[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/14

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/14作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:2

If you are afraid to share a special thought or idea with someone in your life, Taurus, does that say something about you, the thought or idea, or the person you need to share it with? It could be any of those, and that's what you have to think about right now. You may be holding back from sharing something you see as special with someone you see as special, and you need to figure out why. Are you lacking confidence in the thought or idea, the person, or yourself? There is no real reason to hold back, so figure out the root of your concernand take it from there.
say sth about sth/sb 表明(某物或某人的特質或面貌)
lack 缺乏


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EiryoWaga07/14 02:48感謝翻譯

silentcat03007/14 09:19謝謝翻譯!

silentcat03007/14 09:19如果害怕代表自己還沒做好準備,再多努力一點、相信

silentcat03007/14 09:19自己!

※ 編輯: qpeter2243 ( 臺灣), 07/14/2022 16:55:50

pewq07/14 20:20感謝翻譯

monsterwai07/14 23:14謝謝