[情報] 一則現任Zverev體能教練的評論

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Dalibor Sirola (Zverev's physical coach): "He is beginning to believe more and more".

Croatian Dalibor Sirola, head of performance at the Piatti Tennis Center and
who has been working with Alexander Zverev for just under a year, details thephysical capabilities of his player, who faces Daniil Medvedev in the
Australian Open semi-finals.
克羅埃西亞人Dalibor Sirola,Piatti網球中心的主管,和Zverev合作只不到一年,詳細總結了Z的身體狀況,而他的球員將要和Medvedev在澳網四強正面對決

Once again, he's spent a lot of time on the court, is that a long-term problem or do you think he's more ready to take it on today?

To be honest, I'd like him to play less, especially in the early rounds. He
could conserve energy when it counts most. But that's the way it is, it's
happened to him for many years. We've talked about it a lot. I said to him, "If you're going through this kind of scenario where you're spending a lot of
time on the court, we're going to have to put more emphasis on your stamina,
your endurance." And that's what we did in the off-season, which was very good, and he can build on that. I think he's in a much better physical state, even though he's played some long matches.

Does he have the physical condition to win a Grand Slam?

Of course he has. I'm not saying he didn't before. I've got a lot of
experience on the circuit, but I've never worked with someone with such an
athletic level. I'm talking strictly from a fitness point of view. For a guy
that tall, nearly 2 metres (1.98 m), to move that well, to have that much
power... It's amazing. Of course, from that point of view, he has the ability, but it's not all about the physical aspect.

He suffered a serious ankle injury at Roland Garros in 2022, where does he
stand today?

Sometimes, when he's in a state of extreme fatigue, he feels the right more
than the left because he's been injured, but we work on it every day with hisphysio and I'd say it's really behind him and he's no longer particularly
apprehensive about it.

Do you think it's possible to play Alcaraz, Medvedev and then Djokovic or

It's tough, but they're the best in the world. So if you want to win this type of tournament, you have to beat them. Of course it's going to be complicated, especially against Daniil. They've played each other so many times, they're
the same age, they know each other so well. It's not going to be a tennis
match, it's going to be a war. They've never played each other to the best offive sets, but they're used to playing very long matches (laughs). If they'reboth up to scratch physically, I'm expecting a huge battle. Daniil is also
very strong, and one of the toughest players on the tour.

How confident is Zverev in his body?

I think Sascha is starting to believe in it more and more. After yesterday's
match (against Alcaraz), he told us that he hadn't panicked after losing the
third set, that he felt OK and that he knew he could play for another two
hours if he had to. It's important to have that conviction. If you're afraid
of those potential extra hours of play, it doesn't help. If you're calm aboutit, on the other hand, it's a real plus. It's all about confidence, because at the end of the day you're on your own on the court."





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kawhizaza 01/26 08:55當年豆真的是靠球商拿第一盤

alpacaHong 01/26 09:08難怪聯合盃能夠打好打滿

b99202071 01/26 09:31本來以為會因為聯合盃累垮 真的沒想到澳網還能贏卡

vick6339 01/26 09:35法網沒有那一扭真的有機會

Gardenia060301/26 11:00法網那時真的以為他會贏

roubee 01/26 11:13那次法網真的強勢

maplestyle 01/26 11:25法網把我豆嚇出一身冷汗,難得看到豆在法網拼得這

maplestyle 01/26 11:25麼辛苦

wayne77925 01/26 11:26法網那場納豆累到在休息區發抖,可惜沒能完賽

jason10095 01/26 11:29打女人滾

wwwwwwww 01/26 11:30其實我一直覺得他那時候如果不是扭傷,贏面比納豆大

gp03dan 01/26 12:07那次沒受傷應該就是Rafa輸了,感覺

k7202001 01/26 12:08這隻打法真的越來越磨 看他比賽很痛苦

k7202001 01/26 12:08已經有一個阿梅了 不要再一個這類型的吧

k7202001 01/26 12:09歷年198的前十 犀利還是大菠蘿 都馬底線重砲

wwe619 01/26 12:10那場2盤沒打完就打了3小時

SURREALTMR 01/26 12:23不管誰贏,在決賽前都要盡快的充完電

hsltrans 01/26 13:08家暴案件五月要開庭了?

teriyahui 01/26 15:00沙夏加油

peanut7516 01/26 15:262022法網那場沒受傷贏的會是莎夏的依據是什麼?莎夏

peanut7516 01/26 15:26狀況好,但豆也沒那麼差好嗎…

kings5515 01/26 16:14那場豆領先一盤耶,沒受傷第二盤搶七還不一定好嗎?

kings5515 01/26 16:14FAA那場也很硬豆都撐過去了

kings5515 01/26 16:17豆那屆籤表就很硬,FAA那時候很威又有djo再來小Z那

kings5515 01/26 16:17冠含金量很高

unred 01/26 16:41沒 那場最難熬的是第一盤 但豆最後搶七神到不行

unred 01/26 16:41所以那場我是覺得就算打完 豆還是會險勝

unred 01/26 16:42不過那場的Z會讓豆超級煎熬沒錯

fb194854 01/26 19:44那場Z有小威脅到,但還是有送禮啦

KKevin5566 01/26 22:53我覺得小Z二盤可能拿下 但他會扭傷不是沒原因的 就

KKevin5566 01/26 22:54是發力跟跑動不穩了 豆其實還是很有經驗的 我認為