[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/09

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/09作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:1

Take a slow, deep breath, Taurus. Now exhale slowly. Do it again. And again. Do you feel any better? Hopefully, you will. You may be feeling restless and anxious now, but there's no really legitimate reason for it except that you areoverthinking a matter that isn't really all that important. You can be a perfectionist at times, and you like it when things are in order and fall into place - but that's not something you can control all the time. Things will come together, whether you worry or not. So... take a slow, deep breath!


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ozlg12/09 01:18每天工作時都要多深呼吸幾次,嗯,很有效~謝謝

ioueioue12/09 01:41謝謝

goodcial12/09 06:04謝謝!

haibarajdi12/09 06:19謝謝。過度思考小事 非己能控 慢慢來深呼吸

zxcvbnm2103112/09 07:35謝謝

mei445512/09 07:41謝謝

gipo77612/09 07:49謝謝

tinabjqs12/09 08:39謝謝,不要過度思考一件事

chrisyo12/09 13:29謝謝 這週的運勢都好到位

weimy12/10 13:04如果我昨天有看到就好了