Re: [新聞] 眾院議長佩西洛即將否決紓困案

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※ 引述《Hatewoman (*真*仇女教主)》之銘言:
: 1.原文連結:
: 2.原文內容:
: NO RELIEF Schumer says Pelosi is RIGHT to reject GOP stimulus plan putting $1,: 200 checks at risk as Trump says he’s open to deal
: CHUCK Schumer said on Tuesday Nancy Pelosi was right to reject a White House s: timulus plan, even though it puts a second round of $1,200 checks in jeopardy.: Speaking on MSNBC, Senate Minority Leader Schumer backed the Speaker's decisio: n to dismiss the stimulus deal, saying, "Nancy is right to reject it."
: "They are just playing a game," he added.
: "They’re trying to say a higher number than they originally were without actu: ally changing any of the language."
: Schumer's comments came after Host Chris Hayes said he was "deeply confused ab: out the status of things," with a tentative deal for $1.8trillion brokered by: Secretary of State Steven Mnuchin dismissed by Pelosi.
: Hayes said: "The speaker was on CNN today, basically saying, like, no, it’s n: ot good enough, and that strikes people as a little nuts. If that were the dea: l, wouldn’t you all take it?”
: However, Schumer said that the $1.8trillion is not ideal for "America's needs."
: "The package that the House passed first - the $3.4trillion and then when they: came down and did the $2.2trillion - was designed at a bare minimum to meet A: merica’s needs.
: "The $1.8 doesn’t, not just because it’s $1.8 but because the language in it: is far worse than what is in the $2.2 and just doesn’t meet America’s needs.: "It depends on what day it is to know where Trump is at and where the Republic: ans are at. Trump today now says go big, and the Republican Senate says go ver: ans are at. Trump today now says go big, and the Republican Senate says go ver: y little or not at all. How do you negotiate?"
: The interview came after Pelosi had an uncomfortable interview on Tuesday on C: NN with host Wolf Blitzer pushing the Speaker over the holdup of the $1.8trill: ion package.
: Pelosi slammed Blitzer as a "Republican apologist," claiming he had "no knowle: dge" of the details of such relief proposals.
: The speaker said that she had pushed back against the Republican-proposed reli: ef package because child tax credits and earned income credits were "eliminate: d."
: As the heated exchange continued, Blitzer asked, "Why not work out a deal with: [President Trump] and don’t let the perfect, as they say here in Washington,: be the enemy of the good?"
: Pelosi responded: "Well I will not let the wrong be the enemy of the right
: President Donald Trump on Friday offered a $1.8 trillion coronavirus relief pa: ckage in talks with Pelosi after urging his team on Twitter to "go big."
: ckage in talks with Pelosi after urging his team on Twitter to "go big."
: This was closer to Pelosi's $2.2 trillion proposal, however, the proposal was: dismissed by Pelosi as inadequate.
: In a letter to Democratic colleagues, she explained that the proposal lacked a: "strategic plan to crush the virus."
: "This proposal amounted to one step forward, two steps back," Pelosi wrote.: Congress passed $3trillion in coronavirus aid in the spring, including help fo: r the unemployed.
: But both sides now believe that more aid is needed - despite the fact they can: 't come to an agreement.
: On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the Republican-led U.S: . Senate would vote next week on a targeted $500 billion coronavirus economic: aid bill - the type Democrats already have rejected.
: 3.心得/評論:
: 自私的民主黨
: 得不到想要的就直接否決議案
: 連1200美刀支票方案都打包否決
: 這樣玩政治
: 總有一天會被民意反撲


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oldEn15 10/15 00:25你說反了 是民主黨先提2兆刺激計畫

fman 10/15 00:25美國還真的很多人紓困不下來馬上要死了,一堆月光族

oldEn15 10/15 00:25共和黨不同意,因為執政黨不會支持這樣的大規模支出

IBIZA 10/15 00:26你在講三小, 10月初的2.2兆紓困是民主黨提的

※ 編輯: pujos ( 臺灣), 10/15/2020 00:26:42

oldEn15 10/15 00:26而且要選舉了,兩黨一定都很堅持,不大可能讓步

mOoOm 10/15 00:26大家怎麼噓這麼快

DSI 10/15 00:27查一查再po好嗎...

oldEn15 10/15 00:27因為火氣很大,看了就生氣,沒過股市還不會跌 cow

IBIZA 10/15 00:281.8兆也不是共和黨否決的, 是川普出院的時候退出談

IBIZA 10/15 00:28判的

yenyen0403 10/15 00:28是曼德拉效應嗎?川普支持久了什麼鳥蛋都他生的

fats 10/15 00:28到底在說什麼...

Robben 10/15 00:29看不懂

IBIZA 10/15 00:29川普退出紓困談判之後, 放話說他要簽1200美元支票的

edward19879110/15 00:30大家好兇

IBIZA 10/15 00:31單一法案, 要大家不要再包裹整包紓困案

abiggun 10/15 00:31QQ

IBIZA 10/15 00:32民主黨是打算利用包裹大撒幣救州政府的, 川普拆包裹

IBIZA 10/15 00:32他們當然不同意

oldEn15 10/15 00:33簡單說,民主黨可以這樣亂喊,就是沒有執政黨的壓力

oldEn15 10/15 00:33川普和共和黨是不可能在選前同意這樣大的規模

oldEn15 10/15 00:33不然還選P選

pushstut 10/15 00:33完全不尊重被打臉剛好,跟台灣是不是有像?

icehorng 10/15 00:33我看不懂

Hatewoman 10/15 00:34民主黨超自私的,把黨的私益綁在人民利益上

IBIZA 10/15 00:34川普還不是一樣XD

mchotdoggy 10/15 00:34我覺得都不重要,告訴我明天電梯向__

Hatewoman 10/15 00:35川普都說1200美金支票紓困,中小企業紓困他馬上簽了

IBIZA 10/15 00:36除了共和黨 所有人都說要大撒幣吧 包括FED

Rasilez 10/15 00:37所以明天多軍直接全部對折嗎?

Lowpapa 10/15 00:37看不懂

dog990999 10/15 00:42說穿了 民主黨只是怕支票出現trump

IBIZA 10/15 00:43樓上 民主黨的包裹一樣支票會出現trump啊XD

IBIZA 10/15 00:43民主黨是不想讓川普從包裹裡面只挑他想要的錢

IBIZA 10/15 00:44如果這樣 那共和黨不喜歡的那些支票要怎麼兌現?

yenyen0403 10/15 01:01川普很會算吧。只要是對民主黨州有利的堅決不過,只

yenyen0403 10/15 01:01挑對他自己(選民)有利的,這心態鬼才跟他玩

seanidiot 10/15 01:04裴洛西是多希望老頭子落選啊

abcd2266 10/15 01:06你真的很丟臉...至少先google一下再發文......

jack21023 10/15 01:33要帶風向也要查證事實再po

CallMeDavid 10/15 01:45你知道Pelosi五月就提了3兆紓困但參院共和黨不鳥嗎

CallMeDavid 10/15 01:46所以她這次妥協到2.2兆來跟共和黨談

Sabo5566 10/15 01:52笑死

kyova 10/15 02:08為什麼我看不太懂你要表達啥... 被你一講我頭昏了

kingofsdtw 10/15 02:09美國有食物銀行不會死吧? 頂多冷死...

kingofsdtw 10/15 02:10何況公宅如此多

kingofsdtw 10/15 02:11還有可以領到老的失業補助

supisces 10/15 03:08帶風向失敗

Wortetria 10/15 06:12這什麼廢文

jimmyid4 10/15 08:05嗯嗯?

CTW8877 10/15 11:02你那邊還來的及 不要投歐巴馬

HeadTaker 10/15 11:05哈哈,現在股市一堆跟你一樣連資訊都看錯的