[心得] 代發-Nogle面試非常失望
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Title: Very Disappointed with Nogle, Hermeneutic Interview Experience - Request
Dear Nogle, Hermeneutic’s HR:
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my deep disappointment and sadness with the recent interview experience I had with Nogle-Hermeneutic. Please allow me to elaborate on the situation with empathy and understanding for all parties involved.
First and foremost, I would like to apologize for having to write this email. My intention is to contribute positively to Nogle and Hermeneutic's continued growth and success. As an interviewee, I believe that being treated with respect is essential. Unfortunately, I felt severely disrespected during the process.
The interview timing coincided with the response deadline for another job opportunity, which I had communicated to HR representatives Alice and Amy multiple times. I asked if the deadline was too tight and whether I could be of any assistance. Since the interviews were conducted online, I hoped to visit the company in person to get a better understanding of the corporate culture. However, my experience with Amy during the onsite visit left me extremely upset. Amy requested that I stop reminding her
about the deadline and subsequently rejected my offer on the spot. I felt misunderstood and humiliated at that moment.
My concerns about the deadline stemmed from my worry that a delayed interview outcome might force me to decline Nogle's offer, which would be embarrassing for both me and the company. Additionally, the lack of a consistent point of contact throughout the multiple interview rounds led me to confirm and inquire about the interview process each time.
For the onsite interview, Amy contacted me directly via phone without providing any email or contact information. Alice was unaware of this arrangement, which left me waiting in the lobby for a long time. After spending 2-3 hours interviewing with various engineers and researchers, my offer was declined on the spot due to the misunderstanding with Amy. I am extremely disappointed and saddened by this outcome, considering the time and effort I invested, as well as the empathy I demonstrated in
considering the company's perspective.
I sincerely hope that my feedback will contribute to Nogle and Hermeneutic's continuous improvement. I wish your company all the best, and I appreciate your understanding and attention to this matter.
Kind regards.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
內心戲很多的朋友 公司根本不care
這篇廢話太多 可以再精簡一點
sponsored post?
英文寫得很不錯 文法禮貌都到位
TLDR Amy超雷
目前只有單方面說法先不推噓 坐等Amy回覆
nobody care
amy bad
Sponsored by whom?
你可以催,但誰規定HR一定要配合你的呢? 雙方是互相的。
放心 人家根本不會開來看
覺得寫得還行阿 一堆噓是怎樣 讓面試者在大廳等本來就
看了推聞就知道勞權不會進步不是沒原因XD 可憐阿
為什麼覺得你給出時間 公司一定得配合你? 只是面試都還
HR可能無法就專業領域評斷適不適任 但是觀察溝通處事技巧
倒是有一套 寄了這種信回去 老實說會讓HR更開心自己沒做
我先說,我真的不是甚麼資方打手,但是看到這篇文章,整個感覺就是很怪 我先講很怪的地方好了 "The interview timing coincided with the response deadline for another job opportunity, which I had communicated to HR representatives Alice and Amy multiple times."6
亮出底牌要看是甚麼底牌 原文英文雖然只說opportunity而不是offer 但是前面說是response deadline 所以這張底牌應該是指有其他間offer了 這種情況在約面試時亮出底牌是非常正常的 或許只有台灣腦聽到這句話才會覺得怪怪的 "我就已經有offer了阿 回覆期限就是那一天阿 啊我都知道了還不跟你說趕緊排面試 這樣我反而才是不稱職的那一個面試者"
[心得] 2022 Amazon/Google/MixerBox/Omlet/...(以下是幫沒帳號的朋友代 PO) 當初有看一些前人的分享,就決定之後自己也要回饋分享一下。 拿到 Offer:Amazon、Google、MixerBox、Omlet、ShopBack 面完無聲:LINE 中途停止:foodpanda、Ubiquiti、Xendit65
[心得] Google TW SWE 面試心得# Google TW SWE 面試心得 背景: 3yoe,做了兩年豬屎屋後受不了工作型態轉職Backend,目前約一年後端經驗 無奈薪水太低加上今年上半年各種外商擴招就開始面試 3月在LinkedIn 收到Google recruiter面試邀約,大多數recruiter都建議可以先準備一個31
[情報] Barry Bonds:希望洋基不要簽法官啊“I hope he signs here,” Bonds said. “Can it happen? I don’t know. It depends on what the Yankee payroll is. But we would love to have him, I’ll tell you th at.” 棒子爺在最近接受電話專訪時,提到他希望法官能和巨人簽約啊27
[情報] Barry Bonds:希望洋基不要簽法官啊“I hope he signs here,” Bonds said. “Can it happen? I don’t know. It depen ds on what the Yankee payroll is. But we would love to have him, I’ll tell you th9
[北美] 公司問我availability for interview後無下文公司問我availability for interview後無下文 各位大大好 小弟在台灣當軟體工程師約6年,最近在indeed上投遞大約50封履歷, 只有三家回覆說想確認我availability for online interview 但是我回覆我可以的時間後,就沒有再回覆我了5
[請益] 請教nogle諾傑公司文化氣氛代朋友po文 請問有人知道nogle諾傑好嗎?在信義區一棟廣場前有牛的這間~ 打聽到似乎辦公環境跟待遇很誘人,同事水準也都不錯 想請教...有沒有大大在這家工作,想請教相關工作內容、公司的文化跟工作氣氛,感謝! Ps 聽說裡面有跑道!?3
[請益] 請問 Nogle 諾傑 這間公司如何啊?各位大大好 這幾年來一直有 hunter 在推薦 Nogle 的職缺 但跟找工作的時機點搭不上 剛好最近找工作又有 hunter 在推 面完之後感覺還不錯,但是在網路上好像沒有太多資訊1
[請益] Nogle Quant Trader面試請益請益各位大大 目前有接到這家公司的面試邀請 職位是Crypto Quant Trader 想請問有沒有大大面過的可以分享 或是有關公司的內部文化- [職涯podcast] 獲得頂級薪資!獨角獸電商面試經驗分享 30分鐘快閃快聊: 獲得Dream Offer -- 在case interview環節脫穎而出! 時間:1/25 二 21:00-21:30 地點:線上 @zoo