[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/14
If you are afraid to share a special thought or idea with someone in your life, Taurus, does that say something about you, the thought or idea, or the person you need to share it with? It could be any of those, and that's what you have to think about right now. You may be holding back from sharing something you see as special with someone you see as special, and you need to figure out why. Are you lacking confidence in the thought or idea, the person, or yourself? There is no real reason to hold back, so figure out the root of your concernand take it from there.
say sth about sth/sb 表明(某物或某人的特質或面貌)
lack 缺乏
[情報] 12/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 27 2021 當你生命中的某人呈現惱人、令人厭煩與貧乏等等特質時, 要聚焦在這段關係的優點是非常困難的, 這些特徵太過明顯與甚至是壓倒性的狀態, 以至於蒙蔽了這個人該擁有的良好特質。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/29你一直在尋找的東西,似乎每次都讓你難以捉摸。你可能想知道,為什麼你投入了這麼多 的時間與精力,卻似乎無法體現出來。這可能是因為宇宙在幫助你避免它。也許你並不真 正需要你試著想獲得的東西。事實上,阿牛,它可能甚至對你沒有好處,或有著更好的東 西在等著你。如果你對此保持開放態度,那今天也許能弄清楚。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/06你是否喜歡最近在生活中出現的那種衝突感呢?你是否因為身體裡流淌著一種緊張的感覺 而心滿意足呢?顯然這兩個問題的答案都是否定的,阿牛。儘管你能控制自己去消除這種 紛爭和緊張感,但你並沒有這麼做。因為你可能害怕得罪某人,或害怕失去那個你想打動 的人對你的青睞。但你該把自己放在一切事物之前,緩解情緒壓力對你的成功至關重要。 ——5
[情報] Daily Horoscope 魔羯座9月運勢跟上司或某個位高權重的人有關的狀況可能已經讓你壓力很大一陣子了,魔兒。也許你完全知道問題出在哪裡,而你也有辦法好好解釋。不過同時,你知道這麼做是很有可能破壞某件對你來說很重要的事。這個月份,去尋求建議及好好看看手上的牌,尤其是當事情找上你時。是有個不是那麼高風險的方法的。 一個可乘之機或許會在這個月到來,使你能夠讓一段主要關係變得更好。這可能是透過共度時光的形式,並且儘管你一剛開始不是太喜歡這個念頭,擁抱這個機會可以是很棒的事情。說不定這個月你會被邀請參加一個團體或團隊,而這可以是很不錯的想法。但是,如果你打算在其中接受比這更重要的角色,要確保這個角色是有被定義清楚,才不會有任何誤解。 九月對於與你希望能夠更深入去認識的某人破冰是很好的月份。你可能覺得在你生活圈邊緣的某人很有意思。這也許是在你常去的地方天天都能看到的人,或是工作場合、家裡附近。慢慢來就對了,這樣你才能在沒有壓力的情況下認識對方。 Capricorn horoscope for September A situation involving a boss or an authority figure may have been causing you stress for a while now, Capricorn. You may know exactly what is wrong, and you may be able to express it quite well. But at the same time, you know that doing so could jeopardize something that is important to you. This month, seek out guidance and figure out your options, especially if things are really getting to you. There is a solution that won't be risky. An opening may come this month that will enable you to work at5
[情報] 04/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 07 2022 你可能不認為自己是會將日記填滿你的想法或觀察的人, 事實上,魔魔,你甚至一想到這個念頭就覺得好笑。 但你也是個感覺脆弱或孤單的時候, 難以向其他人展露靈魂的人。2
[情報] 12/07 Daily HoroscopeYou may have a deeply emotional urge to reach out to someone now, Leo. Maybe t his is coming from the idea of reconciling with someone from whom you have bee n estranged. Maybe this is to plead with someone to change their mind about so mething. Or perhaps there is some other important reason why you feel the need to reach out. But before you do, you need to recognize that your emotions are1
[情報] 11/12 the daily horoscopeYou may be concerned or even hurt because someone in your life can see you str uggling with something - and yet they are not there to help. You may wonder wh y, since you are a loyal and helpful person, and you surely would have done th at for anyone in need. Don't focus on that. It's important not to jump to conc lusions today about anyone's character or lack thereof. There could be somethi