[吃草] DailyHoroscope3/6
For too long now , Taurus , you have looked for and found reasons to put off
completing a mission of yours.
You may have chosen to put your mission on hold to complete tasks , to attend
social functions , to take a nap , or for many other non-essential reasons.
Why do you keep procrastinating?
After all , you only need to tie up a few loose ends to complete your goal.
You have the power to take charge and to make the time you have invested count
for something.
Don't put it off any longer.
真的很愛拖延 不到最後一刻不處理
[情報] 08/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeIs there a household obligation or a checkbook error or some other annoying obligation you have been putting off, Moonchild? If so, this is a perfect day to tie up loose ends or complete old business. Even though you may have pushed these things to the back of your mind, they are still there annoying you, and that is where they will remain until you take care3
[情報] 19/06/2021Daily HoroscopeThe timing might not seem right for an endeavor you would like to take on. The re may be too many other things on your plate. You may not be in the ideal sta te of mind. You could probably come up with a dozen other reasons why this is not the perfect time. But the perfect time can be created, and you have the po wer to do that, Moonchild. You can rearrange your schedule. You can work yours2
[情報] 0615 DailyHoroscopeYou may believe that there are far too many loose ends to tie up, and far too many changes to make before you can begin something new. This may have confoun ded you to the point where you are too agitated to know which end is up. In th at state of mind, it can be difficult to do anything at all, because there is so much to consider before you can even start to think about what you want. Bu2
[情報] 01/29 the daily horoscopeSomething you have to do today may feel like a complete waste of your time, en ergy, and resources. Even so, you will go through the motions and get it done, perhaps because you owe someone a favor or you believe it is your obligation for some other reason. But this is not a waste of anything, Gemini. Even if it isn't exactly what you would prefer to be doing, there is a benefit that you2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/30每當你跨越一個困難時,似乎就會找到另一個理由來阻止自己努力前進的計劃。這些理由 堆積如山,但它們真的是你所理解的那種模樣嗎,阿牛。還是那些看似危險的理由是你自 己想像出來斬斷這一切的?如果你不太確定兩者之間的區別,那麼找一個能信任的人來幫 助你更容易看清這些事,或許這樣會有幫助。記得在結束一件你已經投入的事前先做到這 點。1
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeLately, Gemini, you may be questioning and second-guessing everything you do. It's as if you don't trust yourself to do things right. But you are an intelli gent and insightful individual, and there is no reason to be so hard on yourse lf. We all make mistakes, but that should not be the first thing that occurs t o you. Start trusting yourself to do what you are so capable of. If something1
[情報] 07/13 the daily horoscopeYou may have a goal in your sights right now and you are hoping to hit that ta rget, dear Gemini. You can be very determined, but you are sometimes inclined to spread your energy too thin by attempting to complete multiple missions at once. When you do, you may stop focusing on what's most important to you, and therefore you get off track. This time, since this is a very important goal of- You may have sought out feedback on something you are working on, and it may n ot have been as positive as you hoped or thought it would be. But that is not a prediction, Leo, it is just an opinion. If you aren't feeling confident abou t something you have already set in motion, you need to reassess what you have already done and what you want to do next. But don't assume that someone else
- 巨蟹座 4月4日星期二的星座運勢 你需要將一個項目貫徹到底。 你可能會在這邊嘗試一下,在那邊亂搞一下,即便在那些瞬間你開始再次投入其中,你知 道它對你有多重要,但有時你還是沒有繼續下去。 一旦你放慢了腳步,你就會再次忘記它。
- It may feel like someone is interrogating you. There is something they want to know, and perhaps they have already asked. If you have been elusive, then you have your reasons, Gemini. However, you may get tired quickly of being badger ed about it, even if someone is doing so in a friendly way. The thing to consi der today is why you don't want to share what they want to know. If it's somet