[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/7
A pretty scene in the countryside can creat a great sense of comfort and serenity.
Likewise , standing on a shoreline watching the tide come in can do the same.
And music is an excellent mood enhancer as well.
There is always a way to feel better , Taurus.
And through feeling better , you empower yourself to be happier and to do better.
If you aren't feeling as you should today , then find a way to reach your happy
It will not make your day better , your good spirits will be positive to those
around you as well.
[問卦] 癌末家人拒絕化療吃藥的八卦(認真小妹的爺爺38年次 攝護腺癌症末期 這次化療是第三次復發 跌倒之後就沒辦法自理 要請看護幫他洗澡 走路都有問題 還是堅持了兩次化療療程75
[其他] "停損就漲"&"停損虧錢",如何調適心情?不知道各位有沒有這種經驗 停損虧錢心情差 停損後股票利馬就漲 心情也很差 面對停損就漲 & 停損虧錢, 版友們有沒有建議看什麼書或是影片來調解心情?19
[閒聊] 做好事會讓心情變好嗎我的生活其實沒有很富有,大概就是偶爾可以小旅行這樣。有時候想想,前幾年想想,難 道人生就是有時間就出去玩玩,自己開心就好嗎?我開心完了環境還是沒有改變,我每天 生活在這樣的環境,我會覺得舒適嗎?遊山玩水好像無法帶給我真正的快樂 有時候看著一些社會新聞,總覺得自己可以做點什麼 我偶爾會去做志工,協助一些年長的爺爺奶奶,也會去流浪貓狗之家幫忙照顧一下寵物,12
[閒聊] 跟家裡的貓多相處重點:本來心情有點沉悶,但幫家裡的阿貓們(圖只有其中兩隻:分別是灰虎斑“麻吉” 與灰白虎斑“山雞”)梳梳毛,心情似乎也隨之放鬆幾分。 閒聊點:不知版友有沒有被家中寵物(主子)治癒的小小瞬間呢?想分享的也歡迎在留言7
[情報] 27/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere are degrees of happiness that range from contentment to elation. Most of us are happy to feel content, but more is possible for you now, dear Moonchild. If your level of personal happiness is hovering somewhere around the neutral ground, then you need to remind yourself that there is a lot in your life to celebrate and to be happy about. Taking time to5
[情報] 09/15 DailyHoroscopeA dark mood or worrisome thoughts can make it difficult for you to see the bri ght side or to find humor in the world around you. But it is exactly these thi ngs - seeking out the bright side and finding humor in even the most challengi ng of situations - that will help you return to a place of optimism and happin ess. If you are feeling down in the dumps or simply not as positive as you wou3
[問卦] 情人節約會遲到如何調適代po 今天情人節跟女友約會, 結果他一個大 大 大 遲到, 更扯的是一直問我要不要自己先去目的地, 唉待會見到本人要怎麼開心面對啊,- Draw comfort, strength, and inspiration today from the things in the world that make you feel good. That may include family members, beloved pets, a creative outlet, or anything else that brings you a sense of dependability and an outlet for what you are feeling. This is part of maintaining your well-being, Moonchild. You know this, but you don't always take time like
- Brightening your mood could be as simple as helping out someone else. Even if you are already feeling pretty good, Gemini, you might have moments of introsp ection where you become a bit moody. But stepping outside of yourself to do so mething nice for someone else could dramatically alter your perspective and gi ve you a sense of inspiration. Seeing that someone else is in need can help yo
- When you start the day in a bad mood, every single irritation you experience might seem extra-irritating. When you're in a good mood, though, those small annoyances become hardly noticeable. Our moods definitely dictate the way we experience life, dear Moonchild. If you find yourself feeling irritable or blue today, then make it a priority to find a way to