[揪團] 內湖輕鬆講英文
每個星期三的晚上19:20 - 21:00 大湖區民活動中心,歡迎來坐。
本週主題: Luck
When I was young, I always felt like my luck was below average, but I didn't really care. I believed that with hard work, I could overcome any difficulties because I thought that we make our own luck. However, as I grew older, I gradually understood that in life, many things are often influenced by fate and not everything can be solved just by working hard. So in recent years, I have spent a lot of effort trying to understand the nature of luck and researching how to scientifically "change luck". Today, through this event, I want to chat with all of you about your understanding and perspectives on luck, and share some tips on how to improve our luck.
費用: 50 NTD 場地費
時間: 5/8 19:20-21:00
地點: 台北市內湖區大湖山莊街117號4F(大湖區民活動中心)
※ 編輯: iamshiao ( 臺灣), 05/04/2024 23:12:13
- 這個活動適合;喜歡輕鬆自在的氣氛,想要晚上找點有附加價值的事做的朋友 。 本週三晚上(8/26 的 19:00 到 21:00)有我們的例會活動,包括 社團簡介、破冰活動、兩場標準演講(各5-7分鐘)、中場休息、主題即席演講、評論講解 、文法小老師等單元。
- 這個活動適合;喜歡輕鬆自在的氣氛,想要晚上找點有附加價值的事做的朋友 活動進行方式大致為英文閒聊分享,每一次進行的具體細節由該次的主持人決定。 》主題:Desire 》時間 9/2 (三)的 19:30 到 21:00
- 本週三晚上有我們的例會活動,包括 社團簡介、破冰活動、三場標準演講(各5-7分鐘)、中場休息、主題即席演講、評論講解 、文法小老師等單元。 》主題 Annual Sale