Re: [情報] 3.21 牙膏區

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HC + SSF + 殘暴,且不可有帳號共享行為(雙人舞模式(?))


Are the Skill Gem related Crucible Passives available only on Unique weapons
or any weapon?

Any weapon.

Q. 那些跟某技能相關的坩堝天賦是否只會出現在傳奇武器上

A. 任何武器(!?)

We've made a change to some Items' Item Class that will affect item filters.
Please see the list below:
Item Class changed from "Misc Map Items" to "Vault Key"

Forgotten Reliquary Key
Visceral Reliquary Key
Shiny Reliquary Key
Archive Reliquary Key
Oubliette Reliquary Key
Cosmic Reliquary Key
Decaying Reliquary Key
Voidborn Reliquary Key


When exactly does attack speed change for attack skills using Momentum

For most non-channelling attacks, attack speed is calculated only once when
you start the attack. Since using the attack always grants 1 Momentum, the
attack accounts for the momentum it's generating, and will benefit from that
Momentum, so the first attack will have the attack speed for 1 Momentum (the
one it generates), rather than 0. The attack which brings you to maximum
Momentum will benefit from that maximum amount of Momentum, despite it being
lost immediately to grant Swiftness. Because it's accounting for the momentumit's going to generate, you'll see this reflected in the attack time of the
skill when the gem is socketed, before using it.

Channelling attacks do dynamically update attack speed during their use, so
initially work out to basically the same result in that when you use them
you'll immediately gain 1 Momentum and the attack will update it's speed to
account for that Momentum, so you'll start out with attack speed equivalent
to 1 Momentum rather than 0, just like the non-channelling case. But the
attack speed will continue to update while you channel as Momentum is gained
and lost, so as you gain additional Momentum based on how long you channel
for the skill will speed up, but when you reach maximum and lose it all, the
skill will slow down, so you don't get to benefit from the maximum amount forany length of time, since you never get to keep maximum Momentum.

Q. 串了動力輔助的攻擊技能攻速是如何變化

A. 對大多數非引導攻擊,攻速只在你開始攻擊時計算一次。
動力輔助使用該攻擊時會獲得 1 動力(Momentum),該攻擊會立刻受益
所以第一次攻擊的攻速就會吃到 1 動力加成。

所以一開始相同,當你使用技能會立刻吃到 1 動力的加成

Manaforged Arrows says that supported skills trigger when 300% of ''their''
mana cost has been spent on other bow attacks. What is ''their'' referring to?

The supported skills. For example, if your skill supported by Manaforged
Arrows costs 10 mana, that skill will trigger when you've spent a total of 30mana on other bow attacks.

Q. Manaforged Arrows 說,當 300% 的“他們”的法力消耗用於其他弓箭攻擊時
支持的技能就會觸發。 “他們”指的是什麼?

A. 被輔助的技能。例如,你跟Manaforged Arrows串在一起的主動技A ,用一次要10魔力 那當你用A以外其他弓箭攻擊且花了30魔力時,A會被觸發一次

How do Vaal Domination and Absolution interact with support gems?

Ascended Sentinels are still minions created by the base skill, not the Vaal
skill. This means that they are still affected by support gems from the base

Q. 瓦爾赦免跟瓦爾87之擊如何跟輔助寶石互動?

A. 他們仍是技能製造出的召喚物,所以一樣吃原本技能會吃的輔助寶石

Can I use a separate copy of Vaal Domination/Absolution to get extra support
gem effects on my Ascended Sentinels or benefit from items like Triumvirate

No. These skills cannot Ascend Sentinels created by different copies of the
gem. Extra support gems would also not work regardless, as mentioned above.

Q. 我可以把瓦爾赦免/瓦爾霸氣之擊另外串其他輔助寶石或是讓他另外吃到三體權威

A. 不行,他們不能升級另一顆寶石召喚出來的召喚物

If I Ascend a magic or rare Sentinel of Dominance, is it still magic or rare?Does it keep its monster modifiers?

They keep monster modifiers and technically are the same rarity, but no
longer count toward the limit of Sentinels of that rarity, only the limit of
Ascended Sentinels. Vaal Domination will also automatically pick the highest
rarity Sentinel you have to Ascend.

Q. 瓦爾霸氣之擊升級的哨兵會保留稀有度嗎?

A. 瓦爾霸氣之擊會自動選擇最高稀有度的哨兵變身,然後因瓦爾版不算在哨兵限制


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leooelleooel04/07 10:03幾號開啊

steven7010104/07 10:0518小時後

tung356775204/07 10:21Manaforged Arrows不知道用這拓荒要搭啥技能好

sobiNOva04/07 10:26那不是用來拿綠球的嗎(誤)

Hopeless04/07 10:33這個傳奇搭新生命專精 30%耗魔用生命扣除

Hopeless04/07 10:33不知道有沒有搞頭

james351004/07 10:38感覺就是搭生命專精或一些自傷技能用的

thbygn9804/07 10:41拿藍綠球跟撲殺

hanmas04/07 10:55manaforge arrow 壓到零耗 配snipe瘋狂觸發

dchain04/07 11:00MF箭目前的想法是用弓圖騰觸發然後再打傷害, 但是感覺也才

dchain04/07 11:00一發有效果而已?

crazykid04/07 11:06目前只有想到搭誘捕+多重 上debuff快一點 主技能隨意

cjwgary04/07 11:17雖然大概沒人在乎 boss競賽是 “Uber” 紅藍王


t9096124804/07 11:17內建冷卻感覺只能當輔助用

tung356775204/07 11:22那感覺就弓圖騰搭狂怒誘捕多重

davidliudmc04/07 11:23毒雨用魔鑄箭上毒箭清圖/流血弓用魔鑄箭上誘捕箭?

※ 編輯: steven70101 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2023 11:48:45

stkissstone04/07 12:42一般弓也可以弄個 狂怒+爆擊綠球+撲殺 加減賺

PurPkNighT04/07 15:03雲玩家發問 現在奪魂鐮是被改掉了還是只有他有?

john70196604/07 15:46Degen沒有小於Regen 只要偷到滿血的瞬間就會被移除啊

john70196604/07 15:47然後等Degen下一個tic你又不是滿血了

john70196604/07 15:47這個手套抽獎條件比切姿態要點專精還簡單

stkissstone04/07 16:32直接把技能串血魔法可以嗎?

john70196604/07 19:04可以 你直接點那個新的30%耗魔轉耗血也行

stkissstone04/07 20:28那還挺容易的 不錯