[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/16
You have gotten through a good portion of a project that once inspired and motivated you. But now that you have put in so much effort and you are so much of the way through it, you may be starting to lose your interest in it. That's not like you, Taurus. You are usually quite steadfast in all that you do, so your sudden shift in your ambition might be puzzling even to you. Your energy may be lagging now, and that could be because you haven't yet seen a big enoughresult for all your efforts. But hold on tight - a big change is happening. Hang in there and you will see.
[情報] 12/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 16 2020 You may have gotten to the point in a frustrating endeavor where you are starting to feel that good enough will be good enough. Prior to that, you had given it your all, Capricorn, only to feel unappreciated and overly frustrated. Why bother when things aren't going your way? Because you take8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/15你可能會覺得相當洩氣,並且覺得自己現在只是在一個曾經對你意義重大的計劃中滑行。 你那爆發的巨大野心可能在短時間內就變得幾乎無感。親愛的阿牛。但為什麼呢?是因為 你沒有獲得你所崇拜的人的認可?那個你所期待的人?如果是這樣的話,你可能會失去信 心。但這是個好機會,讓你用對自己的信心來填補吧,你並不用真的需要他人的認可。 ——7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/27在現在的點點滴滴中,你開始對自己的未來有了一點頭緒。這可能是你最近一直在糾結的 事,阿牛,但現在狀況越來越清晰了。你可能開始有些對於想做的事的想法,但這些想法 被恐懼和覺得自己在目前的領域做得不夠好的感覺擋住了。但你的信心在持續增加,你開 始看到自己比以前更有潛力了。繼續保持吧。 ———6
[情報] 14/10/2021 Daily Horoscope一件長期的事情終於要告一個段落了。 這是你生活中涉及過渡和轉變的事情,儘管你可能還沒有完全意識到它。 現在,月之子你可能會有委屈、沮喪、擔心,甚至恐懼。 你可能會擔心你沒有完成能做的一切的事情,而且這不會像你希望的那樣回報你。 但你的信仰在哪裡?信仰現在絕對是一個組成部分。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/16現在你的生活可能發生了一些事,這使你有點緊張,阿牛。這跟你必須開始實施的改變有 關,而你現在可能非常懷疑它。一開始這感覺是個很正確的好主意。但現在你相當擔心且 關切它。不要擔心!讓它顯露。對你開啟的事物要有信心。給它一個機會證明自己。你可 能很緊張,因為最近其他事都沒有成功,但你應該要對這件事有信心,讓它發揮出來吧。 ——3
[情報] 12/09 the daily horoscopeIs your confidence lagging a bit, Gemini? Are you starting to wonder if you ca n pull off something you promised you would do? If so, it might be because you made a big show of being capable and responsible, and now you have to live up to it. But for you, that won't be a problem. You really are capable and respo nsible, and you really can do what you promised you would do. The only thing s