[北美] 徵才 Scientist - Flow Cytometry (LA)

看板Oversea_Job標題[北美] 徵才 Scientist - Flow Cytometry (LA)作者
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大家好 我們醫院 (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles) 在徵人
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Project Scientist - Flow Cytometry

Duties And Responsibilities

* May assist in preparation of grant proposals, submissions, publications andpresentations but is not responsible for generating grant funds.
* May serve as PI for certain grants as approved by supervising member of theProfessorial Series.
* May participate in publications and presentations as author or co-author.
* May develop, adapt and implement new research techniques and protocols.
* Assists in lab experiments.
* Analyzes, interprets, summarizes and compiles data.
* May lead or train Staff Research Associates and Research Fellows.
* Will assist in day-to-day laboratory activities.
* Appointees on an academic trajectory will be expected to commit a portion oftheir time to developing an independent range of research.

Department Specific Responsibilities

* Performs Flow Cytometry Shared Resource-associated project activities
including specialized equipment maintenance, operation, troubleshooting in
addition to directed research project under supervision of the PI and in
collaboration with other staff members and core users.
* Develop, adapt, and implement new flow cytometry-related research techniquesand protocols in consultation with the scientific literature, the PI and coreusers.
* Assist with new equipment purchase and be responsible for troubleshooting ofnew equipment.
* Perform and oversee Flow Cytometry Shared Resource daily maintenance
activities, including billing.
* Keep appropriate detailed experimental records and documentation of flow
cytometry sorting and analysis experiments.
* Train new Flow Cytometry Shared Resource users.
* Maintain project records accurately and regularly.
Participate in all Flow Cytometry Shared Resource duties and activities,
including lab meeting and data discussion with lab members and core users.


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