[代po] [心得] 台大外文 二階甄試心得

看板SENIORHIGH標題[代po] [心得] 台大外文 二階甄試心得 作者
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-第一堂 作文-


題目:大學因為肺炎採取線上教學,以一個大學生的角度來說,線上教學是不是個長久之計?你認為這樣的教學方式是好是壞?300-350 words



-第二堂 聽力-

最爆炸的環節,沒有之一。因為聽說會出TED ED,我還把近兩個月的TED ED都看了一遍,結果出了一個四年前的啊~~

考試時間40分鐘,但音檔只有一個五分鐘的TED ED。難點在於後面的題目全部都是據音檔的內容下去問的,但前期在聽音檔時又要一邊寫題目,至少我自己是完全沒有記筆記的時間啦,其他人我就不知道了。建議好好練習聽音檔寫筆記QQ








Q: What do you think about the talk?

A: I think it’s i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _。



-第三堂 口試-




◆how do you feel now?

well, my heart is actually beating pretty fast right now, I’m extremely
nervous about the interview, and the people beside me in the classroom was
reading books that look so difficult (教授大笑)and I was just out there
chatting with the person beside me to calm myself down…

◆What do you do when you’re nervous?

I sing. I sing out loud when I’m stressed. Actually, I was so bothered
because I’m not able to sing in the classroom. (教授大笑x2)

◆So singing is your hobby?

yeah, I actually have my own band, and I’m the vocalist.

◆ooh, you’re the vocalist~

Why don’t you apply for the department of performance?

well, I’m afraid of cameras, and sometimes also crowds, so I don’t consider
singing as my future career, just as a hobby.


but for my future career, I am fascinated with language learning, as of now, I’ve learned English, Japanese, Korean, and French.


◆When did you start learning English?

Actually, I was born in America, so it might have started far from I had
remembered, but my English started to approve when I was in Junior and SeniorHigh. In our school, we separate students into different groups based on our
English ability, and I’m in A+. I started to like literature because of my
English class.

◆Speaking of the English group, what did you do during classes?

Our teacher was a foreign teacher, so he wanted us to know about some
historical events, important landmarks and read classic literature. So we
often have group projects, like PPT presentations, video filming, and
literature circle. We don’t really study things in textbooks or learn

◆Tell me one project that you work on and what you learn from.

There’s a project that we have to film a micro movie, based on Shakespeare's
midsummer night’s dream (教授哦~~會意點頭)

We wrote the script, film it, and edit it all by ourselves.

I’m actually the leader of the group, and what I learned from this project
is that… being a leader was totally not easy at all.

Because everyone in our group was smart and full of their own thoughts, it
was very hard for us to get to the same point when we’re having a discussion.

So what I can do the most was to keep the discussion...peaceful, and reach
an agreement.

◆What quality do you think a good leader should have?

I think a good leader has to listen. Listen to different thoughts from
different group members, and instead of putting yourself in the front, you
need to put the whole group in the front.


◆ok, thank you, that was great. (最好是真的喔不要客套嗚嗚嗚嗚)

thank you,

(走之前再敬了一次禮)thank you.






學測成績(25%) - [英x2,國數社x1] 74 >>24.67

作文成績(25%) - 85.5 >>21.38

聽力成績(25%) - 76(爆炸) >>19.00

口試成績(25%) - 89.5 >>22.38

總成績 - 87.43/正取




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