[情報] SQEX:FFVIIremake將可能配送延期

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時間推噓28 推:29 噓:1 →:14




Due to the extraordinary circumstances the world is facing with the COVID-19
pandemic we want to update you on how this will impact the forthcoming
release of Final Fantasy VII Remake. Our priority is the wellbeing and safetyof our fans and customers, taking into account regional government and World
Health Organisation advice.

The worldwide release of Final Fantasy VII Remake on April 10 will go ahead.
However, with the unforeseeable changes in the distribution and retail
landscape which varies across countries, it is incredibly likely that some ofyou will not get hold of your copy of the game on the release date. We are
monitoring the situation on a daily basis and working with our partners,
retailers, and Square Enix teams across Europe and the Americas to do
everything we can to ensure as many of you as possible can play the game on
April 10th.

We want to keep you updated ahead of the release and intend to post again
this Friday March 20 with any further news. So please stay tuned to our
official channels. For any other questions regarding the release please
contact our Square Enix Customer Service teams or your relevant retailer for
more information on availability in your region.

▍ 飼主是個超級無敵爛人
也不太帶我散步 也不太餵我飼料
/\ 腳又臭
◥◣▂▁ ▁▂◢◤ 最重要的是腳超級臭


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tkglobe03/19 08:30訂數位版的我只怕實體偷跑 ccc

saga200203/19 08:35推1樓 我也是ccc

lolipopo03/19 08:37發售前一天就會有人破台了吧 ccc

chirex03/19 08:51還好我訂數位了

crassus721703/19 08:53還好我沒興趣~

sinho03/19 08:57反正不怕雷 記得送到我家就好

hipposman03/19 08:58疫情關係之後還沒發行的實體遊戲多少通關流程都會擔誤

hipposman03/19 08:58 已經有心裡準備了

phix03/19 09:00還好打算看實況就好

leo25511203/19 09:05#相信巴哈

sakemu03/19 09:13還好改買數位

crassus721703/19 09:17記得當初MH4買巴哈有延了幾天才收到...

xxtuoo03/19 09:21有夠廢Zzz

joe2joyce03/19 09:23樓上很會噓,不如你出去配送?

yu111111603/19 09:33數位版安定

Snowman03/19 09:35還好我一個念頭閃過 實體跟數位典藏都訂

eyeter03/19 09:37數位沒差

prwsme03/19 10:06蛤 那我要買數位惹

god520401703/19 10:14只要數位版正常發售就好,不要再延了

ericchien03/19 10:15還好最後還是訂了數位板 安心

CVTaihouKai03/19 10:18台灣應該不影響啦..

yangtsur03/19 10:25配送延誤就延吧,不想買兩套遊戲...反正這麼久都等了

yangtsur03/19 10:25不差那幾天

louis15233403/19 11:07不要又延一個月就好

dos3240803/19 11:11se遊戲不管怎樣都會遇到延期欸乖乖3月發售不就好了XDDD

Nico021403/19 11:16我是遊戲開始有數位版後 都一直買數位版

SuM0m003/19 11:45買數位版壓壓驚

chirex03/19 12:04有時候差幾天,人家就已經破完台,雷光光了XDDD

chirex03/19 12:05不過這片還好吧?反正劇情大家都曉得了

chirex03/19 12:05就是看到人家已經在玩,自己還在等貨會有小不平衡

tom4081903/19 12:07#相信我大哥巴哈

yangtsur03/19 12:32我以我個人遊玩狀況來說一定是比別人慢破台的.我也喜歡

yangtsur03/19 12:33看人玩所以肯定被雷.但也沒差.這是我啦,其他人不好說

biggest198303/19 12:50實體光碟能用酒精消毒嗎?

cucu112603/19 13:25慢點玩倒是還好,很多遊戲也都玩得比別人晚

yoseii03/19 13:54沒差我數位版的

yangtsur03/19 14:01時間不多。。。一月出的人龍七都還沒破咧

taebo03/19 15:52還好 數位版安定

coox03/19 16:01這遊戲怕雷? 難道某人改成不會死?

LABOYS03/19 16:06<實況中> 安安請問艾莉絲/林月如死了嗎 <你被踢出聊天室>

Leo086203/19 16:36數位版要大賣了

CelicaGT03/19 20:46沒...沒關係 我買數位版

ifyoutry03/20 07:47沒有必要刻意爆雷吧,又不是每個要玩重製的都玩過原版.

system30317903/20 18:34裡面不是提到北美跟歐洲而已嗎