[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/16-01/22

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/16-01/22作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:1

Pursuing a goal or taking on a project that you feel a bit insecure about could be a wonderful experience. It could challenge you, inspire you, build your confidence, and create situations where you will meet new and interesting people. Even though you may not feel like you can handle this admirably - and especially because of that - you need to take it on, dear Taurus. This week, get started. Gather what you need, including resources and connections for guidanceand support, and get going. A serious conflict, and perhaps a parting of the ways, may have occurred because of a disagreement that happened some time ago.This particular matter may have begun with a minor misunderstanding or an argument that had little significance or resonance. Now, though, there does not seem to be a path back to the relationship as it was. But perhaps there is. This week, you may have an opening to start healing that old wound and rebuildingthe foundation you once had with this individual. Don't miss this chance. Youmay have to think on your feet late in the week, making a decision without much time to think about it. Once you have a feeling about what you should do, don't question it and don't doubt it. You are far more capable than you sometimes recognize. Give yourself the credit you deserve.
Think on (sb’s) feet 隨機應變;思維敏捷


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