[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/01
Being kind is never a bad choice. Likewise, being civil, polite, respectful, and compassionate will always pay off in the end. Even if you are dealing withsomeone who is less than honorable, dear Taurus, someone who is not inclined to treat you in the same way you are treating them, bringing all of the above characteristics into play - initially, at least - will leave you feeling good about yourself, and that's what's important. A recent experience of feeling taken advantage of should not cause you to be less than you are. If you find youare treated unfairly, let that dictate your response, not your initial approach.
civil 有禮、國內、民事的
incline 傾向、傾斜
take advantage of 利用、佔某人便宜
dictate 決定、主宰、命令、指揮
initial approach 初步方法
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/18你可能對即將開始的一項工作有著疑慮。在你向前邁進之前,感覺到不安全是很正常的, 這是種自我保護的表現。但你需要相信自己,並相信當有任何不該繼續的好理由時,你會 認知到這點,你會相當肯定它,而不只是覺得緊張。你已經感到有自信了,讓自己放心, 讓這種自信回歸吧,阿牛。 ——8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/15你現在或許進入了一個爭論模式,親愛的阿牛。這可能是因為你認為有人輕視或不公平地 對待你。因此你可能會為了避免再次被利用而進入防衛的心理。儘管如此,你需要放鬆。 從你感到恐懼的地方做出反應並不會帶你到想到達的地方。它只會讓你產生敵意,並在不 該有的地方築起一道牆。今天試著假設別人是最好的,你會以某種方法得到最好的自己。 ——7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/01你現在可能覺得自己卡在某個地方動彈不得,但你是有選擇的,阿牛,你必須承認這點。 只是你的選擇並不舒適。它們要求你處理一個你或許不想面對的現實。不過把自己從壓迫 你的東西解放出來的唯一方法就是去面對它。事實上你有一些很好的選擇,一旦你克服了 最初的不適感,你就會感到自由。 ———7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/28你或許不想讓別人認為自己不夠勇敢,因此無法接受他們放在你面前的挑戰。但別因為這 個原因就答應這個挑戰,親愛的阿牛。你當然夠勇敢,但你可能會認為接受這個挑戰不是 明智的選擇。這是個聰明且合理的反應。如果你因為你的選擇而被慫恿的話,請你抵抗。 除了自己,你不需要向任何人證明些什麼。做你認為最明智的事。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/04你最近可能發覺自己正在處理麻煩人所造成的麻煩事。而你對這件事情的態度可能會消沉到冷酷甚至是憤怒,阿牛,但是這並不會帶來任何幫助。若你正這麼想,那麼在你開口之前你需要進入到不同的心境裡。由你的明智讓自己的躁動冷靜一下,並且試著找出事情為什麼演變成這樣的原因。如果你用一個冷靜、專注又平靜的心態來面對,你很有可能會對於結果不只是感到高興。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jun 4 You may have found yourself dealing with a complex situation made even more difficult by difficult people. Your attitude about this could easily devolve into a harsh, angry one, Taurus, but that wouldn't help things at all. If you are feeling that way, you need to enter into a different state of mind before you begin addressing this. Temper your agitation with wisdom, and try to find insight into why things are going this way. If you approach this in a calm, centered and serene state of mind, you are likely to be more than pleased with the outcome. --5
[情報] 03/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 22 2022 陷入一種節奏中可以帶來舒服的感覺, 當你隨著既定行程安全地旅遊, 你知道可以期待什麼, 而且熟悉感讓人寬慰。1
[情報] 10/27 the daily horoscopeYou may be questioning a recent decision even though you felt certain of it at the time. So how can you get back that initial feeling of resolve and assuran ce that everything was going to be fine with the choice you made? You can stop dwelling on fearful thoughts of things not working out. You can stop question ing yourself. You can go back and do your best to recall the way you felt when