[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/19
There are people who laugh at inopportune times when laughter does not seem to
be appropriate to the situation.
You are quite proper , Taurus , and you would probably take great care not to
do such a thing.
But those who do might simply be laughing out of a sense of nervousness , or
they may just be trying to lighten the tone of a situation.
And actually , that might be a good lesson for you to learn too.
Sometimes finding the humor in a tough spot can make it more bearable for everyone.
Find something funny in a challenge , and it won't seem as challenging.
[問題] 在職場,大家都這麼嚴肅嗎?對待工作,大家心中都有一定的自我要求 在職場,應該認真看待工作 沒錯 可是有些人跟同事相處or溝通,一直都很嚴肅 整個職場氣氛也被他們搞得很嚴肅,心情連帶被影響 一早到公司原本想帶著愉悅的心情上班,也不得不變得僵硬無表情4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/21許多人可能期待著我們的人生課程,那些我們待在這星球上的時間裡需要從我們所愛的、 欽佩和尊重的人身上學習的東西。但有時候事實正好相反。親愛的阿牛,並不是所有的智 慧都是從那些聖人或人生導師身上蒐集來的。有時候最重要的教訓來自棘手且看似讓你不 愉快的人。如果你現在正努力理解為什麼你必須處理某個具有挑戰性的人和情況,這可能 是為3
Re: [討論] 吃飯聯誼適合講笑話嗎像你這樣聯誼要講笑話 其實重點不是要放在某個笑話好不好笑這種枝微末節的問題上 你應該去想的是怎麼樣利用那個社交場合 展現出幽默風趣的人格特質 因為女生通常會覺得幽默的男森很有趣2
[情報] 0518 DailyHoroscopeA situation you have found yourself in may be pretty silly, Capricorn, but you may not have noticed it yet. That may be because it also happens to be irrita ting, time-consuming, and maybe even awkward, so you have not taken the time t o check in with your sense of humor. But once you try to see a challenging sit uation in a more jovial light, you will find it much easier to resolve - and y2
[請益] 尋找適合少人聚餐的熱鬧中/中高價位餐廳男友平常工作環境比較嚴肅, 有夥伴三位,都是女生 想請大家吃飯聚餐喝點小酒放鬆一下 夥伴提出可以去金色三麥 想詢問是否有推薦氣氛類似(熱鬧些)2
[情報] 12/16 the daily horoscopeIf you have to engage in a tense conversation at some point today, Gemini, mak e sure you lighten up before you enter the room. Tell yourself a joke. Think a bout a funny moment. Recognize that this doesn't have to be all that serious. If you embody that kind of attitude, then when you do enter the room, you will do so in a happier, warmer, and more approachable way. And that can make all1
[情報] 15/10/2020 Daily HoroscopeThere are certain people in our lives who act out their emotional issues by ranting and raving, by crying, or by being moody. You may sometimes be one of those people, Moonchild. Anyone can be. For you in particular, it works to vent in one or all of these ways when something is getting to you. But you may often regret the way you handled the situation later on. There1
[情報] 05/08/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 8月 5 Dealing with frustration is not easy for you, Cancer. Although that could be s aid about many people, anxiety-producing situations are especially challenging for you. That's because you wear your heart on your sleeve and your emotions on the surface of your skin. You are also very expressive, and you can't help- 「出醜」是跟1930年代喜劇有關的術語。它指的是跌倒屁股著地、臉上吃了個派的戲劇效果。在生活中會造成憂慮心煩的棘手時刻,它能帶來歡笑聲。幽默可以改變我們對任何處境的看法。親愛的獅子們,用輕鬆的方式聊聊最近的挑戰,找到其中的幽默談笑它,能夠改變那個狀況下的能量。可以的話,請善用你眾所皆知的熱情大笑吧。 ------------- 原文: A "pratfall" is a term linked to comedy theater of the 1930s. It described anything from falling on one's derriere to getting a pie in the face. It's an invitation to laugh at life's awkward moments, which would otherwise be concerning or upsetting. Humor can change the outlook of any situation. By taking a current challenge in a lighter way, finding the humor in it, and laughing about it, you will change the energy of the situation, dear Leo. Apply that hearty laugh you are so well known for if you can.
- If you have ever told a long and complicated joke and someone didn't get it - or worse, they didn't think it was funny - then you know how embarrassing or a wkward that can be. But there really is no reason in such a situation to feel bad in any way. Our sense of humor may sometimes differ greatly. Our sensitivi ties are different too. But when your hopes are wrapped up in something you're