Re: [標的] NMM 希臘散裝+貨櫃 雙頭龍賺航運

看板Stock標題Re: [標的] NMM 希臘散裝+貨櫃 雙頭龍賺航運作者
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DJ Navios Maritime Acquisition Shares Up, to Merge With Navios Maritime Partners

DJ Navios Marine Acquisition股價上漲,將與Navios Marine Partners合併

By Stephen Nakrosis


Shares of Navios Maritime Acquisition Corp. are trading higher in Thursday's after-hours market, following news the company will merge with Navios Maritime Partners L.P.

Navios Marine Acquisition Corp.的股價在週四的盤後市場上走高,此前有消息稱,該公司將與Navios Marine Partners L.P.合併。

Under the terms of the deal, Navios Acquisition shareholders will receive 0.1275 of a common unit of Navios Partners for each outstanding common share of Navios Acquisition, the companies said.

兩家公司表示,根據交易條款,Navios收購股東將從Navios收購的每股已發行普通股中獲得Navios Partners一個共同部門的0.1275的股份。

The companies also said the combined company will be led by the existing board of directors of Navios Partners.

兩家公司還表示,合併後的公司將由Navios Partners現有的董事會領導。

At 4:53 p.m. ET, shares of Navios Acquisition were trading 49.05% higher, at $3.15 a share. Volume at the time topped 2.7 million shares.


The stock finished the day's regular session with a 3.23% loss, closing at $2.10 per share.


At 4:39 p.m. ET, shares of Navios Partners were trading 3.74% lower, at $24.71 a share. Volume at the time was just over 7,500 shares.

下午4點39分美國東部時間,Navios Partners的股價下跌3.74%,至每股24.71美元。當時的成交量略高於7500股。

The company's stock finished the regular session with a 1.95% loss, closing at $25.67.


Write to Stephen Nakrosis at [email protected]

寫信給斯蒂芬·納克希爾斯,電子郵件:[email protected]

(END) Dow Jones Newswires




※ 引述《fu78ds》之銘言:
: 1. 標的:NMM
: 2. 分類:多
: 3. 分析/正文:
: 1.散裝航運業擁有超過60年的運營歷史,是一家高度整合的海上航運和物流公司。
: 一家總部位於希臘的公司,提供海上貨運服務。 它擁有並經營一支幹散貨船和集裝箱船: 船隊。
: 有71艘船舶。
: 2.根據bluelibra__大神情報NMM原本是散裝航運,但今年已經併了NMCI(貨櫃),
: 有貨櫃的成份是4:6,是稀有的雙頭賺航海王
: 3.Navios旗下共有3家上市公司,包括:
: Navios Maritime Holdings Inc.(NYSE:NM)
: Navios Maritime Acquisition Corporation(NYSE:NNA)
: Navios Maritime Partners L.P.(NYSE:NMM)
: 4.
: 本益比 4.05
: 殖利率 2.65
: 股價淨值比0.53
: 季營收YOY39.95
: 近4季EPS6.53
: 近4季ROE10.33
: 對比台股散裝航運本益比30-50以上相對便宜很多
: 5.Q2財測大幅提高至2.98比EGLE高 沒有輸DAC
: 現價27元左右 對比EGLE 53元 DAC 74元 便宜許多

: 7.最近科技股不知在跌三Small 台股散裝船卻噴上天
: 比起來算是相對不錯選擇
: 4. 進退場機制:
: 27以下進場
: 40停利


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※ 編輯: fu78ds ( 臺灣), 08/28/2021 23:22:48

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