[情報] 小石頭:夢幻主機板?自己畫! (活動)

看板PC_Shopping標題[情報] 小石頭:夢幻主機板?自己畫! (活動)作者
時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:11


Unity Makes Strength |

Design Your Dream MB!


Draw your inner longing on the painting areas, which are divided into 4309
pixels , and the color of each “pixel” will be determined by majority
vote: Once a new design is done, 5 designs from you and others will be drawn
randomly, and if at least 3 designs are identical in the same pixel, the
pixel turns to that color.

Now join the design process of Z690 PG Riptide NFT Edition with others and
win the limited NFT by the following steps.

How to join

Step1: Draw and submit your design. Then you will get the “Secret Code”
after your design submission.
Step2: Go to the sweepstakes site to enter the “Secret Code” received from
Step3: Complete your personal profile forms and missions to get the chance to win the NFT.
Step4: Enjoy the evolution process of Z690 PG Riptide NFT Edition.


Mar. 7, 2022 ~ Mar. 26, 2022 (GMT +08:00)



無聊亂玩了一下 介面長這樣

不過玩到最後游標和滑鼠的位子會偏掉 重整網頁也沒用...


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

ltytw 03/23 14:32我還以為是自己畫個大致的布局

ltytw 03/23 14:32請華碩lay一張出來寄回來

AreLies 03/23 14:35小石頭是ASRock

st210113 03/23 14:50我猜一定會有人在上面畫老二XD

wensety2007 03/23 14:54我也以為自己畫Layout

B0988698088 03/23 14:55總之先插三顆cpu看看

comipa 03/23 14:57還以為自己lay..

cat05joy 03/23 15:14把各種接頭SLOT畫上去

Severine 03/23 15:15我原本也以為很好玩 結果只是裝飾

Severine 03/23 15:16自己layout就神拉

HanaIro 03/23 15:40還以為可以自己layout 先把M.2塞滿

scorpioz 03/23 15:56我也以為是自己layout然後真的做一

scorpioz 03/23 15:56張mb出來

dogluckyno1 03/23 16:06以為可以畫 layout...

shinkiro 03/23 16:11上淘寶定制(支語

twosheep0603 03/23 16:12我也以為是自己layout...

smallreader 03/23 16:19Me too, 還以為可以自己layout

cat654231 03/23 16:21AMD INTEL各放一個….圖案

kamichu 03/23 16:32客製化插槽類型數量的話就很猛了

ChungLi5566 03/23 16:52datasheet都讀完了竟然不是layout

ttping 03/23 17:39我也以為是自己畫layout

a1379 03/23 18:47可以layout然後選一張量產啊

a1379 03/23 18:47反正就當廣告囉

WiLLSTW 03/23 20:14小石頭可以考慮在美國弄這種客製化

WiLLSTW 03/23 20:14服務 美國人最喜歡花大錢搞這個了

wk415937 03/24 20:45大家都想layout

showingstar 03/24 20:53你各位也只能lay接口吧 然後把走線

showingstar 03/24 20:53問題丟給快哭出來的工程師