[北美] 內推KLA(CA) Apps Development Engineer
最近公司半導體量測Optical Critical Dimension(OCD)部門開了幾個缺要招
資深/主任Apps Development Engr.
老闆希望我幫忙找人 希望鄉親有美國身分或簽證的我可以幫忙內推,
[公司名稱] KLA
[工作地點] Milpitas,CA,US
[職位部門] Apps Development Engr./ OCD product / FaST Division
[薪資福利] Base + Bonus + LTI/RSU, (細節麻煩私訊或寄信訊問)
[聯絡信箱] 站內信或 [email protected](履歷請寄到此信箱)
[主任Apps 工作內容]
‧ Initiate and lead projects to address strategic issues.
‧ Design, evaluate and test new application engineering techniques for
applicability to KT products.
‧ Provide guidance and direction to ensure adequate performance to
specifications is achieved. Develop corrective action plans as necessary.‧ Act as an expert resource in the timing of new product introductions and
‧ Perform short and long range product application planning and play a lead
role in presenting new ideas; influence and advise management on product
roadmap directions.
‧ Works on complex problems requiring expertise in multiple areas of product
applications and characterization.
‧ Provides technical leadership to others in handling major product or
service related responsibilities impacting major business operations.
‧ Independently resolves issues concerning scope, methodologies, and
resource issues as they arise.
‧ Focus is on short and long term design of products, use cases, and
‧ Identifies problems and proposes solutions well in advance.
‧ Requires strong leadership skills. Ability to lead multidisciplinary
project teams to learn and apply new skills/techniques to respond to
business needs.
[主任Apps 徵才條件]
Ph.D. or Masters with 6-8 years, or Bachelors with 7-10 years experience 3-5
of which must be directly in integrated circuit manufacturing or equivalent
combination of education and experience in engineering applications.
Deeper understanding of each of the previous areas, plus:
‧ Expertise in several of the different applications and how they impact
multiple products.
‧ Demonstrated skill in conceptualizing creative technical solutions,
documenting them, and presenting them in a persuasive and influential
manner to management.
‧ Demonstrated ability in strategic thinking and leadership with strong
abilities in relationship management.
‧ Proven project leadership and management skills.
‧ Demonstrated track record in new concept development for a variety of
[資深 Apps工作內容]
‧ Lead medium-sized projects e.g. H2H, PLC, alpha characterization, beta
testing, and gap analysis.
‧ Create and evaluate characterization and field test plans.
‧ Respond to customer requests and perform complex problem diagnosis and
problem resolution.
‧ Develop and document new applications of existing and pre-release products, including BKMs.
‧ Develop written procedures, standards, training material, and other
technical documentation.
‧ Review and evaluate quality of data in other related technical documents.
‧ Layer owner on complex demos.
‧ Serve as Applications Representative for PLC projects.
[資深 Apps 徵才條件]
Ph.D. degree, Masters with 2-4 years, or Bachelors with 3-5 years experience
or equivalent combination of education and experience in engineering
applications.Deep understanding of each of the following areas:
‧ Thoroughly understands engineering principles and techniques related to
project activities.
‧ Show a high degree of proficiency in several other related technical
‧ Ability to recognize system-wide issues and design accordingly.
‧ Strong working knowledge of testing techniques.
‧ Strong working knowledge of various applications.
‧ Ability to independently resolve complex problems.
‧ Strong presentation skills.
‧ Strong project management skills.
[請益] 美光 IT 工作請益小妹最近收到桃園的美光 IT Software Engineer的面試邀約 HR是說這份職缺跟產線相關,主要是作MES系統相關的 需要On Call,大概每1-2個月輪一次(每次一周) 會和國外工程師Meeting 工作內容是寫這樣9
Fw: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL作者: mzt (YOLO) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL 時間: Tue Dec 22 05:29:07 2020 This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question.7
[討論] 詢問杜邦職缺問題小弟有幸收到杜邦Technical Engineer這個職缺 想問版上的大大這個職缺如何 還有杜邦目前的薪資狀況 麻煩前輩們有相關訊息可以私訊我 ‧ Lead technical efforts on new product development, evaluation, qualification, yield, quality, and safety improvement.