[情報] 美國一公司告兩航商操控運價賺取暴利!

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1. 標題:US Company Sues 'Collusive' Ocean Carriers, Alleging Price
2. 來源:YAHOO
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用MCS Industries可以估狗到不少篇


大概是說這家公司控告COSCO and MSC操控運價賺取了暴利

A U.S. manufacturer is accusing two of the world's largest ocean carriers of
reneging on its container service contract for imports from Asia so that the
carriers can instead charge other shippers exorbitant transportation rates onthe spot market.

In a complaint filed on Wednesday with the Federal Maritime Commission,
Easton, Pennsylvania-based MCS Industries, a maker of household furnishings,
also accuses China's COSCO Shipping Lines, Switzerland's MSC Mediterranean
Shipping, and their competitors in the Asia-U.S. trans-Pacific trade of
violating the U.S. Shipping Act since the beginning of the pandemic while
increasing profits at the expense of their customers.

"MCS has experienced this misconduct by global ocean carriers firsthand, as
they have unreasonably refused to deal and negotiate with MCS," the company
stated in its complaint. "In a stark break from pre-pandemic practice,
several ocean carriers refused to negotiate or provide service contracts to
MCS, and those that did provide such service contracts, including Respondents[COSCO and MSC], refused to provide more than a fraction of the cargo
capacity that MCS requested and needs, despite the fact that the Respondents
overall have continued to operate at or near pre-pandemic capacity."

To make matters worse, MCS states, COSCO and MSC "then proceeded to engage ina common practice of refusing to perform even under those limited service
contracts, instead forcing MCS to buy space on the inflated spot market."

Average daily price (U.S. dollars) for 40-foot container, China-U.S. West
Coast trade, YTD as of July 31. Source: SONAR
To learn more about FreightWaves SONAR, click here

The practice has delivered to COSCO, MSC and other carriers "unprecedented
windfall profits," MCS asserts, noting that a container in 2019 that might
have cost approximately $2,700 to ship from China to the U.S. West Coast
costs $15,000 or more on the current spot market.

Market Power Audit Underway

MCS' complaint comes just weeks after the FMC announced plans to audit nine
of the largest container carriers operating in U.S. markets, including COSCO
and MSC, to find out if they are using their market power to overcharge
shippers on detention and demurrage fees. The audit program, according to theagency, will also "provide additional information beneficial to the regular
monitoring of the marketplace for ocean cargo services."

Last week FMC Commissioner Rebecca Dye issued a series of interim
recommendations for the agency and Congress to consider — which include
amending the Shipping Act — to address congestion and disruption along the
container supply chain. One recommendation would provide more protection for
shippers, their agents, and drayage truckers against ocean carriers that
threaten to refuse vessel space in retaliation for complaining to the FMC —
an allegation denied by the World Shipping Council, which represents the

Lawmakers are already drafting legislation to address alleged abuses by oceancarriers, particularly as they affect U.S. exporters. A bipartisan bill
expected to be proposed by John Garamendi, D-Calif., and Dusty Johnson,
R-S.D., would prohibit ocean carriers from refusing to book exports.

Minimum Space Denied

In detailing its complaint, MCS explained it had entered into a written
service contract with COSCO, per U.S. Shipping Act regulations, that was
effective as of Jan. 1. According to MCS, the contract called for a minimum
number of twenty-foot equivalent units for shipment by COSCO from China, HongKong, and/or Indonesia to the U.S. at agreed prices.

Despite that minimum commitment, however, beginning in May, COSCO has been
refusing to provide MCS more than a fraction — 1.6% — of the allotted space
in the contract, which has forced MCS to book in the spot market with other
carriers at much higher prices or not ship at all.

"Upon information and belief, COSCO is violating the Shipping Act in a
similar fashion with respect to other shippers, as well as discriminating
against U.S. shippers such as MCS by favoring Chinese shippers with greater
space allotments than those provided to MCS," the company alleges. It accusedMSC of providing 35% of the space required under contract.

$600,000 In Damages And Counting

MCS claims the two carriers are benefiting at the expense of shippers by
organizing themselves under the three major alliances that MCS contends
collectively control over 90% of the trans-Pacific trade. "These collusive
ocean alliances give Respondents venue and opportunity to coordinate
discriminatory practices such as those alleged herein," MCS states.

That market power and five alleged violations of the Shipping Act have so farcost MCS over $600,000, the company maintains, which continues to accrue. Thecompany is asking FMC to find, after investigating its allegations, that the
carriers have been "unreasonably refusing to deal or negotiate with MCS."

The company is also seeking from the agency an order requiring the carriers
to put in place "lawful and reasonable practices to preclude Respondents fromrefusing to provide MCS with its allotted space at the prices agreed under
their respective service contracts with MCS for the remaining terms of those
service contracts."

COSCO and MSC were not immediately available to comment.


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lolpklol097508/02 20:15丸了,ㄘㄨ貨文一篇又一篇,延綿不絕

castlewind 08/02 20:16訟棍之國的日常

kech9111 08/02 20:16拜登基

hong92 08/02 20:16是有多怕被嘎?

t73697 08/02 20:17塊陶啊

atn20213 08/02 20:17快......逃......咕嚕咕嚕咕嚕..........

kmshy 08/02 20:17官司打完在來哭啦

porter0917 08/02 20:17所以勒 我大陽萬長運費一樣高的狠,閒貴就別來拖運

aegis43210 08/02 20:17利多呀,又不是告台灣航商

leastsquares08/02 20:17cosco下 evergreen上

BBryson 08/02 20:17看到60萬美金,我笑了

iammi21 08/02 20:18來了來了要崩了

Rin5566 08/02 20:18可憐

ZunYin 08/02 20:18這案子到明年都不知道能不能打完官司

HYJ627 08/02 20:18咕嚕咕嚕

twic 08/02 20:19咕嚕咕嚕

iamjojo 08/02 20:19告起來!

fall781254 08/02 20:19咕嚕咕嚕出現了

jerrylin 08/02 20:20不爽不要用R

jerrylin 08/02 20:21現在的問題又不是因為壟斷 是因為供需不平衡

qooh2 08/02 20:21好,那這兩家減少船班去美國好了

t73697 08/02 20:22我看了一下 20小時前的新聞 今天CSOCO漲7% 沒事兒

flycarb 08/02 20:22打完不知道要多久 真有趣

castlewind 08/02 20:22「有人」密報的「有人」出現了 過幾天應該就會看到

castlewind 08/02 20:23斷章取義的標題跟內文出現在財經報導上了

Picoro 08/02 20:23利多吧?代表航商就算付賠償金棄掉以前低價壓榨航運

Picoro 08/02 20:23的約,都還是比較賺

lpmybig 08/02 20:26拜登說沒有

unwisdom 08/02 20:26來囉

MinJun5566 08/02 20:26這家會不會變黑名單

MayorKoWenJe08/02 20:27史詩級丸子.............

nodnarb1027 08/02 20:27到時候無罪就噴噴

AnnWow 08/02 20:27完蛋...明天三雄又要跌停

castlewind 08/02 20:27感覺就像總有人嘗試控告麥當勞害他糖尿病一樣的訴訟

halfmoon6 08/02 20:28好的 明天一根

s155260 08/02 20:28看是誰先咕嚕咕嚕

noname78531 08/02 20:29咕嚕嚕嚕嚕

ALJAZEERA 08/02 20:30才60萬 你慢慢告

lpinky1987 08/02 20:31看不出來利空利多...

Sinkage 08/02 20:31好 放空costco

ppav0v0v 08/02 20:31咕嚕。。咕嚕。。。。

zaqwsxjason 08/02 20:32見紅就空

SOneal 08/02 20:33別鬧了美國人天天告來告去的有甚麼稀奇 告贏在說好

SOneal 08/02 20:33

hillgill 08/02 20:34好了啦

e73103999 08/02 20:35還在騙砲哦..................???????

Coffeewater 08/02 20:36這樣告人還有航運公司敢讓他運貨嗎?

duncan0319 08/02 20:36咕嚕咕嚕

taiki39 08/02 20:36美國一堆訴訟蟑螂,要看什麼訴訟

qazsd8592 08/02 20:36你484空很多?

jjangnara 08/02 20:36血流成河 讚

bor1025 08/02 20:36又要爆幹噴了

jakewu1217 08/02 20:39好你的貨先不用運 等官司結束再運

Aasta6431 08/02 20:40這對貨櫃三雄是利多吧

bb55231 08/02 20:40才60萬 下去

castlewind 08/02 20:42新聞凹成反壟斷 就會變利空消息了XD

simo520 08/02 20:42吉起來

suyusian 08/02 20:4560萬鎂,航商:Am I a joke to you?

xpsecret 08/02 20:47航商:60萬?你瞧不起我?

hdlo 08/02 20:52這個你找多久才找到…60萬….

jay780305 08/02 20:53新聞都過快一天了= =

LineageM 08/02 20:54告死長 陽ˊ

g0t24568 08/02 20:55真的丸子 拜登登場

Unsullied 08/02 21:00你看吧 明天跌停

Unsullied 08/02 21:00開盤空起來

z030060374 08/02 21:04好市多要被搞?

asdlee 08/02 21:08趕快來告,越告,越不給艙位

stanleyiane 08/02 21:09咕嚕咕嚕咕嚕咕嚕

oyaji5566 08/02 21:11準備收律師附加費

ksmeng 08/02 21:13貨封起來開完再來領

reallove 08/02 21:16詞不能亂用喔 zz

smallwenwen 08/02 21:1660萬美金?這種小事還po?

jay780305 08/02 21:16這篇該備份起來吧

lala8520 08/02 21:1760萬鎂XDD

wolf215 08/02 21:21少年海神: ... 俺都60E 60萬美 別鬧惹QQ

resy 08/02 21:22所以?

※ 編輯: Cyri1 ( 臺灣), 08/02/2021 21:24:05

inokumaw 08/02 21:27查無不法,謝謝指教

paericsson 08/02 21:40特別找新聞很辛苦吼

OnePiecePR 08/02 21:49太早

tony1010 08/02 21:50告下去,會不會沒人要幫他運貨啊?

nwoyao 08/02 21:58空軍:明天應該不會被打下來吧~啊呀 咕嚕咕嚕

ginsengwolf 08/02 23:17好了啦航酸

imrbo 08/03 00:57利多