[吃草] Daily Horoscope 02/13-02/19
There are a number of things you will have to do to get a project you have inmind off the ground. But this is a great week for making things happen, dear Taurus. Use your warm personality to make good connections and seek out resources. Getting started now is a great idea, for you can take an important and very significant first step surrounded by good energy. If you have been considering an endeavor that would involve either a friend or a significant other as apartner, share your ideas with them now. You may find that they will be just as enthusiastic as you are, and they may have some ideas of their own to sharewith you. Just be sure to spell out what you both have in mind to avoid any misunderstandings. A conflict that arises this week out of a financial matter will need to be dealt with in a very careful way. Speaking up too soon could result in getting upset over information that has some mistaken elements to it. Be sure to go over everything thoroughly before digging into this. If you cometo the discussion with the correct information and understanding, you will befar more credible and much more likely to resolve this amicably.
[情報] 0511-0517 DH週運In a way, Capricorn, you have been in hibernation mode. You may have been over worked and overwrought for too long of a period of time, and you just needed t o escape and get away from worries and stress. Even if you did not literally g o anywhere, you have been much less reachable than usual. This week, though, y ou may be emerging back into the light and drama of the world that surrounds y3
[情報] 23/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 8月 23 Advances have occurred and progress is being made in something you are involve d in. Or at least that is the way it is being touted, Moonchild. But you are s omeone who speaks your mind without fear of what others think, even if it does at times make you feel all alone. You may be experiencing a difference of opi3
[情報] 17/10/2022~23/10/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,這週是設定界線的好時機。或者說,你可能想重新建立已經失去力量或可 能被完全忽視的界線。 這一次,無論你決定什麼,你都需要完全清楚和堅定地去做。 有人已經越過了某條線,使你離寧靜有些距離。 他們以一種不可接受的方式對待你。2
[情報] 0427-0503 DailyHoroscopeYou may find that you feel less inhibited this week, Capricorn. There is energ y spurring you on to express yourself more openly than you usually do, and giv ing in to those feelings could be quite relieving for you. If there is somethi ng in particular that you are hoping to achieve and it involves a presentation or a need to gain an ally so that you can move forward, this is a great week2
[情報] 06/12~12/12/2021 Weekly Horoscope在幾週前出現的情感問題,你有話沒有說出來。 現在,月之子,你可能會不斷重複那些你只希望自己在心裡說過的話。 但這有什麼用呢? 如果你的話只是在你的腦海中循環,那麼它們永遠不會被真正需要聽到它們的人聽到。 本週,把說出這些話作為優先事項。2
[情報] 28/02/2022~06/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope當你是你最好的,最高的自我時,你會吸引你想要的東西進入你的生活,以及適合你和屬 於你生活的人。 月之子,本週你要努力做到這一點。 有巨大的能量圍繞著你,如果你是最快樂、最真實的自己,好運就會跟隨著你。 保持希望和熱情的光環,你應該開始看到好事情發生。2
[情報] 07/03/2022~13/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,本週你可能發現自己比平時更善於交際。 利用這種心態,尋找認識新朋友的方法。 你是一個會培養親密友誼的人,而不是僅僅與偶然的熟人打交道,所以與你交談的大多數 人可能是你已經認識了很長時間的人。 你有時會抗拒結識新朋友。但是,如果你現在感覺自己很活潑、熱情,這是一個適合同行1
[情報] 16/05/2022~22/05/2022 Weekly Horoscope月之子,你最近已經很好地解決了與某個家庭成員之間舊有的挑戰,儘管你可能還沒有意 識到這一點。 某個對你不好的人已經以一種非常微妙的方式得到了報應。 你把最近的一件事情處理得相當好,即使別人沒有表示贊同,即使他們不贊同。 你證明了一點。1
[情報] 07/20 the daily horoscopeYou may sense that there is a problem somewhere in your social circle, and it may involve you. There may have been a misunderstanding or a conflict, and you want to address it. But if you do so in a frantic state of mind, dear Gemini, you may make things worse. On the other hand, if you approach it with a calm demeanor, and you seek to get to the root of it so that you can resolve it, yo1
[情報] 08/17 the daily horoscopeA wild or unorthodox idea may have occurred to you recently, dear Gemini, and it may involve a way to bolster your financial well being. Your imagination is extra fertile right now, and you are in a period where you are feeling more a mbitious. But even though this may seem like a fabulous idea to you, you need to be cautious about who you share it with - at least until you get started. S