[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/14
When you cling too tightly to something you want, it can take up the space that should be reserved instead for something you need. You may be doing that now, Taurus. You may have become so preoccupied with a certain desire or goal that you are overlooking something that would more deeply fill a need and satisfy your soul. This may not be intentional. It may just be that you thought thata certain thing was the solution you needed, and now you can't see beyond that thought. Let go of that thought, and you will begin to see what you truly need - and it's something you can have. Don't get too focused and obsessive - try to have a wider perspective.
好準 現在真的面臨這樣的狀態(T∩ T)
謝謝 不過度執著 開闊視野去看到滿足需求和靈魂的事
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/07你一直背負著的重擔現在已經可以放下了,阿牛。但你可能會猶豫不決,也許你會因為擔 心時機尚未成熟而無法放下,或你認為自己背負的已經不是個重擔了,以至於你不想放下 這種舒適感。但你越早放手,就能越早開始新的計劃,也能越早獲得你所取得的成就所帶 來的收穫,就讓它去吧。 ——7
[情報] 10/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 31 2020 You may be so focused on something you want but can't have that you are failing to see something you want that you can have. When you become so intensely fixated on not getting what you want, it isn't healthy for you mentally, physically, or emotionally. Instead, turn your thoughts to what has become available to you. It's pretty significant. And then, you will also be open to whatever you have missed when it reappears and comes into reach. Embracing what you have leads to new opportunities to get what you might have otherwise missed. 你可能太專注在某一項你很想要卻無法擁有的東西上, 以至於你沒看到那些你想要也可以擁有的東西。7
[情報] 6/11 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 11 2021 Something that lies between you and something you want or something you want to be is looming large. In fact, Capricorn, it may be the only thing you can see or think of right now, and that's exactly the problem! When you focus on something too intensely, everything else becomes blurry and fades into the6
[情報] 10/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 05 2022 你想對某人敞開心胸, 告訴他這段關係中困擾你的事, 但你也擔心這麼做會以某種方式傷害你們之間一起擁有的東西。 但如果你們不能好好討論這個,5
[情報] 0805 DailyHoroscopeYou want something done, and you want it done yesterday. Time cannot move fast enough to get you to where you want to be, Capricorn. You may have a deep ach ing for something in your life to change because you are envisioning that this will change your entire life and make you happier. You may even feel that if something doesn't happen in a certain way, you won't be happy. Don't give your5
[情報] 05/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 13 2022 魔魔,你在生活的任何領域中尋找成功前, 你需要定義對你來說成功是什麼, 可能包含了一些常見的元素, 但也有一些超越金錢的東西,