[情報] 種子工藝百科全書
文章第一部分是如何種菜 這裡先跳過
總共有三種能量體系 四個工藝階級
但如果想體驗遊戲 慢慢挖掘這些樂趣的話
可以不看 因為這算一種"劇透"
Okay so the party play information is as follows:
When you're playing in a party, opening a seed cache only benefits the map
owner. The seeds that drop are allocated to the map owner and only their
garden grows in response. This is because there is no additional challenge
associated with having other players standing around nearby.
If party members help you with fights in the Sacred Grove, then the fights
are harder, drop additional items and grant additional experience (like all
other content in Path of Exile). We are considering increasing the drop rate
of Tier 2/3/4 seeds from Grove fights for additional party members (who are
present for the entire fight). This change would come in the days following
In terms of growth cycles, it's roughly 3 cycles for Tier 1 Seeds, 6 cycles
for Tier 2 seeds, 9 cycles for Tier 3 Seeds and 15 Cycles for Tier 4 Seeds.
There are variations to this based on the seed's rarity. The growth required
for the final boss fight is a lot lot lot longer.
隱瞞https://youtu.be/gI-fIutHeKU ZIZ分析
20等技能5%機率變覺醒技能 95%消滅
T2種子就可以凹覺醒寶石了 應該是不難出(指種子)
工藝幾乎都T1跟T4ㄟ 有想到T3種歪會崩潰XD
fracture鎖一個前墜 alt骰攻速 物理種子骰前墜 暴擊種子
骰暴擊 勢力種子骰一條前墜 最後再工藝一條後墜 完美
阿破碎不能加勢力 GG
5TI元素武器超好做ㄟ 骰好攻速暴擊 卡滿後墜 元素前墜用
不知道有甚麼用就是了 給判官嗎XD
10c換EX 貨幣控制???
5%很高耶 隨便都能成功吧
這三小?爆炸飾品? http://i.imgur.com/51L0HiL.jpg
[外絮] 勝差相近才能進附加賽,Stein:多支球勝差相近才能進附加賽,Stein:多支球隊提出異議 Several teams have asked the NBA to consider changes to qualifying for the Nos. 9 and 10 seeds, per Marc Stein of the Stein Line. Stein表示已經有一些球隊提出異議請求聯盟考慮更改9號和10號種子參加附加賽的相關資格 。8
[Vtub] 彩虹seeds 06.11-12舉辦24小時生放送綠仙推特 2022.06.11-12 #SEEDs24 #にじさんじSEEDs7
[Vtub] ドーラ 四周年 LIVE虹社 SEEDs 一期 SEEDs 與 ド葛本社 的媽媽 帥氣的火龍 ドーラ將在 7點舉辦四週年 LIVE 低沉且具有穿透力的嗓音 曾夜唱近12個小時 也為虹社的實力唱匠之一2
[情報] 12/8 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 8 2020 A few handfuls of corn kernels might not seem like much. But if you were to plant those kernels in a fertile field, you would see them transform into a field full of succulent sweet corn. You may not have started out with a lot in a current venture, Capricorn. You may feel like you don't have that much1
[組包] Fanatical Mochi Bundle為什麼推這包? 主要是因為注意到做寶可夢那間GAME FREAK 他的練手用作品GIGA WRECKER進包了 其他就還好,喜歡牧場物語類型的可以買到T3收Harvest Moon -------------------------------------------------------2
[贈送] 南區/Seeds貓罐罐*4(已送出)物品名稱:Seeds 貓罐罐*4 (到期日2024/11) 物品說明: 我爸亂買,我家的貓挑食不吃XD 南區國資圖附近,請一次帶走 物品實照:2
Re: [情報] 星際大戰:舊共和國武士2 Switch版發售: 這次的發行商(?)在官方網頁上公布KOTOR2 Switch版DLC的內容 官方已經說清楚,這次的DLC是免費下載,然後實際內容如下 Q: What is included in this DLC?1
Re: [情報] 星際大戰:舊共和國武士2 Switch版發售這次的發行商(?)在官方網頁上公布KOTOR2 Switch版DLC的內容 官方已經說清楚,這次的DLC是免費下載,然後實際內容如下 Q: What is included in this DLC? A: The DLC is restored original content that was cut from the original- 作者: wei115 (24歲,是學生) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [vtuber] 2434SEEDs是不是很可惜? 時間: Thu Jun 4 02:24:20 2020 雖然19年才入坑 但最喜歡的還是SEEDs
- 原因:主子嘴變叼不肯吃 品項: SEEDS Hello Fresh 清蒸鯖魚*8 SEEDS Hello Fresh 清蒸鮪魚&鮭魚*7 SEEDS Hello Fresh 清蒸鮪魚*2