[題目] 請教worth相關用法
The movie is ______
(A) worth seeing
(B) worthy seeing
(C) worthwhile seeing
(D) worth to see
請問(C) worthwhile不是也可+Ving
要It is開頭才可以?
It is worthwhile to see the movie.
= It is worthwhile seeing the movie.
或者是 worth-while seeing分開,有關係嗎?
※ PTT 留言評論
[閒聊] 開頭就進副歌的歌最近重聽Beast - Sad Movie 才突然發現原來是一開頭就進副歌 還滿喜歡這種安排的,很澎湃的感覺?XD 印象中早期好像蠻多這種編排的歌 想請問大家有沒有印象這種類型的~34
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[情報] 半週任務考慮變成每日任務(已暫時先不改)版本:現行 情報來源: (藍帖、MMO等) 情報網址: (網址太長請一併附上縮網址)15
[討論] 岡恩被少數查克粉評論轟炸中Hyde @hydeandgeek ·7
[Vtub] 澳洲腔的BurningBae: 我是說Burning! 不是Boning! 你們真的是很噁心。 原本Bae的意思是雖然家裡燒掉了,但是燒掉值得(Burning is worth it) 但Bae的腔調讓整個聊天室聽成Boning is worth it(做愛值得) --1
[情報] 02/03/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may stumble into a new idea today that could really take you places financially, Moonchild. And not only that, but you might also find it fascinating and enjoyable as you strive for much greater financial security. The stars say this is definitely a worthwhile pursuit for you, but you must do it right. So, do your research. Don't rush into anything- Theme: Movie With today’s fast-paced life, people can become busy and stressed, taking very little time to enjoy moments and make memories. Entertainment, time with friends and enjoying a simple way to relieve stress are just some of the reasons that watching movies is worth the time!
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