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220910-17 多賢 IG 更新
A sparkling arrival: @Dahhyunnee at our Spring/Summer 2023
#MichaelKorsCollection runway show. #NYFW
Dahyunnee在2023年#Michael Kors Collection的春夏時裝秀上。
Photographed by @LandonNordeman
The fashion show was so amazing and thankful to me.
Much appreciated to everyone for inviting me
#MichaelKorsCollection @michaelkors
#廣告 @michaelkors #MichaelKors #HowIJetSet #Michael Kors
To New York
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 鬍子:沒有如果鬍子:沒有如果 Let’s talk Brooklyn for a second, how would you sum up your short stint in Broo klyn? Uh, it was a lot of ups and downs. I appreciate the Nets and the city for what t hey’ve done for me in that year and a half. This is a business and for me, I th爆
[外絮] Manu名人堂演講逐字稿嗨,每次有長到哭的演講就是我來著手 (目前以馬刺球員為主啦) 原本想說要不要分上中下來翻,但之前也這樣然後就落漆了,那就一次翻完吧。 文章之後也會放到粉絲團,但最初譯完的版本就先放在這 有閒暇之餘再去粉專 (臉書: 毛叔譯球) 幫我動動手指按個追蹤吧。 (如果廣告有違反版規再跟我說,會馬上刪)爆
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[社群] 220518 多賢 IG 更新220518 多賢 IG 更新 [第一則] [限動_6] I'm very thankful to complete the encore concert this time2
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[社群] 220907-17 TWICE IG/twitter 更新220917 TWICE twitter 更新 [1] 還用說嗎... 開心的特別MC 感謝今天來幫我應援的ONCE們 為我應援的ONCE們 下次再見吧