[情報] 3900X可望成為intel DT CPU的天花板

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] 3900X可望成為intel DT CPU的天花板作者
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原文:Different motherboard same result: Intel Core i9-10900K chip's latest
Geekbench multi-core score still can't surpass AMD's Ryzen 9 3900X

Different motherboard same result: The Intel Core i9-10900K processor managedto outperform the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X in the latest Geekbench 5 single-core rununearthed by Tum Apisak but still couldn’t match the Matisse chip when it
came to the multi-core benchmark (see table below for scores). This time, theComet Lake part was used with an MSI Z490-S01 (MS-7C98) motherboard, whereas
in our last report on the subject there was an ASRock Z490M Pro4 board being
utilized. As the MSI Z390-A Pro had the model code 7B98 and the MSI Z370
Godlike had the model code 7A98, this MSI Z490 board could be a successor to
either of those two MSI parts.

Of course, it is worth reiterating that the Ryzen 9 3900X does have a
core-count advantage and AMD chips are known for performing at a higher levelthan Intel parts in multi-core benchmarks. The Intel Core i9-10900K is a
10-core, 20-thread processor whereas the Ryzen 9 3900X has 12 cores and 24
threads. But the Comet Lake desktop processor has a higher TDP, and it has
higher clock rates and can boost to 4.8 GHz on all cores. The turbo clock forthe AMD chip is 4.6 GHz.

The 5 GHz and above clock rate will certainly be an attractive feature of thetop-end parts in Intel’s upcoming series of Comet Lake-S desktop processors,
but it will take more than that to wrench customers away from AMD’s tempting
series of Matisse CPUs if the performance is too similar (or even less) and
the price difference is too great. Newegg is currently selling the Ryzen 9
3900X for US$449.99, whereas the i9-10900K is expected to cost around US$562.Even if Intel ignores that particular detail, there’s still the matter of AMD’s Zen 3 Vermeer processors waiting in the wings to spoil the end of year
party for Team Blue.


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WARgame723 05/03 01:15遊戲幀數,10900K穩勝

cz031300 05/03 01:16我等I家喊真香的一天 雖然可能等不到

alan86819 05/03 01:17會買到那種等級的正常都是工作用的吧

※ 編輯: dreamgirl ( 臺灣), 05/03/2020 01:19:18

LastAttack 05/03 01:18原文短網址

kimula01 05/03 01:19幹 真的後悔沒有撿一片3000的C6H回來 等著撿3900x

cz031300 05/03 01:20而且多核幹不贏絲毫不意外 多貼兩核怎麼打

dreamgirl 05/03 01:20但是照這個情形,3900X沒理由降價喔~~

cz031300 05/03 01:21未來會期望兩邊開始互相廝殺 這樣對消費者最有利

LastAttack 05/03 01:21

LastAttack 05/03 01:21

ChangWufei 05/03 01:23一般用拿到8C16T也就非常夠了 之上應該都其他用途

ChangWufei 05/03 01:23那顯然多兩顆核心的3900X還是比較好的選擇

LastAttack 05/03 01:23內文google翻譯

kimula01 05/03 01:25GB根本辣雞跑分。不用太相信。等時間效能解禁再說

cz031300 05/03 01:27I也承認短時間贏不了A(製程方面) 就看A怎麼利用優勢

maplefoxs 05/03 01:27我就看看能不能全核5.3

cz031300 05/03 01:28不過還是希望A能讓老黃感到壓力 CPU效能過剩

NanaMizuki 05/03 01:28c6h的vrm推3900x不建議吧

cz031300 05/03 01:28對玩家消費者來說更加有利 A繼續加油!

NanaMizuki 05/03 01:31壽命來考量的話

dreamgirl 05/03 01:323900X 超4.3G燒FPU也才190W,VRM安全得很

mercuries2 05/03 01:34這不是還沒發售就知道的事情嗎?單核差距不大的情況

mercuries2 05/03 01:34,10核怎麼可能打贏12核

BGWalker 05/03 01:3614nm++++++小輸7nm i皇真強

Minihil 05/03 01:38賣便宜點就夠了 反正大部分的人都夠用

wavuqu 05/03 01:50如果I皇降價出售就很香 但是不太可能

suitup 05/03 01:53c6h的vrm如果不建議推3900x 那真的一票板子都不用想

suitup 05/03 01:53推3900x了 c6h的軟肋就只有華碩擺明想放生bios

lazyblack 05/03 01:54沒必要當某場的粉絲 歷史證明哪邊 有明顯優勢哪邊就

lazyblack 05/03 01:54開始漲價 互相競爭才是最好的

hsparrot 05/03 02:18推樓上,我用了20年的I,去年果斷換3600香噴噴

rockman73 05/03 02:2539+C8H真D爽用

NX9999 05/03 02:49最熱情溫暖的i皇

NX9999 05/03 02:50牙膏充滿人情味,有i皇的東西,一年四季暖洋洋

xxtomnyxx 05/03 04:34I也承認短時間製程贏不了A(X) I也承認短時間贏不了

xxtomnyxx 05/03 04:34台積電(O)

nkc731210 05/03 07:00坐等723開箱10代i9, 買起來別辜負電蝦板最強i粉封號

nkc731210 05/03 07:00

geesegeese 05/03 08:52沒有新架構intel差不多囉

AreLies 05/03 09:09等RKL看看吧 我是覺得RKL IPC應該會比現在SKL還要

AreLies 05/03 09:09好一點 不過那時候ZEN3應該也是出了

sigma9988 05/03 09:5614nm++++++ 黑科技

wsc47621 05/03 10:033900X真的是一代神U

tony24334 05/03 11:49買了39 真D不後悔

x941u4vu86 05/03 12:033900x很快就降價了,amd不保值

BlacKlonely 05/03 12:157nm 光刻的4000系列都要出了

pipi5867 05/03 12:15這一代i皇也不保值了啦 mb廠都說會支援11代了

pipi5867 05/03 12:16保值的是像7700k 8700k這類無可升級的

Ceferino 05/03 12:29現在沒人說AMD不穩很不習慣

saimeitetsu 05/03 12:34其實就是捨不得or嫌麻煩心態造成保值, win10直接換

saimeitetsu 05/03 12:34主機板無痛了

click2258 05/03 12:36只要腳位不換 就會造成供需平衡 賣方市場最後最大

click2258 05/03 12:37砍掉重練不是每個人都願意的消費模式

saimeitetsu 05/03 12:40記憶體價格低的話,就不太會堅持吧

scarbywind 05/03 13:0887為什麼不能升 因為不算升嗎XD

x9527x 05/03 13:2614nm可以打成這樣 7nm還不飛天

wadeawp 05/03 13:27那也要intel拿得出來啊... 真的上市大家就會用腳投

wadeawp 05/03 13:27

mercuries2 05/03 13:27還是多支持AMD的產品吧,在業界能對抗I,N這兩個毒瘤

mercuries2 05/03 13:27的,也只有AMD了。

mercuries2 05/03 13:28一個是萬年牙膏,免洗主機板,一個是瘋狂的加價,

mercuries2 05/03 13:28當消費者是盤子嗎?

qday 05/03 13:30因為723在用AMD CPU,這讓我很反感,這理由行嗎

ms0545173 05/03 14:44U都還沒上市就知道贏 時空旅人?

suitup 05/03 14:47我就是知道 要不要來對賭?

NanaMizuki 05/03 15:14少2核還能贏的話intel還需要被酸牙膏嗎...

AreLies 05/03 15:4010980XE也是拿來跟3950X比 不過3950X小贏一點或是

AreLies 05/03 15:40幾乎平手

cancelpc 05/03 16:52Asus 300系列一堆板子 BIOS 連上 都沒...

leo255112 05/03 20:31買了3600有點不滿意,早知道直上3700X QQ

WeAntiTVBS 05/03 20:55好歹經過多方建議後 多數板子都補上了 就X370i沒有