[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/05

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/05作者
時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:0

You may not have everything you want at this moment, dear Taurus. It may not be the idyllic experience you are hoping for and waiting for. That time will come, but there is no reason whatsoever that you can't also have great joy and fulfillment right now. You shouldn't put off happiness because you have not yet reached that perfect moment. Every moment is perfect in its own way. And if you can see that now, the time it takes to reach perfection will be splendid.
idyllic 詩情畫意、田園詩、風光明媚的
whatsoever 任何
splendid 燦爛、輝煌、壯麗的


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gipo77608/05 10:14謝謝

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ginji041908/05 14:34謝謝

haibarajdi08/05 19:50謝謝提醒

silentcat03008/05 23:26謝謝你!