[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/01

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/01作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:0

Being kind is never a bad choice. Likewise, being civil, polite, respectful, and compassionate will always pay off in the end. Even if you are dealing withsomeone who is less than honorable, dear Taurus, someone who is not inclined to treat you in the same way you are treating them, bringing all of the above characteristics into play - initially, at least - will leave you feeling good about yourself, and that's what's important. A recent experience of feeling taken advantage of should not cause you to be less than you are. If you find youare treated unfairly, let that dictate your response, not your initial approach.
civil 有禮、國內、民事的
incline 傾向、傾斜
take advantage of 利用、佔某人便宜
dictate 決定、主宰、命令、指揮
initial approach 初步方法


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lovefivep08/01 03:03謝謝分享 很實用

goodcial08/01 08:20謝謝!

bluesecret08/01 08:28謝謝提醒

gipo77608/01 08:39謝謝

monsterwai08/01 10:07謝謝

EiryoWaga08/01 11:57謝謝

purecake08/01 18:17謝謝