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1. 標題:長程輪脫困 Evergreen Ship Lodged in Chesapeake for a Month Moving Again

2. 來源: Bloomberg News (公司名、網站名)

3. 網址: (請善用縮網址工具

4. 內文:
Ship had been lodged in Chesapeake Bay mud since mid-March
General average declared, requires stakeholders to split costs
By Michael Tobin

(Bloomberg) --
The Evergreen Marine Corp. container ship that had been stuckin Chesapeake Bay mud for more than a month is moving again, vessel-tracking data show.

The navigational status changed Sunday to “under way using engine” after bei
ng classified as “aground” since it got bogged down just off the bay’s main
shipping channel after departing the Port of Baltimore on March 13, according to mapping data compiled by Bloomberg. Several attempts to free the Ever Forward with tugs failed, and officials recently offloaded some containers to lighten the load.

Ship blockages are another physical hiccup in the global supply chain that has helped fueled U.S. inflation to a 41-year high. Another Evergreen vessel lodged itself in a narrow portion of the Suez Canal last year, disrupting global shipping for months.

A salvage team led by the U.S. Coast Guard waited until this weekend with hopes that a full moon and high tides would be able to dislodge the ship after the latest attempt failed. The carrier has close to 5,000 containers on board, while at full capacity it can handle around 12,000 20-foot containers. The company declared general average, which requires owners of the cargo to split the recovery costs.

“Outstanding leadership by the U.S. Coast Guard, Maryland Department of Environment, Maryland Port Administration, and Maryland Environmental Services,” William P. Doyle, executive director at the Port of Baltimore, said on TwitterSunday. “A tremendous execution by Don Jon-Smit, the salvage team. Hats off to the Jones Act dredging, marine construction, tug and barge.”


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※ 編輯: blow5566 ( 臺灣), 04/17/2022 22:10:05

hong92 04/17 22:10一脫困,營收要600了? 玩笑要當真?

CTjoey 04/17 22:12下個月600億 不要不信

aegis43210 04/17 22:14長榮今年EPS60元很簡單

MinJun5566 04/17 22:15明天一根

rayisgreat 04/17 22:16崩崩

final01 04/17 22:18共匪文

dknymaster 04/17 22:20訊號來了

※ 編輯: blow5566 ( 臺灣), 04/17/2022 22:22:23

littenVenus 04/17 22:21好扯卡了一個月

BlueBird556604/17 22:22eps60也沒用 沒人敢買了 嘻嘻

hotbeat 04/17 22:22船通常還要進場維修

BlueBird556604/17 22:22之前賺很多的都高歌離席了 賠錢的則不敢買了

BlueBird556604/17 22:24連台驊都改玩波段 誰拉上去就被台驊賣下來 沒人想拉

garlos 04/17 22:26航運一律沒救 見紅空勝率高

AGA0927 04/17 22:28下下個月營收700億不要不信

goas2288111204/17 22:28高歌離席~

l1256 04/17 22:35不重要了

timidwei 04/17 22:46先一根再說

x19005 04/17 22:48真的 賺飽飽的不可能在重倉了 都小部位在做價差

lessmoref 04/17 22:49林老帽試脫褲

superamd 04/17 22:55

superamd 04/17 22:55終於這塞子

neoa01 04/17 22:59Eps 100也救不了股價了

Obama19 04/17 23:01跌停喔

yang57 04/17 23:06高點套鼠人…誰要拉解套啊......

planethell 04/17 23:07訊號

fairy129520 04/17 23:08 塞子拔掉…要聽到流水聲了

ojh 04/17 23:08上面套一堆韭菜 主力怎麼可能拉上去讓人解套

fishyki 04/17 23:11明天傻多空少誰賺錢就知道了

Marginal 04/17 23:17一篇一根講不聽

uller 04/17 23:19收到

lalamin 04/17 23:35咕嚕咕嚕

fbtm 04/17 23:40明天慶祝行情!

hhoung 04/17 23:40航運只有一條路,套牢領股息,整天自慰殖利率多好

hhoung 04/17 23:40多高,但是看損益都是負的,台北的天空有我套牢的

hhoung 04/17 23:40笑容

NEX4036 04/17 23:52照航酸的說法 運價一直在腰斬

NEX4036 04/17 23:52長榮會崩到除息完直接下市

aloness 04/18 00:00大谷周末連二轟,謎般的大谷蝴蝶效應會不會發動?

badbadook 04/18 00:38好屌

bewritten 04/18 00:47沒人要玩,都高歌離席了

slayptter 04/18 00:57發財

Daltonking 04/18 01:14明天一根

cheng31507 04/18 01:20訊號

windalso 04/18 01:40又卡了哦

shirleyEchi 04/18 02:05上次脫困就要開始談救助款

IokUdiefirst04/18 02:42明天一根

blackbrid 04/18 06:36低調建倉就好……

eric525498 04/18 06:53卡好久

faultless 04/18 07:02現在炒生技啦

ac2501332 04/18 07:57一篇一根 往上往下不知道

XISM 04/18 08:09下個月少一天,繼續500億

YJM1106 04/18 08:51PTT法人看空 這是買進訊號