[情報] IGN選出2020 Game of The Year入圍名單

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(Sou Kazuho )
時間推噓34 推:39 噓:5 →:55


IGN's Game of the Year 2020 - The very best games of 2020

Whether we were gathering cherry blossoms and catching bugs or frantically
trying to escape the depths of the underworld, 2020 kicked off the new decadewith some truly exceptional gaming experiences.

From massive years-in-the-making epics to surprising indie hits, these are
our nominations for the best game of 2020.



以下是入圍者 共十款 基本上可視為IGN的2020年度 Top 10
包括維京紀元 黑蜘蛛人Cyberpunk 2077(IGN標注:限PC版)
其中PS4獨佔/限時獨佔 佔了4個位置 可說是豐收的一年
Half-Life: Alyx做為領先示範性的VR大作 也被列在其中

(今天另一則新聞是 Among Us 也和 Hades 一樣 登上 Switch了!)

Animal Crossing: New Horizons[集合啦!動物森友會]

Animal Crossing New Horizons takes customization to new heights (literally)
by allowing you to move earth and water and design your own island (previous
games limited you to designing your house interior; you can still do that).
What's more, it allows you to share that experience with friends, with
virtual island tours becoming something of a cultural phenomenon of 2020.
That's the real potential this Animal Crossing unlocked: the combination of
creating and sharing has been key to its success, and key to its entry into
popular culture, perhaps more than any game released this year.

Animal Crossing New Horizons is a cute, often clever, totally unique social
game, but it can also be a great solitary one as well, with plenty of animal
friends to keep you company. Life is good in [YOUR ISLAND NAME] almost one
year in. Those that stuck with Animal Crossing New Horizons have not only
spent months collecting, decorating, and hosting, but also watching the
seasons change along with new updates like DLC holiday celebrations.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla[刺客教條 維京紀元]

In a year of excellent open worlds, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a big,
bold, and ridiculously beautiful Viking-era playground that may trump them
all as it impressively unfolds across its sprawling Middle Ages recreation.
It finely straddles the line between historical tourism, top-shelf conspiracytheory, and veiled mysticism against the backdrop of a grounded and focused
story of family and destiny.

Its fresh takes on the series’ traditional loot and side activities offer a
more organic and nuanced experience, while its savage combat reinforces the
ugliness of the matter it portrays. It’s rare that a game makes you stop and
really process the wonder of what you’re seeing, but Assassin’s Creed
Valhalla is loaded with such moments. Despite its many flaws, Valhalla is as
memorable and dense as an Assassin’s Creed has ever been on the back of its
rugged beauty, smart design, and sheer breadth, offering one of the very bestgames of the year.

Cyberpunk 2077 (PC version) [電馭叛客2077 PC版]

Without a doubt, the most anticipated game of 2020, Cyberpunk 2077's PC
release managed to impress even in the face of an overwhelming wall of hype.
We know the last-gen console version is in particularly bad shape (you can
see our PS4/XB1 review here) - that's why we're specifically only including
the PC release in our nominations. It may be far from polished, with visual
bugs around pretty much every corner at launch – but the diamond buried in
all that rough shines brightly through it regardless.

It’s an RPG with an immeasurable deal of flexibility in dialogue options,
mission choice, character builds, and more, and the sprawling, eccentric
Night City begs you to uncover all its secrets. While its main storyline may
be shorter than CD Projekt Red's past efforts, it’s still packed with
content. Flaws and all, the PC version Cyberpunk 2077 is still one of the
most impressive games this year.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake[太空戰士七 重製版]

Who would have thought that the best part about a remake of Final Fantasy 7
would be its real-time action combat? Despite how improbable that sounds, it’s what wowed me most about a game people had been waiting years for. Its
combat is fast and savage, with tons of choice in how you choose to build
your characters and nuance in how you take down its wide array of enemies –
and yet it somehow still retains the heart of what people remember about theoriginal, if not its literal turn-based systems.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake not only recreated Midgar and its lovable cast of
characters in gorgeous fashion, it reinvented their fight in a way that made
it shine beyond just pure nostalgia. It’s only a small part of a larger
story (a story that can admittedly feel a bit muddled at times), but the partit tells is full of exciting moments, returning and brand new alike.

Ghost of Tsushima[對馬戰鬼]

Much like the in-game wind that guides you to your destinations, Ghost of
Tsushima is a gust of fresh air. It is one of the largest steps forward in
the open-world action-adventure genre in some time thanks to its excellent
combat, clever approach to progression that avoids the pitfall of having to
level gate its quests, and its very often emotional side stories that go to
great lengths to develop its supporting cast.

With Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch crafted one of the most strikingly
beautiful open worlds we've seen to date and filled it to the brim with
worthwhile encounters, platforming challenges, collectibles, side stories,
and much more. And all of this is on top of the free multiplayer mode, Ghost
of Tsushima Legends, which adds on a truly excellent cooperative mode for up
to four players that features its own progression and challenges, separate
from the already excellent main campaign.


Hades is a one-of-a-kind rogue-lite that sets the bar for creatively
combining wildly different genres and using their strengths to complement
each other in unexpected ways. Satisfying, twitch-based combat combined with
the Rogue-lite potential of breaking the game through a lucky pull of boons
and power-ups leave you feeling like a god. Above all that, though is how
Hades ties narrative progression to its gameplay loop. Failed runs, player
choice, and built up relationships are authored moments that feel unique to
your playthrough in a way that no game before it has even attempted to come

A cast of ancient, storied characters recontextualized through a modern lens
makes the Greek pantheon feel new. And that coat of paint extends to the
literary device of Greek Tragedy. Transforming this tale destined for a
tragedy into a fairy tale that promises to stay with you for all time. Hades
is everything that video games should strive to be, all rolled into a
tightly-woven package for your enjoyment.

Half-Life: Alyx[戰慄時空:艾莉克絲]

Valve is known for not messing around when it comes to Half-Life games. The
original 1998 game transformed how stories were told in first-person games;
the sequel ushered in a physics-based gaming revolution in 2004. Both left
marks on the genre so recognizable that you can easily distinguish the games
that came before them and the games that came after.

The same, we expect, will be true of Half-Life: Alyx, in which Valve raised
the (crow)bar on VR shooters to levels no one had ever seen before.
Unprecedented levels of physical interactivity combine with top-tier graphicsand storytelling to absolutely drench us in the atmosphere of Valve’s
legendary universe. Once you play it and see what’s possible, you’ll never
look at other VR games the same way again.

The Last Of Us Part 2[最後生還者 第二部]

The Last of Us Part 2 feels like the culmination of Naughty Dog's
storytelling ambitions that first took form with the original Uncharted.
Living up to one of the most beloved game stories of all time is no easy
task, but Part 2 takes what made the original so nuanced and interesting and
doubles down on it in a journey that feels entirely real and unexpected.
Through the act of controlling characters who are overtly flawed, you come tounderstand them, even if it hurts you, the player, in the process. And while
this sounds like a huge bummer, The Last of Us Part 2 is ultimately hopeful;
not just a story about how violence can beget violence, but a story about
overcoming it.

That complex storytelling is also coupled with Naughty Dog's best
third-person action stealth and action combat yet, thanks to some brilliantlyintuitive level design and smart AI that makes each new encounter as much a
puzzle box as it is a fight to survive. (It also makes this Last of Us
multiplayer fan pine for a sequel to that mode.) The Last of Us Part 2 is
gruesome, brutal, and full of emotional stakes, and ranks as one of the PS4'sbest exclusives ever.

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales[Marvel蜘蛛人:麥爾斯摩拉斯]

Insomniac's second foray into its Spider-Man universe builds on the strong
foundations of the original and tells a more impactful story, improves upon
the combat and collectibles, and makes the already beautiful open-world NYC
even more gorgeous. Yes, Miles Morales may be a smaller package than its
predecessor, but everything here feels integral to the game's core - Miles

Backed by a wonderful ensemble cast who each earn their time in the
spotlight, Miles is a warm, charismatic, and vulnerable protagonist, driven
by the love of his family, friends, neighborhood, mentor, and society as a
whole. He's bolstered by the wonderful web-swinging Insomniac perfected in
the original, along with new stealth and electric combat powers that make
every encounter more varied. This Spider-Man adventure is hopefully just the
beginning of Miles' journey in this universe.

Microsoft Flight Simulator[微軟模擬飛行]

Never before has an "open-world" game been quite as literal as Microsoft
Flight simulator. The incredible complexities of its real-world Bing map
integration allow you to fly over, take off from and land at any airport in
the world while taking in some of the Earth's most breathtaking wonders.

They're all here, waiting for your flight. But beyond the astonishment and
freedom to visit literally any place on planet Earth, the flight modeling is
some of the most realistic ever crafted. It's truly an incredible
technological achievement, one that gives you the ability to fly from
anywhere to anywhere in astounding detail.


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※ 編輯: SouKazuho ( 臺灣), 12/16/2020 13:07:24

OscarShih12/16 13:04IGN

piliamdamd12/16 13:0410/10又要拿獎了?

alanjiang12/16 13:04還不錯的名單啊(茶)

howerd1112/16 13:042077限PC版 哈

luxurygenius12/16 13:05未看先猜10/10 沒有我給樓下肛到脫肛

strike51912/16 13:06TLOU2 實至名歸 對馬深度不夠 可惜了

FlyinwindX12/16 13:062077爛成這樣一堆人還護得下去

LoliTube12/16 13:08有2077就是噓 把家機用戶當白癡

sarevork12/16 13:102077 VS 10/10 看戲時間到

SouKazuho12/16 13:10IGN內文有說2077的 last gen console 版本(PS4/Xbox O

SouKazuho12/16 13:10ne)在一個很糟的狀態,所以提名只包括PC版

OscarShih12/16 13:10IGN就別演了

SouKazuho12/16 13:12但IGN也說2077「也許離打磨完成還有很大距離,但不論如

SouKazuho12/16 13:12何隱藏在這堆亂七八糟bug中的鑽石還是閃耀奪目」

grizz23312/16 13:14當然是我大最後2得獎啊 2077算了吧

SouKazuho12/16 13:17「微軟模擬飛行」確實有拿到澳洲媒體EFTM的GOTY

micbrimac12/16 13:2110/10穩穩的

mioaria12/16 13:22限定pc哈哈哈 不簡單XD

SouKazuho12/16 13:24

SouKazuho12/16 13:24PC和console體驗確實有落差

SouKazuho12/16 13:24

Ageg12/16 13:2510/10: 別浪費時間了 直接給我

OscarShih12/16 13:27PC竟然上升到7.0了 再給個2週就8.0了吧

FallRed12/16 13:2810/10 一票

a168411412/16 13:29這不用選了吧 直接給10/10不要演了

max8311112/16 13:3010/10: I R WINNER

SouKazuho12/16 13:332077 PC的user分數確實有在回升中

supereva12/16 13:37不是比分數就好了嗎 10/10當然贏

Jiajun072412/16 13:38當然給10/10 以後強制教育PS玩家 西西

SouKazuho12/16 13:38不過PC版 so far 只進來62個review

supereva12/16 13:38如果不是10/10贏 那那個評分要幹嘛?

OscarShih12/16 13:39其實IGN是一直都有在看風向的啦

ReNewable12/16 13:402077就缺點太明顯 其實內容不差

OscarShih12/16 13:40他們給死擱6.8分,結果2019年度還不是入圍死擱

OscarShih12/16 13:40自己打自己的臉

SouKazuho12/16 13:40IGN今年2020就給了四個遊戲10分哦

rockmanalpha12/16 13:4110/10啦 對艾比露點反感的都是處男

SouKazuho12/16 13:42這四個遊戲除了Persona 5 Royal之外都在此榜上

SouKazuho12/16 13:432019年IGN沒有給過10分,2018他們給了三個遊戲10分,

SouKazuho12/16 13:43有興趣可以猜看看是哪三款

SouKazuho12/16 13:442017三款IGN十分作:馬力歐奧德賽、荒野之息、Undertal

SouKazuho12/16 13:44e

supereva12/16 13:46那就10分的挑一個選不就好了 入圍其他的幹嘛

MrDisgrace12/16 13:47模擬飛行到底要用什麼硬體跑?XD

supereva12/16 13:47還是說會參考玩家評價?

widec12/16 14:0010/10

coolorphen12/16 14:23要不要每年給10/10終身教育獎算了!

momocom12/16 14:262077要被10/10輾壓了

micbrimac12/16 14:2810/10至少能正常運作...

MrDisgrace12/16 14:3210/10勝券在握

skyalso12/16 14:50當然是給10/10讓玩家好好教育一下,還演什麼?

CrazyLord12/16 15:16大家都知道10/10內定了啦 演爽沒==

summer396512/16 15:1710/10啦 哪次不10/10的

jackeo12/16 15:17可以直接宣佈10/10好嗎

xxx6070912/16 15:27看名氣選遊戲,垃圾IGN zzzzzz

vsepr5512/16 15:34看名氣選合理啊,在推特上吵架也是看誰名氣大

OscarShih12/16 15:41這世界一直都是叫座再叫好的

ViolentBear12/16 15:5210/10與其他遊戲

Theddy12/16 15:57我無法想像10/10輸的樣子

oppaidragon12/16 16:0310/10與其他雜魚

chasher12/16 16:131010啦 那次不10的

colchi12/16 16:14Half-Life: Alyx、微軟模擬飛行也都10/10

colchi12/16 16:15不過TGA加持下,艾比被翻盤的機會渺茫

sasakihiroto12/16 16:16名單不錯 但大家都知道得獎的就是辣葛10/10

evic71012/16 16:19Hades 給推!

BSpowerx12/16 16:29這還用選嗎,IGN自己把10/10/10捧翻天,不給GOTY自打臉

f05137212/16 16:322077沒BUG的話我覺得很不錯啊

tudnste12/16 16:40但他就有bug啊,10/10沒neil八成也神作

f05137212/16 16:48可是BUG有救 神劇情沒救QQ

DJRobin12/16 16:49為何不直接給10/10? 因為可以再賺一次啊 等$入帳就不演了

cheno660412/16 17:28今年最佳幹話:如果沒有BUG這就是好遊戲了

OscarShih12/16 17:35BUG可以修 劇情你只能重做

alvis00012/16 17:36某:無法證明metacritic那些人有買遊戲

cheno660412/16 17:37又不是只有特定點閃退這種問題,整個優化打掉重練吧

SouKazuho12/16 17:40Neil 在 TLOU 一代做到尾聲時找了Ashley(Ellie的演員

SouKazuho12/16 17:40)吃飯,說要聊DLC的詳細,但當晚他就已經把二代的主要

SouKazuho12/16 17:40大綱說給 Ashley 聽了。這個是Ashley上節目時說的。Ash

SouKazuho12/16 17:40ley 說自己在餐廳聽到哭。

hexalift12/16 17:40唯一支持

SouKazuho12/16 17:41 IGN近年來10分遊戲列表

SouKazuho12/16 17:462018不意外的兩款RDR2、新戰神,還有一款是 Celeste。I

SouKazuho12/16 17:46GN這幾年也傾向會給小廠/獨立遊戲滿分。除了上面說的

SouKazuho12/16 17:46那些,比方還有2016的 Inside、The Witness。算是一種

SouKazuho12/16 17:46策略吧。

SouKazuho12/16 17:49 GameSpot 所有10分遊

SouKazuho12/16 17:49戲列表。大家印象中喜歡跟IGN唱反調(?)的GameSpot!

HukataNami12/16 20:26IGN嗎? 第一名一定是

OscarShih12/16 20:27他們畢竟是要流量的網站

OscarShih12/16 20:28唱反調才會有人來看,都一樣誰會想看阿..

SouKazuho12/16 21:17看了榜單後覺得口味是真的滿不一樣的 IGN和GameSpot

jun123rong12/17 00:12這個不用想直覺就是10/10了

skyalso12/17 00:14就十幾年來的榜單來看,IGN重寫意,GameSpot重硬派遊玩

dbjdx12/17 03:41也有幾款遊戲是兩邊都有10分

kooyoo114412/17 07:47家機用戶哪次不當白癡的 ^ ^

shinchung12/17 08:49洗頭還沒洗完嗎

arthurhsu12312/17 10:1810/10 準備掃榜

Rush075612/17 16:2410/10到底怎麼輸

SouKazuho12/17 23:01這個分析有意思(寫意vs硬派gameplay)

SouKazuho12/17 23:02是的,也是有兩邊都能拿到滿分的遊戲