[情報] 台積 DNA 實習生計畫

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時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:4

2021 #TSMC #DNA Internship Program has started!

As an intern at TSMC, you’ll discover the power of semiconductor technology, experience the world's leading high-tech environment, and, of course, enjoy social and networking activities.

Come work with the world-class experts on exciting projects and learn from fellow employees to enrich your summer!

Ready to join us? Explore opportunities here↓↓↓

Work at TSMC as an #intern in

1. Engineering Fields:
Semiconductor Process Research & Development, IC Design, Manufacturing, Information Technology, Quality & Reliability.
2. Non-Engineering Fields:
Human Resources, Finance, Legal, Corporate Planning, Material Management & Risk Management.

Qualification: Students pursuing MST/Ph.D. degrees with eligible student identity during the internship will be considered as higher priority.
Work locations: Taiwan/USA
Application deadline: Dec. 21th, 2020 (For Overseas Students)

黃色部份 請注意

Apply now→

Sent from my iPhone 7 Plus


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╰───╯│╟┬┬┬╢ by 板主 gothmog


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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