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This email is to notify you that there has been a change to your notificationqueue status. You previously signed up to be notified when 08G-P5-3767-KR
became available, but due to ongoing product availability, you have been
moved to the notification queue for 08G-P5-3767-KL, which features NVIDIA
LHR. These cards offer the same gaming performance, but with reduced
cryptomining performance (Etherium). The products are identical in every
other way. To learn more about NVIDIA LHR, click here.

EVGA has taken these steps to increase availability and speed up the queue
for gamers looking to purchase a graphics card. Your notification queue
position remains the same. However, if you wish to remain in the notificationqueue for 08G-P5-3767-KR you may "opt out " of this move; you will be once
again placed back in the notification queue with your previous sign-up time.
Please note that EVGA strongly recommends against opting out, because there
is no ETA for availability and no guarantee that your order will be fulfilledfor your original part number. Moreover, once you opt out, you may neither
request to be placed back in the queue for 08G-P5-3767-KL, nor request an
order notification for 08G-P5-3767-KL; you may only be in one queue at a time.

If you still wish to opt out of the move to 08G-P5-3767-KL, please click
here. If you have any questions about this email, please contact EVGA
Customer Service prior to taking any action.




※ PTT 留言評論
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ericyou0122 06/26 00:36LHR庫存沒了就只能這樣了吧,本來

ericyou0122 06/26 00:36以為能發到二月,結果一月就沒未鎖

ericyou0122 06/26 00:36庫存了

ericyou0122 06/26 00:37*非LHR庫存

ericyou0122 06/26 00:37

ericyou0122 06/26 00:38北美排隊跳這個選項

divinityben 06/26 00:43因為五月就改晶片了 未鎖貨很快就沒

divinityben 06/26 00:43了正常

gary82gary 06/26 00:47如果效能沒差還好吧,想當黃牛轉賣

gary82gary 06/26 00:47

aa01081008tw 06/26 00:49效能沒差還好吧..除非要轉賣還是挖?

lockcole 06/26 00:52我個人用當然沒差,是想說寫一下讓

lockcole 06/26 00:52大家知道會有這種信,不要像我以為

lockcole 06/26 00:52排到了

pipi5867 06/26 00:53如果能加快出貨速度就沒差

s546654321 06/26 00:59看要排多久 如果其他通路商還都綁

s546654321 06/26 00:59禮包或限組裝

KINMENKING 06/26 01:50原價買還行啦,如果是自用的話

KINMENKING 06/26 01:51比特幣又崩了

StarHero 06/26 01:51我覺得台灣的玩法應該是分開單獨排

kaltu 06/26 03:22玩電腦的出門上班和睡覺就放著給他

kaltu 06/26 03:22挖賺一點零用錢不是很正常嗎?特別

kaltu 06/26 03:22是現在夏季電費又取消了,一個月多

kaltu 06/26 03:22挖一千塊紓困金剛好抵銷網購買菜的

kaltu 06/26 03:22價差

qwe88016 06/26 03:31意思是不打算生產給礦仔用的顯卡嗎

qwe88016 06/26 03:31,不愧是大哥!

RONC 06/26 03:52N沒鎖算力的晶片沒停產?

pipi5867 06/26 04:34都拿去做HX系列呀

wario2014 06/26 05:22奈米礦工醒醒吧,一樣3080它有必要

wario2014 06/26 05:22在台GG投兩種不同的片嗎?

wario2014 06/26 05:23當然是舊的賣完就沒了,去高價搶二

wario2014 06/26 05:24手對岸的卡吧

Reshiram 06/26 07:30只有GA100才是台積的啦

jim505082000 06/26 09:31我也是之前排到美國的系統 想說怎麼

jim505082000 06/26 09:31通知信全英文

awangya 06/26 16:04感謝分享,不知道台灣到時是不是相

awangya 06/26 16:04同方式