[吃草] DailyHoroscope10/28
You could stand in any place on earth , any country in the world , and there
could be emeralds just beneath your feet.
But you won't ever discover them unless you know what you are looking for , and
most importantly , you must put the effort in and dig and sift to do what is
necessary to extract these buried treasures.
Some opportunities are like that too , Taurus.
You may be sensing the possibility of something potentially greatly beneficial
to you , and it might be right there in front of you.
But if you don't focus on it and start working toward it , then it won't matter.
It's up to you to take full advantage of this opportunity.
[情報] 04/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 22 2022 你現在可能不斷確認你沒有錯失任何機會, 你絕對是相信要把握時機的人,親愛的魔魔。 現在面對你周遭的幾個機會, 你擔心如果沒辦法迅速採取行動,8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/25阿牛,某些有關金錢或個人利益的新機會可能會到來。然而,其中一個或複數個機會可能 會使你想在社交生活中所做的事黯然失色。你是否該把賺錢的機會放在一旁,以享受跟家 人朋友待在一起的時間?生活中真正的寶藏是你和他人的關係。而現在這些關係可能會和 財務的可能性發生碰撞。不過這次你可能會找到一個可能性去融合兩者,如果做得到的話 ,你的確該這麼做。也許生活中的某些時候,你終究能夠”擁有一切”。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/26親愛的阿牛,現在有些新機會正在進入你的生活中。也許你能看到它們正從遠方朝你走來 。但你或許會想知道為什麼這是專門為你準備的,因為它看起來並不像是你想要或需要的 事物。但是先不要下任何結論。在你決定提供給你的東西是毫無用處之前,先考慮什麼會 有可能性。你可能會發現這項事物確實很適合你,甚至可能是你現在正需要的。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/07你生活中的某人,也許是非常了解你的人,可能試著鼓勵你去做一件你並不那麼有興趣的 事。他們可能會告訴你,或至少暗示這件事非常適合你。而你可能會相信他們,因為他們 是如此的了解你。然而,假使你不被他們推薦的事物所吸引,也不要放棄另一個朝這方向 發展的機會。阿牛,沒有人比你更了解自己了。 ——3
[情報] 06/03 the daily horoscopeJust because you may not win the acclaim or the opportunity you are now reachi ng for, dear Gemini, that does not make you a loser. No, not at all! Losers ca n be considered people who don't bother trying. They decide that whatever they want isn't worth the effort, or that they won't measure up even if they do tr y. You are no loser. But that should not even be a concern anyway because you3
[情報] 04/04/2022~10/04/2022 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你在本週的一個做法,有可能會影響到許多人的決定。 這可能會引起其他人的不滿、憤怒和嫉妒。 不要讓別人對此事的反應影響到你。 這是一個責任重大的職位,但肯定是你可以處理的。 請擋掉收到的任何負面情緒,知道你所做的事最終會被普遍接受和欽佩。2
[情報] 0509 DailyHoroscopeHeartfelt self-expression is all you need to get an important message across t o a loved one. You may be putting off saying something you need to say because you don't yet have the perfect words. But no matter how eloquently you speak, and no matter how poetic the words, in the end, it is the sentiment that will matter most of all, Capricorn. Don't put off this moment any longer, or you m2
[情報] 2/4 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 4 2021 An exciting possibility is on its way to you. Please note, Capricorn, that this is not an opportunity, but a possibility. This means that there is at least as much value in exploring what is possible, as there is in seeing it through. Through the process of learning about this, checking resources,2
[情報] 12/12 the daily horoscopeBecause you are someone with many interests, you tend to look for opportunities in many areas. In your lifetime, Gemini, you may try on roles of many kinds, both in your personal life and in your work life. There may be a new opportunity opening up for you in an area you have never considered, though, and it might be worth exploring. Even if you don't see this as a good1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/09不尋常的人事物很有可能帶給你一個獨特又非常誘人的機會。由於你是保守地懷抱著合情合理的期待,你通常不太會被奇怪的東西給吸引,阿牛。說真的,你甚至或許會快速地選擇另外一條路來走。但是當事情感覺有點吸引人的時候,你必須保持開放的心態來面對這又新又不一樣的東西,因為一旦你挖掘越多,你越能夠看到它將帶來的許多好處。敞開心胸面對新的機會吧! Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 9 An unusual person or experience could lead you to a unique and highly desirable opportunity. Because you are more of a traditional person with reasonable expectations, you don't always gravitate to things that are out of the norm, Taurus. In fact, you might even walk the other way rather quickly! But you need to remain open to something new and different that is a bit intriguing, because the more you explore it, the more you will see the many benefits it offers. Be open to new opportunities. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.