[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/10
Daily Horoscope for Monday 01/10
You may be wondering if today is a good day to take a risk. This may be on your mind as you contemplate something new and exciting, Taurus. But first, you have to define the risk. Is it risky because it is dangerous? Is there perhapssome huge potential loss associated with it - one that you can't stand to lose? Or does that risk involve a fear of failing, or looking awkward, or being seen as someone who did not succeed? If it's any of the latter, then it isn't really all that risky if you can rise above those fears. If you try, try for yourself. You can never really do wrong if your motivation is pure.
contemplate 思考;打算
associate 聯想
awkward 尷尬;笨拙
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/23你已經盡一切可能來緩解與某人個性衝突有關的擔憂。或許你也嘗試過解釋自己的想法, 並表達你可能感受到的任何傷害或憤怒。如果你所說的話是發自內心的,那麼只需要相信 這會產生你所希望它們所帶來的影響,親愛的阿牛。當然這可能不會馬上發生,畢竟它是 需要經過一些時間去沈澱的事。但如果你已經完成了這件事,那麼只要相信自己已經付出 了應有的努力,它會自己解決的。7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/21一些不盡你意的事可能讓你感到失望且幻滅。這是相當自然的反應,親愛的阿牛,但別讓 情緒超出這個範圍。如果你的心情持續低落,會很容易導致你厭世度爆表且而更加絕望。 相反的,你可以分析發生的事並試著找出可以改善的地方。但在你這麼做的時候,也必須 認知到自己做對了什麼,以便讓你把它加進下次的規劃中。 ——6
[情報] 1/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 13 2021 You like to be sure of whatever you get involved in, Capricorn. It's in your nature. Taking a risk is okay, as long as there is a lot of positive educated guessing and you have it on good word that the reward will be well worth the risk. But sometimes things are not quite so quantifiable. You may be facing5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/24如果你沒有自己獲得資訊,就無法確認某人說的是否是正確的。因此你只能照著他們說的 去做,對吧?但其實並不是這樣的。只要你不被其他因素影響的話,你也可以用觀察力跟 直覺來指引自己。假如你覺得他人說的不是實話,做你該做的來把事情弄清楚。如果你覺 得不舒服了,這就是你需要進一步調查的訊號,阿牛。 ———3
[情報] 12/09 the daily horoscopeIs your confidence lagging a bit, Gemini? Are you starting to wonder if you ca n pull off something you promised you would do? If so, it might be because you made a big show of being capable and responsible, and now you have to live up to it. But for you, that won't be a problem. You really are capable and respo nsible, and you really can do what you promised you would do. The only thing s