[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/29

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/29作者
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Taurus horoscope for 星期六 8月 29



Taurus horoscope for 星期六 8月 29
When hiking through a forest, most people will follow the trails because theyrepresent the safest route. The path is already cleared, and there are
probably markers along the way to ensure that you won't get lost. But there
is nothing wrong with taking the unmarked path if you know what you're doing.On that path, you might see more wildlife, as well as other things that you
wouldn't see along the well-tread trail. You may be considering a venture
beyond the tried-and-true, Taurus. If you go into it well-prepared, it could
be a very rewarding adventure. Just be sure you know what you are doing
beforehand and take precautionary measures.
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goodcial08/29 05:51感謝分享

sa12e308/29 16:11才不管,反正超越萬靈可以讓自己看到的世界更美好,就算

sa12e308/29 16:11有代價我也覺得值得。

sa12e308/29 16:13既然已決定就不改變了,這算是擇善固執的一種,不再優柔

sa12e308/29 16:13寡斷了。