隊已經表示願意在交易談判中加入Derrick Rose和 Immanuel Quickley,作為解決本賽季球隊後衛位置過剩的問題。

76 人隊與其他球隊討論過 Tobias Harris
76 人隊在 12 月 15 日來臨之前,已經開始與其他球隊進行接觸。 聯盟消息人士稱,到目前為止,Tobias Harris已經出現在 76 人與其他球隊的談話中。

在NBA的第12個賽季,Harris 適應了新的角色,被76人視為模範隊友和領袖。 他場均得到 14.7 分和 6.2 個籃板,場均出手 12.1 次是自2015-16 魔術隊賽季以來的新低。


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SCLPAL 11/19 03:49JC換JC

jeff1013 11/19 03:51老鷹傻了才跟你JC換JC吧

oBatman 11/19 03:57JC換JC超盤

ammon 11/19 04:01想要Collins又不想接他的合約,這什麼消息?

seabox 11/19 04:04Collins去太陽也沒球權

j3307002 11/19 04:47想要Collins又不想接他的合約,那傻子才換給你

Zeka6721 11/19 05:24Crowder薪酬比較接近的是Covington 升級到JC小鷹要

Zeka6721 11/19 05:24出其他東西

urgrandpa 11/19 05:25不想接合約是要怎麼換?等老鷹買斷嗎

EZ78 11/19 05:28不想接合約代表他們其實沒那麼想要 只是問問

EZ78 11/19 05:29有些時候甚至只是放話出來讓老鷹降價 “他行情沒那

EZ78 11/19 05:29麼好啦”之類的

qaz122444 11/19 06:08這隻還比wood弱吧,結果kidd把wood冰板凳,真的笑

qaz122444 11/19 06:08

qaz122444 11/19 06:09球風類似,wood身材,還有攻擊持球比他強多了,防

qaz122444 11/19 06:09守差不多弱

EZ78 11/19 06:10球風差多了…

EZ78 11/19 06:11光是一個接應為主 一個持球為主就不知道差多少了

EZ78 11/19 06:11還是你差不多只是看位置而已

asn2819 11/19 07:06JC換JC,winwin

Larry0806 11/19 07:26北卡小雞可以 十分歡迎

asn2819 11/19 07:35老鷹需要頂級大鎖,J尻非常符合

feng6669 11/19 08:05小雞最近有回溫,而且應該不會資敵給同組的大腸吧,

highwayshih 11/19 08:35不想接合約就"哎呀他約沒那麼划算你少要點東西"

BryceHarper 11/19 08:44拖把合約有球隊想吃喔

s21mo9025 11/19 08:56已經被跑太陽的記者駁斥了 太陽不會交易來Collins

s21mo9025 11/19 08:56或小雞

s21mo9025 11/19 08:57推特John Gambadoro

ck326 11/19 09:05這人乳摸這幾年沒少過但是從來沒成真過

andy055097 11/19 09:40想要Collins 但是又不想要他的大合約 到底是要還

andy055097 11/19 09:41不要

ken720331 11/19 09:41不要

PeterHenson 11/19 09:45JC喊賣不知道喊多久了

Weasley40 11/19 10:00

Weasley40 11/19 10:01各項數據下滑

Aggro 11/19 10:10太陽現在消息就..想要小雞 也談很久 但國王不給 現

Aggro 11/19 10:10在覺得更不可能給 Collins一直都不在範圍 有人猜是

Aggro 11/19 10:11阿仁本來就不太喜歡太有脾氣的 加上即將換老闆

Aggro 11/19 10:13還不知道新老闆錢包多大 所以會傾向短約勝於長約

milkman 11/19 10:25只想白嫖?太陽笑死人

TimmyWendell11/19 10:25這隻怎麼變那麼慘QQ

Zeka6721 11/19 10:28想跟國王要小鷹Crowder的配菜也得有價值

JoshSmith 11/19 11:21想要Collins又不想接他的合約,這什麼消息?