[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/03-01/09

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/03-01/09作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:1


Weekly Horoscope for 01/03-01/09
You may be feeling more compassionate toward the people around you than usual, especially if you are spending time with certain folks who have a tendency to be irritating. You may have greater insight now that helps you to better understand those individuals, and so you may feel inclined to help them and encourage themrather than argue with them. Go with that feeling, for it will be good for all of you. You may also be feeling a lot more charitable right now, and eager to do something for a good cause. This is also a great idea because itcan help to serve your higher self. This is an ideal week to spend time with friends - the friends in your life who bring the lightness and the humor to your life, Taurus. It is important to spend time socially around positive, supportive people because it will lift your spirits, and you may need that right now. Someone may invite you to join them on an excursion. And while a chance to get away from your cares is nice and should be pursued, you must first be sureyou have taken care of any outstanding business or you won't be able to enjoyyourself fully.

May the universe bless you in the most surprising and joyful ways. Happy New Year!
compassionate 富有同情心的
certain folk 某些人
tendency 傾向;趨勢
irritate 刺激;憤怒;煩躁
insight 洞察力
incline to 傾向於
charitable 公益;仁慈
excursion 小旅行;郊遊
outstanding 未完成;傑出;卓越


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