[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/04

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/04作者
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Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 01/04
Someone who assumed you to be meeker and milder than you really are may receive a surprise today if they cross you. Although you may be low key and slow toanger, Taurus, once you become angry over mistreatment or unfairness, you become a powerful bull. The fact that this individual has underestimated you can work in your favor, since they have no idea how astute and how quickly you candeal with what they are dishing out. Don't hesitate to do what must be done.

New Year arrives with hopes and it gives us new courage and belief for a verynew start. Wish you a very Happy New Year!
assume 假定;設想
meek 溫順;服從;謙恭的
mild 溫和;暖和;清淡
mistreatment 虐待
unfair 不公正
astute 狡猾;精明
dishing out (未經仔細考慮地)給出;說出


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gipo77601/04 10:58謝謝

monsterwai01/04 12:11謝謝