[北美] 內推 Qumulo Seattle Senior SDE

看板Oversea_Job標題[北美] 內推 Qumulo Seattle Senior SDE作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:5

Job link:

Qumulo is an unicorn startup located in Seattle, WA since 2012.
We are building highly scaled, highly available,
exabyte-scale enterprise file system.
If you are interested in joining us,
please see the job link for the details of the position.

We had a ~19% layoff back in June 2022.
However, we are now looking for new talents to join our journey.

Please send the resume, cover letter and a brief introduction to yourself
to [email protected]

The referral goes directly to the hiring manager.

Thank you.


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MAGICMCGRADY03/04 12:19怎麼沒考慮把被雷的找回去就好...19%超多耶

danielu060103/04 12:28可能是要換成便宜的新人

brianisadog03/04 13:09這個職位是公司裡全新的,以前沒有這個職位

※ 編輯: brianisadog ( 美國), 03/04/2023 13:17:41 ※ 編輯: brianisadog ( 美國), 03/04/2023 13:19:01

brianisadog03/04 13:19各公司都在裁員 還是會見到零星案例拿offer 一樣道理

fr7503/04 13:27是又拿到資金?都到Series E了 應該股份很少吧

brianisadog03/04 13:30無法透露關於公司資金部分信息,但是沒有找VC拿錢

iloveweilong03/04 20:33可以知道待遇範圍嗎

brianisadog03/05 02:38Job post 上面有