[廢文] 還有誰知道 這題是國小數學?

看板NTU標題[廢文] 還有誰知道 這題是國小數學?作者
時間推噓 7 推:9 噓:2 →:6

charlie....知道 我知道 獨眼龍也知道
還有誰知道 以上這題是國小數學? 不會讀台大的 都白x x痴吧?
遠見: "台大臨時在網路公告宣布週一(3/30)開始實施「軟封校」,
台大7門問題(Seven Entrances of NTU)是圖論中的著名問題。

(2) 2020 AMC 12B Problems/Problem 24
Let D(n) denote the number of ways of writing the positive integer n as a
product n = f_1‧f_2‧‧‧f_k, where k>=1, the f_i are integers strictly
greater than 1, and the order in which the factors are listed matters (that
is,two reprsentations that differ only in the order of the factors are countedas distinct). For example, the number 6 can be written as 6, 2˙3, and 3˙2,
so D(6) = 3. What is D(5566)?


[ ps.D(5566)比D(96)簡單多了,是不是呀? ] (第5篇)


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a58524andy03/31 01:37所以為啥D(6)=3'

a58524andy03/31 01:373

Bugzilla03/31 02:4147

fun556603/31 03:415樓 你的答案也是47嗎?

charlie166703/31 04:05我的id後4碼是1667喇

charlie166703/31 04:09想說這題有夠簡單..原來是amc的題目==

IllMOR03/31 04:4913

leo121700003/31 08:27完成以下數列: 5 3 3, 4 2 2, 1 2 3 4 _ _ _,

DamianLillar03/31 09:4837

x36023x3602303/31 09:5335?

x36023x3602303/31 09:57改成59

x36023x3602303/31 10:24再偷改成44 數學好難

IllMOR03/31 11:07啊應該是37

charlie166703/31 15:50

fun556604/01 21:24請問樓上 那你的答案是什麼?

charlie166704/02 00:0740

charlie166704/09 00:05靠北 再算一次變44==