[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/23-01/29
If you are feeling lonely at the start of this week, Taurus, there is a remedy for that. It isn't crawling into a cocoon under a blanket on the couch. It'sgetting out and about to seek out people you enjoy and activities that bring you pleasure. Even if there is no one in particular that you can reach out to or socialize with, you could meet some interesting folks just by engaging in things you enjoy. This week could bring good news about a project that you wereabout to give up on. It may not be a green light just yet, but let whatever you learn give you hope and a sense of anticipation for what is to come. Someone in your life who has an air of mystery about them may confide something in you this week that clarifies their intriguing persona on some level. What you learn may cause you to feel even more interested in knowing this individual, and you should try. This could be a deep and caring person who could share many of your most fascinating interests. An odd or quirky exchange with a workmate could bring enlightenment to a completely unrelated area of your life. What you see or hear could help explain something you have found perplexing, and could help all other things fall right into place.
intriguing 耐人尋味
persona 角色
quirky 古怪的
perplexing 令人費解
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/26在你的世界裡,可能有個新來的人身邊圍繞著神秘的氣息。事實上,阿牛,現在你的生活 中可能有種一般意義上的神秘感,因為現在正發生著一些你無法解釋的事情。和善的宇宙 正注視著你,也許它在你的生活中投入了一些特殊與幸運的元素,這或許會為你提供一個 新的機會。某個有著神秘光環的人可能與此有關。你是被祝福的,這是個能讓好事發生的 時機,也許這會使你的生活有著更大的保障。8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/22某人的權力可能使你感到脆弱。他們可能有權控制你所參與的事,而你可能會覺得無法按 照自己認為正確的方式做事。但你有著權力,阿牛,如果你不讓恐懼戰勝你,使你感到無 能為力,那麼你就能引導一個任務走向正確的方向。要認知到你的價值和影響力。 —— Someone's authority may be causing you to feel vulnerable. They may have power7
[情報] 20/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be able to easily extricate yourself from an undesirable situation. You have the class and the finesse to do so in a likable way, Cancer. Even so, you might be wise to consider accepting the assistance of someone who wants to help - not because you need it, but because it could lead to something unexpected that is completely unrelated, and also completely5
[情報] 05/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 13 2022 魔魔,你在生活的任何領域中尋找成功前, 你需要定義對你來說成功是什麼, 可能包含了一些常見的元素, 但也有一些超越金錢的東西,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/19你即將參與一個能讓你的未來更加光明的某件事裡。阿牛,你唯一的問題可能是這將會需 要某種投資,可能是財務或時間等資源的投資。如果你試著把這當成是對你自己的投資, 那麼他將是一個相當容易做出的決定。你現在所做的能夠幫助自己建立一個更強大、安全 且愉快的未來。 ——3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/26你也許在躲避某個認識的人,因為他們正在生氣。但這個人也可以在正確的時間點有著愉 快的心情,所以你可能需要重新考慮一下。避開壞能量是個明智的選擇,但這次可能不同 ,親愛的阿牛。因為你不想讓自己的情緒受影響,但這次可能有機會讓對方的心情好轉, 也能保護你的好心情。試著在談話中插入愉快的想法和美好的氛圍,你可能會改變整個情 況,使它變得更好。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/29不要因為拘泥於形式而致使你不跟那不太熟悉的人分享重要的東西。如果你覺得這個人能 夠以某種正面的方式參與你的生活,或能幫助你跟那些能夠助你一臂之力的人產生連結, 那你需要為了這種可能性抱持開放態度。你應該會發現將會受到熱烈歡迎,這個人可能會 是個很好的人選,無論是友誼或是商業關係中。阿牛,不需要感到害羞。 ——