[分享] 近期大考熱門時事新聞英語整理與單字補充

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時間推噓19 推:19 噓:0 →:0








(此篇報導來源 : CNN)

1. President Donald Trump appeared to confirm Saturday that North Korean
leader Kim Jong Un is “alive and well.” Trump retweeted North Korean state
media photos of Kim attending a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Sunchon
Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory.

(唐納·川普總統於週六證實了朝鮮領導人金正恩的身體狀況。 川普轉推了朝鮮官方媒體的照片,稱金正恩在順川的磷肥工廠參加剪彩儀式。)

confirm (v.) 證實;肯定

同義字:affirm, state
phosphatic (adj.) 含磷酸鹽的
fertilizer (n.) 肥料

補充用法:organic fertilizer 有機肥料;a chemical fertilizer 化肥

2. Questions regarding Kim’s health were initially raised after he missed
the celebration of his grandfather’s birthday on April 15. He had been seen
four days before that at a politburo meeting, according to North Korean statemedia, KCNA.


initially (adv.) 起初,最初,初時
(同義字:at first, at the beginning, at the start)

politburo (n.) 政治局

3. North Korea tightly controls any information surrounding its leader, who
is treated almost like a deity within the country. His absences from officialstate media often spark speculation and rumors about his health.

(北韓嚴格控制關於其領導人的任何信息,而領導人幾乎被視為國內的神靈。 他在官方媒體的缺席經常引起人們對其健康狀況的猜測和謠言。)

deity (n.) 神;女神
(同義字:divinity, god , goddess)

speculation (n.) 猜測;推測,推斷
(同義字:thought, cogitation, analysis)





1. Hong Kong is one of the most economically unequal places in the world,
where an estimated one in five people live in poverty. The virus has only
pronounced that inequality, as poor people are forced to retreat into their
cage homes.


estimate (v.) 估計;估算
(同義字:evaluate, assess)

inequality (n.) 不平等,不均等
(同義字:unevenness, imbalance)

retreat (v.) 退卻;躲避;隱退
(同義字:withdraw, recede)

2. Cage homes are usually smaller than 100 square feet, only 25 square feet
larger than most of the city’s prison cells. Bathrooms are mostly communal
and often there are no kitchens — just plug-in hot plates. Units are mostly
divided by makeshift or removable walls.


plug (v.) 插入(插頭)
補充用法:plug (sth) in/plug (sth) into sth 給…接通電源;把(某一電器)與(

makeshift (adj.) 臨時代用的
(同義字:stopgap, temporary)

3. When asked about the difficulties of maintaining a proper distance betweenothers in such small living spaces, several cage home-dwellers shrugged and
said that everyone in their subdivided units just closed their doors.


dweller (n.) 居民
(同義字:resident, inhabitant)
補充用法:city, town, cave dweller 城市/城鎮/洞穴居民

shrug (v.) 聳(肩)
subdivide (v.) 將…再分,將…細分


第三篇為相對輕鬆的題材,標題為:五月八日的英國:今年的VE Day怎麼過?
到底什麼是 VE Day?


1. Friday marks 75 years since the end of World War II in Europe. A date thatwould traditionally have been commemorated with pomp and pageantry, May 8
this year will be celebrated very differently.

(距歐洲第二次世界大戰結束已有75年。 傳統上會以隆重的儀式和盛大的典禮來紀念這一日期,今年的5月8日將有很大不同。)

commemorate (v.) 紀念,緬懷

pomp (n.) 典禮,盛典,盛況
(同義字:pageantry, ceremony)

pageantry (n.) 盛大慶典;盛況
(同義字:pomp, spectacle)

2. While members of the public thronged the streets to celebrate in 1945,
social distancing measures mean that public gatherings such as veterans
parades and street parties have been canceled this year.


throng (v.) (人群)蜂擁,群集
補充用法:地點+beV thronged with +人 某地擠滿了人

veteran (n.) 老兵,退伍軍人

3. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson lit a candle in Westminster Abbey on
Thursday night in remembrance of those who died during the war. The UK
government has launched a website where people can find resources to mark VE
Day, including how to make bunting and posters at home.

(英國首相Boris Johnson星期四晚上在西敏寺大教堂點燃了蠟燭,以紀念那些在戰爭中喪生的人。 英國政府已經啟動了一個網站,人們可以在這裡找到紀念VE Day的資源,包括如何在家製作彩旗和海報。)

remembrance (n.) 紀念;懷念;緬懷
補充用法:in remembrance of 紀念

bunting (n.) 彩旗





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