Re: [請益] 台積職缺 x86 Server & Storage Hardware

看板Tech_Job標題Re: [請益] 台積職缺 x86 Server & Storage Hardware作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:0


不就隨便找個人 找各vendor報價

然後回到台積測試 有問題找vendor

以台積電的名聲 絕對都是第一support

主要會是 軟體/OS/應用程式相關問題




performance? 台積自己沒能力驗證的話 大家都馬說自己performance好

如果自己要驗的話 應該找測試的人吧 找硬體軟體一點用都沒有...

※ 引述《a08230430 (貓大)》之銘言:
: 小弟私立學店畢業
: 目前經歷為系統廠4-6年 EE
: 有做過工業電腦&Server
: 目前收到台積offer
: x86 Server & Storage Hardware Architect
: 地點在新竹
: 內容如下 想請教前輩們工作內容
: 謝謝!
: 【Job description】:
: 1. Select appropriate x86 server and storage hardware components that meet the: data center's
: capacity, performance, and reliability requirements.
: 2. Configure and optimize x86 servers and storage systems for performance and: reliability.
: 3. Oversee the deployment of x86 servers and storage systems, ensuring that th: ey are installed
: 【Qualifications】
: 1. Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology,: or a related field.
: 2. Minimum of 5-7 years of experience in x86 server and storage hardware archi: tecture and
: design in a data center environment.
: 3. In-depth knowledge of x86 server and storage hardware components, including: CPUs, memory,
: storage, and networking.


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imreader 04/29 12:14vendor開出的支援費用肯定也是第一高