[創作] Imagine
Imagine there’s no stock
It’s easy if you try
No TWSE below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the Chinese leek
Living for today…
Imagine there’s no stock
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to buy or sell for
And no Bull/Bear, too
Imagine all the Chinese leek
Living life in peace…
You may say l’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no stock
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of men
Imagine all the Chinese leek
Sharing all the world
You may say l’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
※ PTT 留言評論
[閒聊] Imagine Dragons x J.I.D - Enemy音樂公司又出手了== 還找來Imagine Dragons 鬼吧.... 不知道是奧術的主題曲還是Opening還是怎麼樣的22
[情報] Mark Zuckerberg FOUNDER'S LETTER, 20211. 標題:Mark Zuckerberg: FOUNDER'S LETTER, 2021 2. 來源:Facebook(Meta) CEO's Facebook 3. 網址: 4. 內文: FOUNDER'S LETTER, 202119
[問卦] Imagine Dragons最好聽的歌是哪幾首?美國獨立搖滾樂團Imagine Dragons 台灣翻譯成謎幻樂團,對岸翻譯為夢龍樂團 最有名的歌是Radioactive 但你覺得最好聽得歌是哪幾首 我得排名5
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[閒聊] Imagine Dragons推出Starfield合作音樂Imagine Dragons - Children of the Sky (a Starfield song) 現在是遊戲都要找人來唱歌就是了 老卡手遊找OOR 盒子找Imagine Dragons4
[情報] 31/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen someone enters into a new romantic relationship, they don't do so envisioning its ending. No, they go into it filled with hope. They may even imagine wedding bells down the road. This does not, of course, guarantee that the romance will last, but it does guarantee that the beginning of it will be good and hopeful, providing a great start. You are2
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[星空]Imagine Dragons - Children of the sky想要史詩感 找他唱就對了 不知道會不會真的在遊戲裡聽到這首!? ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-S9010.2
[創作] Abyss(怪獸8號)吉他改編YONGBLUD和Imagine Dragons共同製作的主題曲Abyss是有夠好聽 音樂搭配迷幻的動畫讚 的 歌曲重節奏就很有Imagine Dragons的風格 副歌只有1、2句歌詞把節奏編排的極抓耳 --1
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