[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/21

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/21作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:2

You are almost ready to make your move with a chance you see as a brilliant opportunity, or should at least. You recognize that you aren't quite ready yet,Taurus, and you need to respect that gut feeling. The right timing can often make the difference between success and failure. But don't just sit there while you wait! Gather what you need in terms of resources and knowledge, so that when that moment comes, you are poised to make that important move - that would be a perfect strategy.


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haibarajdi10/21 02:33謝謝 蒐集所需以待機會

goodcial10/21 05:43謝謝!

zxcvbnm2103110/21 07:59謝謝

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purecake10/21 12:49謝謝:)

iamwhoim10/21 12:55祝牛牛們事事順利~

candy1510/21 18:18Gather what you need in terms of resources and knowle

candy1510/21 18:18dge 說得太好

candy1510/21 18:19謝謝!