
時間推噓推:147 噓:36 →:20

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PTT 網址

SFGEX 03/30 11:11Hi

rollstar 03/30 11:11hi

lkk321 03/30 11:12hi

kmark1120 03/30 11:13新帳號吼 才登入5天

king786945 03/30 11:13Hi

ckpetercheng03/30 11:13hi and farewell

jeff0025 03/30 11:1488

kmark1120 03/30 11:14建議先去學一下指令 不然會被劣退

r30385 03/30 11:14rookie

suscym 03/30 11:14You will out in the future.

devilkool 03/30 11:14hello

chibob 03/30 11:14hi

taylor19071603/30 11:15Print(“hi”)

wondtty 03/30 11:15this is a pen

figowang 03/30 11:17How do you turn this on

hold5566 03/30 11:17哈囉世界

bill403777 03/30 11:17I am fine, and you?

Yan5566 03/30 11:18少了best regards 請補上

KennethC 03/30 11:18XDDDDD

mhmichelle 03/30 11:18Hi nice to meet you.

chunfo 03/30 11:18奈及利亞王子?

ctct0513 03/30 11:18哈哈哈 嗨 你好。

partiiboy 03/30 11:19BR,

prodd 03/30 11:19hi

yugi2567 03/30 11:20你好

gn01216674 03/30 11:20大家幹嘛那麼凶....一定要這麼靠北?

T3T 03/30 11:20你484把這邊當成Outlook? 新人報到也不請個飲料

yugi2567 03/30 11:20你是不是也想吃滷肉

leoying 03/30 11:20我笑了

treeyoyo 03/30 11:20慢走不送?

prodd 03/30 11:21飲料+雞排才夠誠意吧

dadalove 03/30 11:21Hi

atr558nhr35803/30 11:21ha

loloman 03/30 11:21me 吐

NccuShuai 03/30 11:22hello

legendd 03/30 11:22hello world

sososlee 03/30 11:23hell word

NotForever 03/30 11:23hi

AZBTPATONY 03/30 11:23登入次數5

blacktea5 03/30 11:23rm -r

D49361128 03/30 11:23How do you turn this on?

geniusw 03/30 11:2388

MyNion 03/30 11:23cout << "Hello world" << endl;

homies2222 03/30 11:24今晚有要辦迎新活動嗎

placo 03/30 11:24hi,,,,hi,,,,

birdyman 03/30 11:24hello world

totocc 03/30 11:25hi

lovehyojung103/30 11:25Best Regards

st781003 03/30 11:26Nice to meet u

vesta9 03/30 11:27這誰寫的ai

hsuining 03/30 11:27hi 菜叫

wade8204 03/30 11:29也不加個 Best Regards

IhateOGC 03/30 11:30趴下去

bitcch 03/30 11:30新人報到

sazabisazabi03/30 11:30第一個字母要大寫

freef1y3 03/30 11:30安安

Atwo 03/30 11:31hello 你好阿

Brioni 03/30 11:31XDDD

justic125 03/30 11:31dear sir

linaslan 03/30 11:31I'm your daddy

fan5566 03/30 11:31Hi

s942816 03/30 11:32hi

jim543000 03/30 11:32hello world!

compass9981 03/30 11:32Hi~How are you

ywbBetter 03/30 11:32What’s your name? How old r u?

dakkk 03/30 11:33hello world

YJM1106 03/30 11:33hi dear all fyi br

k7881683 03/30 11:33bye

AgentSkye56 03/30 11:34thanks

sourbait 03/30 11:34Best Regards

bat205 03/30 11:36安安你好嗎

godnnn 03/30 11:36麻煩先去滷肉櫃檯報到好嗎,記得排隊

KasperTW 03/30 11:37Dear 哥 啦幹

bigwhite327 03/30 11:38hi

thbw666 03/30 11:39Segmentation fault.

rusei 03/30 11:40BRS. NewGuy

TKW5566 03/30 11:41安安

stud20806 03/30 11:41飲料呢

rootAtaabu 03/30 11:42hi

lolitass 03/30 11:44haha

breadking 03/30 11:45Hello

shec1213 03/30 11:45hi. bye

LLLevis 03/30 11:45Hi

odddriver 03/30 11:46hello, world

qqq1342156 03/30 11:46主管開新帳號當菜鳥

s455164 03/30 11:46ADIOS

holebro 03/30 11:47hi

peter5214 03/30 11:47hihi

butt1106 03/30 11:47領分紅領太多了嗎

s13541298 03/30 11:48Hi 看到標題就笑了

dust2 03/30 11:48Hi there

yyyyyyyv 03/30 11:49hello there

tellenzo 03/30 11:49Hi

Ning01 03/30 11:50HI

xxzz1130 03/30 11:50是不是a5滷肉吃多了?

illya65536 03/30 11:50hi, bye

DickLoading 03/30 11:50Hi

harry881210 03/30 11:50print("hi")

GTX9080 03/30 11:51std::count<<“Hi”<<std::endl

s973311 03/30 11:51hi

EFERO 03/30 11:52system.outprintln("I am new here")

yl3218 03/30 11:53hi

xxsdd092 03/30 11:53hi

h920032 03/30 11:53print(“hello world”)

tmpss90105 03/30 11:54hi

goldcow513 03/30 11:54hello world

Rayyh 03/30 11:56優質文

MagniDei 03/30 11:56hi

misomochi 03/30 11:57分紅太多 瘋掉了

utahraptor 03/30 11:57哈囉你好嗎 衷心感謝 珍重再見

qqllaanndd 03/30 11:57Hi

cajole145 03/30 11:57

robertchun 03/30 11:57笑死

a558815 03/30 11:58Love

wwey2000j 03/30 11:58Hello world!!

wcws 03/30 11:59Hi

MinJun5566 03/30 11:59hi

HaHaPoint 03/30 12:00Hi Mabow ^Q^

adsqewads 03/30 12:00HI

Roger106 03/30 12:00Hi

somefatguy 03/30 12:00這裡是男童俱樂部

k3nt 03/30 12:01Yo

t52101t 03/30 12:01Hi

ericthree 03/30 12:01bye

gm3252 03/30 12:01Hi

faye8626 03/30 12:01hi

bqbq 03/30 12:02Hi I’m old here

lk2986706we 03/30 12:03Hello World

Finisterre 03/30 12:03hello world!

yamax 03/30 12:042

robin5339 03/30 12:042

weiflower52003/30 12:05hello

WaferID 03/30 12:05下去

pc0207119 03/30 12:05拿vivo應該4妹紙

qwer495 03/30 12:05hi

blake7899 03/30 12:06 hello

abola921 03/30 12:06我不會Hi 你的

nicoro 03/30 12:07nova

NormalOpen 03/30 12:07hi bro

chpen 03/30 12:07hi im old here

JenniferLope03/30 12:08Hi @@

kimibear 03/30 12:08Hello world

jaceda 03/30 12:08YA

windble 03/30 12:09hi~~~

WenliYang 03/30 12:09N

parkeryang 03/30 12:09sincerely

kennetharies03/30 12:09Hi

ddmanddman 03/30 12:10print(“hi”)

kidstyle17 03/30 12:10hihi

eric83610 03/30 12:10笑死

jacktsai124303/30 12:11hello world

k078787878 03/30 12:11笑死

rex00125 03/30 12:11hi

maxking3388 03/30 12:11hi

jayjaywoha 03/30 12:11display (“hi”)

hstf 03/30 12:11安安

chunyo0229 03/30 12:11Dear sir

f5130419 03/30 12:12guy

kidstyle17 03/30 12:12歡迎來地獄

bluesox 03/30 12:12有基本格式,後面有附上你的信箱 個人資料

orz811017 03/30 12:13hello world!!

louis81329 03/30 12:13阿龐豬豬農 也來簽簽

CowBaoGan 03/30 12:13Hello World

johney719 03/30 12:13hi hi

skylightwen 03/30 12:13hi

Mysex 03/30 12:14搭波砍縫

Birdbird 03/30 12:15Welcome on board

WWIII 03/30 12:15這邊規矩是新人皮炎要給大家幹

ads80531 03/30 12:16Hi

Edge5566 03/30 12:16這裡是三公分板 不是男同俱樂部

gibson87081103/30 12:16hi

MRFROG 03/30 12:16May shall

stl3 03/30 12:16GGWP

iamjust150 03/30 12:18Hello World.

ppc 03/30 12:19you got fired.

rosydark 03/30 12:19hi

ppc 03/30 12:19you got fired.

sy0928997 03/30 12:20Hi An An

adamsong 03/30 12:20這什麼學生手機?

alex1987 03/30 12:21hi

tomyou1234 03/30 12:21hi

wwwwc 03/30 12:21bye

MrCool5566 03/30 12:21hi :)

f12sd2e2aa 03/30 12:22hi socerer

leonora5674 03/30 12:23hi

unGeNe 03/30 12:23Hi

alsk1566 03/30 12:23Hello World

s678131 03/30 12:23Hi

ksuenjjr 03/30 12:23Hi

yolasiku 03/30 12:25蔡逼八

homebox0923 03/30 12:27至少加個BR吧

gaowei16 03/30 12:27Hi

Dkky 03/30 12:27how do you turn this on

gugeegee 03/30 12:27很可愛XD

wl01517915 03/30 12:28Hi

applejone 03/30 12:28Bye

silence0925 03/30 12:29hi

crazyanight 03/30 12:29Hi

ijk1 03/30 12:29沒加sir 失敗

cokellen 03/30 12:30Hi

waynepc 03/30 12:30Hello world

driver5566 03/30 12:30怎沒用Dear Sir

dnkofe 03/30 12:30笑了