[情報] 新的幽靈漏洞昨天被發佈

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] 新的幽靈漏洞昨天被發佈作者
時間推噓15 推:15 噓:0 →:24



這個屬於Specture-V2的漏洞,主要影響Intel跟Arm CPU系統,

Arms則是影響Cortex A15, A57, A72 及 Neoverse V1, N1, and N2

可由Intel之 CVE-2022-0001、CVE-2022-0002
及 Arm 之 CVE-2022-23960 了解漏洞及修正


VUSec security research group and Intel on Tuesday disclosed a yet another Spectre-class speculative execution vulnerability called branch history injection (BHI). The new exploit affects all of Intel processors released in the recent years, including the latest Alder Lake CPUs, and select Arm cores. By contrast, AMD's chips are believed to be unaffected.

BHI is a proof-of-concept attack that affects CPUs already vulnerable to Spectre V2 exploits, but with all kinds of mitigations already in place. The new exploit bypasses Intel's eIBRS and Arm's CSV2 mitigations, reports Phoronix. BHI re-enables cross-privilege Spectre-v2 exploits, allows kernel-to-kernel (so-called intra-mode BTI) exploits, and allows perpetrators to inject predictor entries into the global branch prediction history to make kernel leak data, reports VUSec. As a result, arbitrary kernel memory on select CPUs can be leaked and potentially reveal confidential information, including passwords. An example of how such aleak can happen was published here.

(Image credit: VUSec)
All of Intel's processors beginning with Haswell (launched in 2013) and extending to the latest Ice Lake-SP and Alder Lake are affected by the vulnerability, but Intel is about to release a software patch that will mitigate the issue.

Numerous cores from Arm, including Cortex A15, A57, A72 as well as Neoverse V1,N1, and N2 are also affected. Arm is expected to release software mitigations for its cores. What is unclear is whether custom versions of these cores (e.g., select cores from Qualcomm) are also affected and when the potential security holes will be covered.

Since this is a proof-of-concept vulnerability and it is being mitigated by Intel and Arm, it should not be able to be used to attack a client or server machine — as long as all the latest patches are installed. There's no indication how much the mitigations will impact performance.


Sent from BePTT on my SHARP FS8002


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aioloslin 03/09 13:00是AMD運氣好嗎?常常都沒他的事

ejsizmmy 03/09 13:00架構不同,分支預測做法不同

ejsizmmy 03/09 13:01不會說都沒有,但是會比較少

oopFoo 03/09 13:12

oopFoo 03/09 13:12其實沒有比較少,只是沒人無聊一直

oopFoo 03/09 13:13貼。這一個還算蠻有趣的

a3831038 03/09 13:21AMD自己bug就夠搞了

hcwang1126 03/09 13:34Designer: 又要多浪費電晶體了

marunaru 03/09 13:36一直都有,看大不大條和好不好修而

marunaru 03/09 13:36已,以前的漏洞是修完-50%效能才被

marunaru 03/09 13:36

ltytw 03/09 13:40AMD被炮是因為效能原本就沒有intel

ltytw 03/09 13:41好 修完BUG例如當年TLB BUG效能

ltytw 03/09 13:41又更少

ltytw 03/09 13:43安全漏洞無感吧 用AMD的很少

ltytw 03/09 13:43 的人

Medic 03/09 13:51i皇「跟上!! AMD快跟上!!」

ww578912tw 03/09 13:54I皇就靠漏洞偷效能

yymeow 03/09 13:58當年分支預測漏洞號稱修補後最多會

yymeow 03/09 13:58降20%效能,但是實測之後影響很小

yymeow 03/09 13:58不過這個一系列漏洞的確打亂了i社

yymeow 03/09 13:59的處理器布局,黑暗的九代U大部分都

yymeow 03/09 13:59拿掉了HT,整個市場定位亂掉

yymeow 03/09 14:00九代可以說是最亂的一代

sincere77 03/09 14:20打了補丁又要降幾%效能

art1 03/09 14:23原來是宣稱喔?我還以為是真的 XD

yymeow 03/09 14:29那時很多團隊都測試過了,是有影響

yymeow 03/09 14:29但是對於一般user的影響很小。分支

yymeow 03/09 14:30預測的漏洞影響最大的是server用戶

yymeow 03/09 14:30當時比較擔心的是ssh key會被這種小

yymeow 03/09 14:31刀掘牆滴水穿石的方式偷走。但以結

yymeow 03/09 14:31果而言,駭客寧願去選更有效率的方

yymeow 03/09 14:32

Risedo 03/09 14:35e3 1231 v3被吃很多校能幹

tint 03/09 15:33#1TD5NRWH (PC_Shopping)

tint 03/09 15:33之前九代 還更新了步進從硬體層面修

saimeitetsu 03/09 17:07Xeon E5 那時候I/O影響比較大

aegis43210 03/09 17:0912代分支預測已經改良過了

tuwile 03/10 23:13又有漏洞了喔...